I'm confused this seems like such a random thing to say. Okay great you think a different game will be better. I mean shit there is almost always a better game on the horizon.
I honestly feel that there would be a higher chance that DX would grab me if it didn't have any story at all. Because the story is there I feel obligated to read notes and listen to dialogue, but I get so bored when doing so that I'm half asleep by the time there's some gameplay. I know it's probably worse at the beginning than it is later in a game, but it kind of ruined the whole experience for me to the point where I don't know if I'm going to bother playing it again...
it's a slow/crappy starter, and for the most part the 'main story' is a tiny portion of the game. I (and many people here) spent 10+ hours doing other stuff after the tutorial prologue just exploring and doing side quests without touching the main stuff.
If all the writing in the game bores you, best trade it in or refund it if you can. Probably not your thing.
I've constructed two box forts in order to hack vendors locked doors and sell their own stuff back to them.Oh wow, if you're patient enough to play some Jenga with boxes, you can do the Ruzicka station without ever seeing a guard. Love this game.
I think Fallout 4's problem is not that it's voiced but rather that the writing itself is bad leading to situations where the character does and says things that the player doesn't really want to (such as the motivation for the main character being trying to find his/her child when the player obviously doesn't feel that way).There is a place for both.
Fallout 4 is infinitely worse for being voiced for example.
Is that why that keeps happening at the shooting range? It does it to me on Xbox every time I finish it.
I guess I'm gonna have to dump a load of shit next time I try it. I'm curious to see if that's a fix for it.
Those are amazing but they distinctively sound computerised while the trend these days is for orchestral scores. Michael McCann is pretty dope anyways, overall I like his music more than the original game's.How amazing would it be if the next game used Mod Tracker music (or recreated that style), in the same way DX1 did.
I still can't get over the music from the original
(Amazing video btw, basically all of DX1's music in one video)
I've constructed two box forts in order to hack vendors locked doors and sell their own stuff back to them.
I drew their guards outside and into bathrooms before putting a box by the door so they couldn't get back out/in.
Fort Sneaky Hack is go.
Nice. Thanks.It does work. You just have to dump every single thing out of your inventory onto the ground, or the crash will persist. You can pick it all back up after you're done in the shooting range after you're done...provided some of it doesn't wig out on you and fall through the floor.
Yeah, I remember an interview with Warren Spector where he talked about how they tried to make JC sound as generic as possible so that you could sort of insert in the character you wanted. Sort of like a silent protagonist that's not silent. Even with that I feel like I got more insight into JC then I ever have with Adam.
Deus Ex is an RPG with action and stealth mechanics, Dishonored is a stealth-action game with RPG elements. They're similar, and they're in close enough proximity that I can understand the comparison, but they can't really be judged on the exact same scales.
I'm around 15 hours into Mankind Divided. So far, I have two big problems with Mankind Divided.
1. In comparison to the first game, the new cast is dull as dirt. The personality just isn't there. The majority of the new faces are gruff military badasses that look like they'd be right at home in a Call of Duty game. Worse that that though is Jensen himself, who feels like he is sleepwalking through the game. In the first game he had a lot of personal stakes in the plot. Here Jensen often seems just short of shrugging at the madness around him.
2. There aren't that many new augments, and if you're gonna do a stealth playthrough, then most of them are going to be useless to you. Outside of awkwardly tackling race issues, the game is pretty safe to be honest. It feels like a game that should be out 2 years after Human Revolution.
Hacking computers got boring fast too. Most contained mundane emails like "watch your mail limit". .. great !
I kind of wish we saw more like those in MD. There were some great inner business ones sent between colleagues in HR. I felt like in MD there weren't enough funny or interesting emails to read. There were far too many obscure back-story or run of the mill 'heres a code' ones.
Best addition was the personalised security options and the messenger chat you could use. Absolutely loved those, want to see them back in the next one.
I Googled the pharmacy in game to find out something.
For something at the end
Should I not have the kill switch on me if I don't want to kill him but instead incapacitate? Should I drop the kill switch so I don't actually kill him?
You need manually trigger it.
So I can have it sit in my inventory and do nothing with it? I have to actually equip it to use it correct?
JC's voice is only good for unintentional comedy.
Deus Ex is an RPG with action and stealth mechanics, Dishonored is a stealth-action game with RPG elements. They're similar, and they're in close enough proximity that I can understand the comparison, but they can't really be judged on the exact same scales.
So, um, just finished thesidequest. Do we ever find out who thefade to blackbelongs to and what happened exactly?red stiletto
I was doing just the main story missions but after I read on here how good the side missions were I decided to check them out, and I'm glad I did. I can't believe the bank mission isn't a main story mission because it's the most fun I've had so far
Look for dataslip under the body, fills some gaps
I don't think it answered the question on who was the woman that he fell for though? Or did I miss something?
Should I keep watching the TV until it ends or will it never end at the end of the game? Will it give an achievement if I watch it all?
Wish the tv's in game were louder, or had subtitles or something. I feel like there is important lore building stuff on there but idk if its my speaker setup, but i can only hear muffles.
Trust GAF to deconstruct what is a very good game and shit on it from great height.Do not come to this game expecting Dishonor speed run feats.
Story is boring, nothing is really 'exciting'. its basically an old school pc rpg of sorts.
crouch walk around, and hack stuff for 20 hours.
Yeah, this. I love both, but Dishonored doesn't scratch the RPG itch like Deus Ex does, at all.
I fucking knew it! The ending theme song is by Misha Mansoor. Knew his guitar work anywhere. He's the guitarist from Periphery.
I fucking knew it! The ending theme song is by Misha Mansoor. Knew his guitar work anywhere. He's the guitarist from Periphery.