What happened to Sarif's voice? - it sounded like someone else completely.
Original VO actor went literally nuts little after HR was released. Blamed Illuminati for his failed marriage, acting career and how they are following him etc.
What happened to Sarif's voice? - it sounded like someone else completely.
As a 40k fan, I really love the Cult of the Machine.
Original VO actor went literally nuts little after HR was released. Blamed Illuminati for his failed marriage, acting career and how they are following him etc.
Are you saying stuff in your three storage vaults in Jensen's apartment can disappear? Or was the ammo just on the floor?I noticed all the ammo I was hoarding in Casa de Jensen vanished after the tranisition to night time.
11 hours played now still only finished 1 main mission. Am i normal ?
The negative reactions the whole microtransaction stuff is completely unwarranted. People are being ridiculous and this game seriously doesn't deserve the hate its getting from a small minority of haters. First of all, the game can be played completely without paying any extra money. Secondly, most players wouldnt have even noticed they were there if it wasnt for the outcry of hate.
So what if the publisher added extra bonuses if you want them, Hell, it helps support the devs if people do decide to purchase any of them. The only part that does seem a little suspect is the whole one time use preorder/season pass stuff. Yea it sucks but they transfer over when you play the new game + so it really doesnt matter if you used them already.
Really digging this game. The stealth options instantly hooked me, as they did with HR. I think I prefer HR overall though. It had a cooler neon yellow and black cyber aesthetic that's missing from Prague and I prefer the levels from that game too, but MD is still very satisfying. Not a huge fan of the story this time around either but if it's the start of something bigger, I can give it a pass.
It was on the floor. I will have to use the vaults going forward. Thankfully, nothing really important.Are you saying stuff in your three storage vaults in Jensen's apartment can disappear? Or was the ammo just on the floor?
The negative reactions the whole microtransaction stuff is completely unwarranted. People are being ridiculous and this game seriously doesn't deserve the hate its getting from a small minority of haters. First of all, the game can be played completely without paying any extra money. Secondly, most players wouldnt have even noticed they were there if it wasnt for the outcry of hate.
So what if the publisher added extra bonuses if you want them, Hell, it helps support the devs if people do decide to purchase any of them. The only part that does seem a little suspect is the whole one time use preorder/season pass stuff. Yea it sucks but they transfer over when you play the new game + so it really doesnt matter if you used them already.
Really digging this game. The stealth options instantly hooked me, as they did with HR. I think I prefer HR overall though. It had a cooler neon yellow and black cyber aesthetic that's missing from Prague and I prefer the levels from that game too, but MD is still very satisfying. Not a huge fan of the story this time around either but if it's the start of something bigger, I can give it a pass.
Original VO actor went literally nuts little after HR was released. Blamed Illuminati for his failed marriage, acting career and how they are following him etc.
The negative reactions the whole microtransaction stuff is completely unwarranted. People are being ridiculous and this game seriously doesn't deserve the hate its getting from a small minority of haters. First of all, the game can be played completely without paying any extra money. Secondly, most players wouldnt have even noticed they were there if it wasnt for the outcry of hate.
So what if the publisher added extra bonuses if you want them, Hell, it helps support the devs if people do decide to purchase any of them. The only part that does seem a little suspect is the whole one time use preorder/season pass stuff. Yea it sucks but they transfer over when you play the new game + so it really doesnt matter if you used them already.
I kind of like the difference, though. HR was dark and gritty. It's a nice change to explore a city in the daytime.
Well it's not like HR was totally set in night time.ibn Saïd;215193504 said:i disagree. the first prague visit screamed identity crisis to me and as a result it felt... not right. don't get me wrong, the visual design is amazing, a lot of half life vibes, and dishonored as well (but i suppose that was a lot like half life 2 as well) but it just wasn't deus ex in my book.
to me, deus ex has always been about conspiracies when most of the masses were asleep, that's what i find so exhilarating about this series. it all happens at night.
it wasn't until some missions laterwhere the hub is absolutely beautiful. such a shame they didn't start with it.you return to prague in the evening
Original VO actor went literally nuts little after HR was released. Blamed Illuminati for his failed marriage, acting career and how they are following him etc.
He went too far with the method acting i think lol. Kinda sad for that dude.Original VO actor went literally nuts little after HR was released. Blamed Illuminati for his failed marriage, acting career and how they are following him etc.
The new Sharif's "Aaaadaaam!!" game is weak.
As relatively good as this game is ... It wasn't worth waiting 5 years ....
Witcher 3 was released 3 years only after 2 and it's five times the game DEMD is . Think about it .
This game , content wise , is worth 2 years TOPS of production .
Their Deus Ex Universe thing better it off in the end.
I think Square Enix got a hard on when they saw how well Ass Creed was doing and they wanted something similar except AC crashed before DEMD was even released lol.
I am not ...
Disappointing story and not enough content for the damn 5 years wait.
5 years should be enough to produce a fucking masterpiece.
Witcher 3 fulfilled all my expectations and more.
Do you realize how long 5 years is ? a 5 year long development ?!
Most games don't even get half ! That's insane !
Most great games take three years to produce.
This game is just a little above average.
Anyway, thanks to Jim Sterling we know what happened.
They better not take more than two years to bring the sequel ...
The Witcher 3 is the new standard according to which I shall judge all games from now on.
DOOM for example is a game that is much above average. Dark Souls 3 too. Bloodborne is GOAT material. DEMD is just ok.
With anti consumer moves like cutting a game in half to sell two games, DLC, Denuvo etc comes entitlement.
Also read the lengthy review just above to better understand my point of view.
It doesn't really matter though.
The longer a sequel takes to come out, the higher the expectations will be.
Imagine for a second if Half Life 3 was announced. It would have to be the GOTY to not disappoint most fans.
You have the strangest sentence structure.I don't care about Half Life so it was just used as an example.
But it's not really naive. It's jus the truth. I've been on Gaf long enough to understand how hype works. And trust me, the longer a game takes to come out, the more demanding the players will be.
Well it's not like HR was totally set in night time.
Games are very expensive to make these days. $60 or £50 is still not enough, especially considering that amount is worth far less today than it did back when games were actually cheap to make due to how simple they were.
IF the developers can come up a way to include microtransactions for those willing to pay and yet have a game that does not feel affected by it at all then I'd say any negative reaction to it is a knee jerk overreaction.
P.S. (As a side note please do not cite Witcher 3 as an example of a game that provides more at the same price, firstl TW3 is an exception to the norm, secondly CDPR is based in Poland they can afford to keep things cheap and yet TW3 cost them tens of millions. You can bet that if it was made in a NA, Japan or Western Europe it would have cost a lot more.)
Upper hengsha and the last level disagree with youibn Saïd;215194791 said:yes it was... not in a single night, granted, because (dxhr), but it was all at night.jensen was in the pod for 3 days when he stranded in singapore
Tai Yong Medical was day time and so was the last level.ibn Saïd;215194791 said:yes it was... not in a single night, granted, because (dxhr), but it was all at night.jensen was in the pod for 3 days when he stranded in singapore
Upper hengsha and the last level disagree with you
Tai Yong Medical was day time and so was the last level.
What happened to Sarif's voice? - it sounded like someone else completely.[/INDENT]
What's the game like regarding invisible walls? What I liked about the original is that there didn't appear to be any invisble walls so with the right augs and world objects you could really explore, however in HR there was loads so it felt really restrictive
The screenshot I posted two posts earlier shows one. There is no way to get across the fence, at least not with little story progress I made so far and I doubt it changes later on.
Upper hengsha was pretty much finished they just said they couldn't cone up with a means to make the player stay there quest/story wise. It was Montreal that they thought of as another hub but simply couldn't make it in time.ibn Saïd;215196423 said:ah, i forgot about tai yong. which is pretty inconsistent coming to think of it, because when you enter it from lower hengsha it's nighttime. so unless it takes half a day to get to the top, it should have been dark.
(also, it reminds me of the dev commentaries in the director's cut, where they said they actually wanted to do another hub for upper hengsha)
as for panchaea i don't really count it setting wise, it was just there for the endings. i think the devs agree because the pacifist/foxiest of the hounds achievements etc. pop up before you even arrive in panchaea.
Wouldn't you just get stuck behind that if there was no invisible wall to stop you?
Wait what? Links? I need to hear more about this.
Also yeah, I miss Sariff and Sariff industries. Such an awesome hub, company, character, idea, etc.
Loved it.
Question about Mission 12Any major difference on whether I go to the bank of save Stanek's daughter?
Is there anything I can do about the (around mission 9 or 10)I talked to people around it because it seemed like it should be a side quest but I didn't get anything.crime scene in the alley near my apartment?