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Developers remove games from Steam over Valve's Black Lives Matter silence

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Valve says maybe three words a year so how is this surprising to anyone much less this developer?
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BLM likely started from an honest place but now seems to be a money-making scheme.

It didn't, it spawned out of the idea that some guy who tried to grab a cops gun and shoot him and then charged him actually had his hands up and cried for the officers to not shoot. Also the Trayvon Martin incident where someone who wasn't even a cop killed a thug in self defense. Basically BLM is trying to say you should allow black people to kill you, rob you and rape you.


Gold Member
So he's gonna reject those $1000/month just because? Yeah, no one is baking him, sure... of course LMAO.

Whoever is behind this shit cannot let a inch of the world not kneeling, godammit...
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.... But why? Big companies arent pulling their games from steam and neither should small developers.

I can only think that's it's a publicity stunt designed to make nobodies somebodies.

Problem with this is once again. THESE people don't play games!!!
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Those individuals should feel embarassed and a little nauseated about themselves only.
Thinking you are fighting the good figh while literally ruining the world and societies all over the planet beyond repair requires a lack of intellect so outstanding i honestly didn’t think was possible. They are proving humans haven’t changed one bit since past centuries, if not just overall dumber and with no values whatsoever on sight. So depressing.
When i was a kid racism didn’t even existed in our brains, we only recognized the individual and not the race, now it’s all about the fucking race, it’s all about schizofrenic behaviors, it’s all about fascist tactics.
I can’t even imagine what the many people of african origins ‘ive met in my life who were just amazing individuals i admired are thinking about of all this, about becoming mere tools in the hands of disturbed spoiled childs, associated with literal criminals just because of skin pigmentation and supposed genetic common traits. A century of REAL progress down the fucking toilet.

Social engineers should be proud of themselves.


I am a virgin
Here's a list of the games from the devs in the article if you wanted to add it to the OP

Jettomero: Hero of the Universe
Positive reviews

Positive reviews

1 review; is a demo, does not list full system requirements

Mixed reviews, XP and up? I can see a few reasons for that, say, China VERY large untapped markets that still use XP...

EDIT: Bruh, automattically formatting my links, fuck me that was a task
Only a sith deals in absolutes.
Don't make me call Darth Kermit up in this shit
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They realize all these corporate statements are completely empty, right? Like they’re not doing it out of a belief in the statements they’re doing it out of a “please buy my product” approach.
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Congrats to him, he only has himself to blame (Well, maybe parents/schooling was the start of the problem...), he lost his livelihood because he interprets the world like an idiot.

Guys, please raise your children properly, if you don't know what "properly" means DM me your children and I'll raise them for you.


Off-Site Inflammatory Member
Any black developers doing this or is it just the whitie's speaking on their behalf again

vir·tue sig·nal·ing


  1. the action or practice of publicly expressing opinions or sentiments intended to demonstrate one's good character or the moral correctness of one's position on a particular issue.
    "it's noticeable how often virtue signaling consists of saying you hate things"
It's refreshing when companies *don't* attach to public momentum in a self-serving manner. Let them be what they are - businesses engaged in making money - not voices of faux justice.


Why do they need a damn video game store to agree with their politics

Like it’s just a store lmao

Its better to just laugh at it as you do, rather than get worked up. Widespread behaviour like this was unheard of even 10 years ago, these people actually think they are in a "war" so they are acting irrationally.

Your comment already said this basically but I just want to repeat it to show how nuts it is:

This guy chose to not have an income and possibly not be able to buy food for him, his family or pay his rent/mortgage (unlikely, but who knows really) because a digital games store refused to take a stand against a highly-contested, societal "issue" that evidence doesn't support.

I'm reminded part in a book I read recently where the author had an account with a bank and they started heavily supporting LGBT movement with instore banners and colouring everywhere and he said "Yeah, thats great and all, but I'm more concerned with whether I can get an overdraft on my account".

lmao, its the same thing here, its just so irrelevant to what Steam are doing as a business for them to comment on this.


The thing I don't understand is how much power a "statement" can have for some people. A lot of companies have provided a statement, sure, but how does anyone know if those words truly have any merit or weight to them? For all we know, every single company that's made a statement couldn't give less of a shit about anyone that isn't them. Some people want to see the effort, sure, I get that. But just because a company hasn't said anything at all shouldn't automatically make them the enemy. Radicals exist on all sides.
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