I was thinking the same.I think that when this thread is moved to Community is a good transition moment for an Action Games Thread.
I was thinking the same.I think that when this thread is moved to Community is a good transition moment for an Action Games Thread.
Damn, the art section has a LOT of concept art from when DMC was still an RE game. A lot of what the enemies looked like before their redesigns and stuff. So good.
What? There's an art gallery? That sounds great!
Why isn't that in the OP??? Are there any other neat bonuses?
DMC3 is pretty much an example of a game that was molded extensively through fan feedback. Even through the alpha stages the game was put under a microscope because no one wanted a repeat of DMC2. E3 trailer 2k4 trailer and demo while hype inducing also had some issues that had some fans worried and there was a Capcom representative known as Ben Judd who was constantly taking feedback. Since it was a team which wasn't that expert at making DMC, they were sort of lost on some of the more finer details in the game.
So I finished DMC1 and DMC2 on normal, now starting DMC3 on hard. DMC3 really benefits a lot from the HD collection. I remember DMC3 having a lot of aliasing issues on the PS2, now they are mostly gone. Looks really nice. Let's you appreciate some of the visual design (both technically and artistically) a lot more.
This port collection is a fucking hackjob, holy shit. As far as I can tell you can't even get back to the game selection after you make a choice. What the fuck?
How does the save anywhere function work in dmc1? I just farmed a shitton of orbs and I need to go somewhere.
Wow. It takes you all of 10 seconds to hit your PSN or Guide button to exit to dash. As far as I know, it's pretty universal for these collections to force you to reload the game. Except the MGS Collection, I think. But even in that one, they removed the option in an update for some reason in Peacewalker.
If you use the save from the options menu in game it will save all your orbs, but you will have to restart the chapter if you load the save, you'll still keep the orbs though.
Farm away.![]()
Do I have to complete dmc2 with Dante and the new chick? I'm not sure what the deal is with both characters.
This port collection is a fucking hackjob, holy shit. As far as I can tell you can't even get back to the game selection after you make a choice. What the fuck?
This port collection is a fucking hackjob, holy shit. As far as I can tell you can't even get back to the game selection after you make a choice. What the fuck?
Do I have to complete dmc2 with Dante and the new chick? I'm not sure what the deal is with both characters.
Third. I have the MGS collection which I tried and could go back to the menu in the parts I had tried. And Sly Cooper which I guess you can't go back (I misremembered apparently as I thought you were able to.)Your first HD collection?
I think I broke my thumb fighting Infested Chopper. Nothing but mashing shoot, but that thing had ridiculous amounts of health. DTing and flying into its face barely even did anything.
I have no idea how DMC2 is so bad, and this is my first time. I can't even imagine how it would have felt to get this game on launch after DMC1. I just did mission 15, it took 25 minutes because it's just a big looping rehash of the first stage where you have to find 4 orbs, and I could not for the life of my figure out where it was. I had to actually DT and fly up on a random building to see it floating in midiar. And that entire stage was loaded with flying enemies and goat things...there's so much aeriel focus on the combat in 2, but you have NO MOVES in midair besides a kick > downslash, or just the downslash. What the fuck.
How many chapters in DMC1?
Time has not been kind to DMC2. Back then I thought it was mediocre, now I just think it's flat out bad. The fact that it's now on the same disc as DMC1 and 3 is not doing it any favors either. What a hilarious contrast that is.
I forgot how much I really like DMC2 Dante's character design despite everything else.
Thanks. I think I can do it...I'm not really a marathon gamer, but this game is gold and it's hard to stop.
Time has not been kind to DMC2. Back then I thought it was mediocre, now I just think it's flat out bad. The fact that it's now on the same disc as DMC1 and 3 is not doing it any favors either. What a hilarious contrast that is.
DMC2 is worse than what most people get credit for. It is just a bad game flat out, I don't even give it praise for being a "middling action game". It is not a middling action game, it is just flat out bad.
Back then, DMC1 and 2 were the only games in this genre so there wasn't much to compare it to. Ninja Gaiden and God of War hadn't come out yet. If a game that played exactly like DMC2 came out today, it would get absolutely eviscerated by fans and media. Ninja Gaiden 3 isn't nearly as bad and it got destroyed.
Finished DMC2. Should I play through as Lucia?
Finished DMC2. Should I play through as Lucia?
Finished DMC2. Should I play through as Lucia?
Have you done absolutely everything else in the collection?
Does it help to make the narrative less shit?
No I am saying that DMC2 sucks so bad that I recommend you play and master DMC1 & DMC3 before playing anymore DMC2. If your looking for any sort of narrative you picked up the wrong video games.
I've never seen a game having less of a coherent story. Ever. Scenes and levels have literally no buildup. Make absolutely no sense.
I've never seen a game having less of a coherent story. Ever. Scenes and levels have literally no buildup. Make absolutely no sense.
I haven't played these yet but do they give Vanquish a run for it's money in lack of coherency?
Someone asked me what order the DMC games go in.
and I said 3, 1, 2, 4 but then started wondering, dmc4 Dante and dmc2 Dante are sooo different. Barely seem like the same people.
Is it safe to assume that DMC2 now exists in it's own alternate universe? (aka - retconned)
unless DMC2 took place *after* dmc4, which would be weird, since dmc4 dante looks older(?) but it would make more sense personality wise.
What happens to Trish though? She's not in 2 at all.
Oh and which style is best for DMC3? I heard Royal Guard.
Someone asked me what order the DMC games go in.
and I said 3, 1, 2, 4 but then started wondering, dmc4 Dante and dmc2 Dante are sooo different. Barely seem like the same people.
Is it safe to assume that DMC2 now exists in it's own alternate universe? (aka - retconned)
unless DMC2 took place *after* dmc4, which would be weird, since dmc4 dante looks older(?) but it would make more sense personality wise.
Someone asked me what order the DMC games go in.
and I said 3, 1, 2, 4 but then started wondering, dmc4 Dante and dmc2 Dante are sooo different. Barely seem like the same people.
Is it safe to assume that DMC2 now exists in it's own alternate universe? (aka - retconned)
unless DMC2 took place *after* dmc4, which would be weird, since dmc4 dante looks older(?) but it would make more sense personality wise.
What happens to Trish though? She's not in 2 at all.
Oh and which style is best for DMC3? I heard Royal Guard.
What happens to Trish though? She's not in 2 at all.
Oh and which style is best for DMC3? I heard Royal Guard.