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afaik12 SM's and 9 POI's and Breach stuff to vendor at right side of larger hub segment. Near red square
Nice. Thanks for the info/help.
afaik12 SM's and 9 POI's and Breach stuff to vendor at right side of larger hub segment. Near red square
It's on top of a building...so look around the building.Right, but the thing is nowhere near the ladder. It's in the middle of a street.
I swear I've played for ~10 hours and still haven't gone to see my boss.
Is this the scientist ? Well there are lots of rubbish bins around that you can stack.Nevermind, I found another one next to the building.
Still not sure how to get into the apartment for SM3 though. It's literally a 2nd story balcony and there is nothing around to stack to try and climb except for a single dumpster.
Well any estimate is useless since you are playing faster than most, for me it took about 4 hours from there because I played stealth, explored a lot and tried for the best possible result. For you it'll probably be another 2 hours I guess.I feel like I have to be reaching the final stretch.
Tell me how far I am. I'm in Prague when it'sand my current late game mission, 16 hours or so in, is to infiltrateraining.the apartments of the mafia while the city is on lockdown
If someone can give me an estimate how many hours I have left it'd be great as tomorrow I plan to return the laptop I recently bought to Amazon due to false advertisement but I figured that with weekends shit not getitng shipped I might as well finish the game.
The invisible one you have at the start is a staple for a stealth playthrough. It also lets you run through lasers undetected.
Well any estimate is useless since you are playing faster than most, for me it took about 4 hours from there because I played stealth, explored a lot and tried for the best possible result. For you it'll probably be another 2 hours I guess.
Is thegoing to stay or can I do the side missions later?curfew
I am doing M13 right now
I've worked my way through the building and now at the door I need to enter. I see three ways in:
1- The door - can't hack in time because there is too many people around.
2 - A side vent which I can't access because its blocked by a box which I can't lift? (even though I have the aug.)
3 - Turn off the breaker and go through the blue pipe. But every time I get a searching status.
Does the game always go into a searching status no matter what?
I am doing M13 right now
I've worked my way through the building and now at the door I need to enter. I see three ways in:
1- The door - can't hack in time because there is too many people around.
2 - A side vent which I can't access because its blocked by a box which I can't lift? (even though I have the aug.)
3 - Turn off the breaker and go through the blue pipe. But every time I get a searching status.
Does the game always go into a searching status no matter what?
I am doing M13 right now
I've worked my way through the building and now at the door I need to enter. I see three ways in:
1- The door - can't hack in time because there is too many people around.
2 - A side vent which I can't access because its blocked by a box which I can't lift? (even though I have the aug.)
3 - Turn off the breaker and go through the blue pipe. But every time I get a searching status.
Does the game always go into a searching status no matter what?
Did youcall Miller?
I did. I looked online andthe alarm went off too on this guys video so whatever I will just continue stealthing through while everyone is searching
Unless I get an upgrade later... the game still has the problem ive felt in HR as in you have all these cool abilities, yet to chain them together to do cool shit, you need to biogel up, and biogel still is rare stuff.
Sure recharging your whole energy would break the game with cloaking but 1 'pip' is still too little to goof around.
Unless im missing some huge biogel stach.
Besides the shooting range, any other places that fill up your energy for free?
Yeah,that's supposedly is an automatic alert after you leave the room.
Man M14 right afterhow the heck am I going to go across the entire city unseen!
I got 24K credits and not much important to spend it on heh.
Man M14 right afterhow the heck am I going to go across the entire city unseen!
yeah that's the thing. The game doesn't have much to buy which is a shame. There aren't enough stores nor items.
Every weapon you can find. Ammo might be a good investment but I play stealth and non lethal, and I'm already swimming in non lethal ammo.
That I didn't know, fucking ace, thank you.
Right, but the thing is nowhere near the ladder. It's in the middle of a street.
Cohh Carnage just beat it and realised the endingwith Eliza reporting, basically acting as the tapestry in Fallout, which was pretty sorely missed in 4
At the first big either or scenario.
I went for Allison over doing the Bank. Who else did?
I did.I had already robbed the bank blind hours prior, the allison stuff was neat.
Could I have gotten everything from the bank before this mission kicked in, including all the data needed for Alex?
That's specific to the mission. It doesn't really end up mattering though.
I do miss out on a special assault rifle though. I'm going full no-kill, but still. Unless I get grab it later?
For those who robbed the bank, please tell me :
I robbed everything but the corporate vault, i find the way to the door behind the guard but i need the key, should i continue to search in the bank or it will come later, elsewhere ? (without spoilers please, thanks)
Oh my god the mapping in this game is so awful. I'm trying to find a certain someone on mission 7 and it keeps leading me in circles. This is so frustratingly stupid.
It is fucking bullshit. Basically, at the start of the mission, you need to call the other person than the one you didLate game spoilers - I've been doing a no alarm run and doing well but I got to theGARM facility and once I get passed the conversation with Chikane once you leave the first are an alarm triggers for absolutely no reason. No one sees me. No one hears me. Everything is hidden and shut off. I'm getting pretty fucking pissed. I cant find anyone triggering the alarm. I can't make it to the next destination fast enough.
Any advice?
It is fucking bullshit. Basically, at the start of the mission, you need to call the other person than the one you did
So I'm just fucked then? No way to restart this mission?
Real brilliant design decision to have a meaningless choice pop up that has effected nothing so far make it so my run is fucked without telling me why. God that pisses me off.