Hacking a turret and then picking it up and walking around pointing it at enemies, letting it act as a shield and automatic weapon, is the best
The best part of it is that you're still a pacifist.
Hacking a turret and then picking it up and walking around pointing it at enemies, letting it act as a shield and automatic weapon, is the best
thats a little overboard lol
The best part of it is that you're still a pacifist.
The best part of it is that you're still a pacifist.
Carrying a hacked turret around to kill everyone for you is genius though, I'm definitely going to do that sometime.
Seriously? I just completed a pacifist run. Im going full lethal now.
That sounds like (yet another) bug. All the infolink conversations are fully vocalised.Does anyone else think it's weird how you can hear Adam's voice but not the people talking to him on his comm-link?
This is exactly how I feel. I'm also surprised with people loving Prague, I'm hating it at the moment.I can't get into this game. It just seems so slow and boring.
I spend myself walking around limited hubs, with nothing to do. They don't feel like toy boxes with distractions, but just turgid spaces that I have to walk through just to get to the next mission.
And, when that mission comes, it involves intolerable and long cutscenes with characters seemingly made of plastic.
The game design and animation just seems so mid 2000s.
Am I missing something? Does it get better?
If you are playing on PS4 and have your DS4 speakers off then that happens, either turn it on or switch the info link speakers fromDS4 to television.Been pretty bored so far. Not sure how the cover system is less intuitive than gears of war was over 8 years ago. The exploration is really cool though, I just really don't enjoy the combat. I was going to do a ghost run but since I wasn't given enough ammo for my tranq rifle, it become too much of a chore. Still one of the best AAAs to come out this year, but that's a pretty low standard.
Does anyone else think it's weird how you can hear Adam's voice but not the people talking to him on his comm-link?
Do I need to clean out the bank before I head off tothe first time?Golem City
I saw a comment thread somewhere that fixated on whether Adam still had functioning male junk. It's juvenile, but it speaks to how disconnected we are from his psychology - we don't even know if he's been effectively neutered by his transformation. And if not, we don't know whether he's sexually active, or whether he's so weirded out by everything that he's become celibate.
I think it's all story at this point. It's difficult for me to differentiate what story beats (including side quests) have potential of being good. I was unsure about this game to begin with so it's just a rental. I'm not upset, just wondering if I should force myself to stick with it. It sounds like I shouldn't![]()
Pretty damn sure it's been mentioned that he is only augmented from his knee and down.In his apartment if you shower you can pretty clearly see that he's all-aug from the belly-down.
No sexing for Jensen, I'm afraid.
It was a bit harrowing to notice and for me, actually did provide some insight into the character. I fully agree that he is a bit of a wet fart, though.
Yeah TBH the story is so un-gripping in this one it's actually funny. I can't believe how turgid they made almost every piece of dialogue. There are moments where it's like "yeah, this is cool" but they come like once an hour at most.
Good thing the gameplay is great.
Not in Mankind Divided.Pretty damn sure it's been mentioned that he is only augmented from his knee and down.
His erection is augmentedJensen can probably have fun, but he will be rock hard all the time.
So in Ch. 14/15
is it possible to save both Brown and the delegates as well as stop the bombs?
So in Ch. 14/15
is it possible to save both Brown and the delegates as well as stop the bombs?
So in Ch. 14/15
is it possible to save both Brown and the delegates as well as stop the bombs?
Try as much, and despite being a huge fan of the series, I just cannot get into this game. There's fun buried in there but I just do not care about anything. It's so flat and dull and zzzzzzz. I don't even care about Prague, despite recognising how many cool secrets the hub has, and its impressive density. Nothing has a presence, and I feel no weight or brevity to the locations, the writing, the cast, and the direction. Like even Prague doesn't feel "Deus Ex" to me, just a weird mish mash of artist dreamy trendy European cyberpunk-lite design. I feel no sense of it being a society impacted by a major event. I feel no authenticity or commitment to a strong thematic vision. I'm gonna keep trying to get into it but I'm really, really disappointed in my own reaction.
Try as much, and despite being a huge fan of the series, I just cannot get into this game. There's fun buried in there but I just do not care about anything. It's so flat and dull and zzzzzzz. I don't even care about Prague, despite recognising how many cool secrets the hub has, and its impressive density. Nothing has a presence, and I feel no weight or brevity to the locations, the writing, the cast, and the direction. Like even Prague doesn't feel "Deus Ex" to me, just a weird mish mash of artist dreamy trendy European cyberpunk-lite design. I feel no sense of it being a society impacted by a major event. I feel no authenticity or commitment to a strong thematic vision. I'm gonna keep trying to get into it but I'm really, really disappointed in my own reaction.
Hi! Can anyone help me with a rough guide as to how long I have left:
Just got back from the GARM facility. It's raining, and Prague is in lockdown.
You have to get them both done in a certain amount of time, I read somewhere around 10 minutes but I finished at around 7 thanks to conveniently placed floor ducts on your way tosave the delegates. If you plan on fighting Marchenko instead of using the kill switch you should go for the delegates first.
So it's actually timed? Good to know for a next playthrough. Are there any other situations that are timed? Like is going to savethe bomb maker and rob the bank doable?
So it's actually timed? Good to know for a next playthrough. Are there any other situations that are timed? Like is going to savethe bomb maker and rob the bank doable?
You have to get them both done in a certain amount of time, I read somewhere around 10 minutes but I finished at around 7 thanks to conveniently placed floor ducts on your way tosave the delegates. If you plan on fighting Marchenko instead of using the kill switch you should go for the delegates first.
I believe you get everything Jensen is carrying, money, Praxis kits and unlocked skills. My apartment storage reset. I think leveling for Praxis kits resets to its original lower value too.What transfer within a NG+? Literally everything? Your money, your inventory and your aug skills? So you can actually get every aug skills during a NG+ playthrough?
I'm a little miffed about the start of this game. Getting dropped into the city it seemed I was about to be given the freedom of choice but if anything it's all an illusion still right now. The amount of options are limiting since you're stuck in this phase of your AUG's being screwed up and it's going on a bit long to be honest.
Then there's just situations that make no sense. For instance I'm currently doing theat the start andpapers questconfronting the dude leaves me surrounded by 4 guys armed and ready to shoot, with nowhere to take cover in time without dying. Essentially I have to pay up or let him go about his business.
I'm a little miffed about the start of this game. Getting dropped into the city it seemed I was about to be given the freedom of choice but if anything it's all an illusion still right now. The amount of options are limiting since you're stuck in this phase of your AUG's being screwed up and it's going on a bit long to be honest.
Then there's just situations that make no sense. For instance I'm currently doing theat the start andpapers questconfronting the dude leaves me surrounded by 4 guys armed and ready to shoot, with nowhere to take cover in time without dying. Essentially I have to pay up or let him go about his business.
So it's actually timed? Good to know for a next playthrough. Are there any other situations that are timed? Like is going to savethe bomb maker and rob the bank doable?