That's weird because I went pacifist for my playthrough and was thanked several times for being restrained.
What was the news story after going back to?Ruzicka Station
And what didsay to you?Talos Rucker
Both of mine said about killing people.
I don't get what they're doing with Adam's character. He COULD be interesting. His apartment in both games does a lot to humanize him, but none of that ever actually translates to how he interacts with people. Even in Human Revolution, when he finds out he was born in a lab and his parents were killed in an "accident," he strains as hard as he can not to show emotion. It's like he's on the brink of being a deconstruction of "grizzled white guy" but instead firmly adheres to it.
Maybe it's because I'm tired but I'm reading the biocell section of the aug trees and I'm confused...
Is there an upgrade that will increase the size of the auto-regen section on the energy bar? So that you get more energy from auto-regen?
Maybe it's because I'm tired but I'm reading the biocell section of the aug trees and I'm confused...
Is there an upgrade that will increase the size of the auto-regen section on the energy bar? So that you get more energy from auto-regen?
I just confirmed you cannot be seen by the final boss to get Foxiest. I'm sure this is no new revalation to the thread, but I thought it bears another confirmation.Well, just beat the game. Got my Pacifist trophy, but not Foxiest. I never got the tutorial that detailed alarms, so I'm quite befuddled. Does it count if the final boss sees you? Still, though, I know I never set off an alarm that I was actively aware of. Why Eidos didn't correct their previous mistake by putting in a stats page right in the game is beyond my comprehension.
Oh, and ending question.So, Alex Vega is Delara Auzenne? That was the impression I got when you see what is back of Vega's head as it turns into Delara's brown hair.
Wtf how did I miss this in Human Revolution?
The story on the other hand is 4x worse than HR. The racism angle completeley misses the mark and reeks of writers who know absoluteley nothing about historical racism from the point of view of the opressed.
Eidos is lucky they made the actual game as fun to play as it is, cuz the story is utter garbage so far.
Was this the conversation right before Hengsha?You have to do the sidequest Pritchard gives you and win the speech battle with Sarif. It's one of the hardest speech battles so I'm sure a lot of people gave up and moved right to Hengsha.
They're bad on Xbox too. Just running around in the middle of the second area causes big stutters. I can only imagine what it would be like if I decided to ghost everyone.The dips on PS4 are pretty bad.
"Look out beeeeeeelow. Aw shit, my pacifist trophy."PSA: Don't randomly chuck dumpsters over walls and stuff otherwise you might kill a cop.... or hit a random pedestrian while shoving a refrigerator through a window.
exactly 4x? thats very specific. i love the story so far, the racism and segregation angle works perfectly for me.
As much as I like the game I can agree with this. It needs a little levity and lightness sometimes, and ironically, some humanity. Adam could show it but often doesn't. There's a scene with Chikane where Adam is like "I haven't been getting a lot of sleep lately...." and it felt so good to see a little bit of personality from him. More of that would definitely be welcome. I know The Witcher III gets used as a comparison all the time but Geralt, for instance, plays the part of the gruff protagonist but in truth is just a man - he has feelings about people and can joke or laugh or be sarcastic.
Adam does this infrequently - wouldn't mind more of it if they're going to keep him as the protagonist going forward. Minor criticism though.
I took the side quest that is supposed to let me use those experimental augs without causing issues... Should have I waited to finish that quest before disabling a normal aug?
MankindDividedGAF, what are the first three upgrades I should get?
So how do I get rid of that pop-up???
I completed the tutorial and I actually disabled the Typhoon but the message won't go away.
Speaking of which... It really is permanent? So there's no way to ever re-enable the disabled aug?
Once you complete that side mission later in the game, you'll be back to normal don't worry.
Imo for stealthy playthrough:
Vision cones, Invisibility 1, Hacking level 2.
The battery speed and cd rates are good to have for takedown, hacking is useful but DAMN expensive, I recommend getting strength/jumping/wall smash quickly as well because they open up almost all of the side routes in the game.
i had this. it disappeared once i talked to a named person. I talked to the gun dealer in the apartment place.
For another side mission:
When looking through Daria's apartment in SM11, what are you supposed to see in the telescope
The thing I love is that the status of the world is pretty static. The dudes i knocked out at my apartment at the beginning of the game stay knocked out.
Sure does making navigatingRainy Prague easier once you cleared out some cops.
I don't get what they're doing with Adam's character. He COULD be interesting. His apartment in both games does a lot to humanize him, but none of that ever actually translates to how he interacts with people. Even in Human Revolution, when he finds out he was born in a lab and his parents were killed in an "accident," he strains as hard as he can not to show emotion. It's like he's on the brink of being a deconstruction of "grizzled white guy" but instead firmly adheres to it.
I went back to an earlier save to try out the othermissionChurch of the MachineGod
Lol, right from the start before you even enter, all you need to do is stack a bunch of bins on top of each other and jump to her window skipping the entire thing. I love this game XD
Hmm, I thought this was one of the more immersion breaking parts of the game. Enemies are like freaking snowhite, just laying around there forever, sleeping, waiting for a prince to come by and wake them with a kiss.
You can't even wake them lol.
So how many missions are total? I'm about to head toLondon.
Wonder if I can finish the game tomorrow.
Did you kill or makeleave in (aforementioned location)Gallois?Golem City
Have not had issue like that so far, but in DXHR I had to replay the entire Montreal section over due to Malik never leaving the damn helipad. Out of habit, I alternative between two hard saves, and then leave one as fallback each time I'm done playing. The biggest issue I've had so far is sometimes the train loading screens never actually load the next area. You just get the cut scene endlessly while nothing happens.Sorry if this has been mentioned but I think my game on PS4 is screwed. Everytime I go to board the chopper to go to Golem city my game crashes. I just tried 3 times in a row and all did the same thing...
wheres the PS4 theme on OST sample DLC? Says it comes with the game on PSN. can't find it anywhere.