What happened?
I'm just done.
I'm terrible, it wasn't worth streaming too much really.
What happened?
Aye, out of the two times I tried Vortex when Mundus twirled towards me, only once did I inflict damage without taking it myself. I think you have to time it so that you emerge from Mundus at the end of the Vortex animation.if If you stop Vortex while he's still in the motion of going through the screen (for lack of better wording), you'll take damage.
Hard to explain haha. Gotta try it again myself.
I can't get the Sin Scythes to do their umbrella ability (and the attack that comes after it) or their circling technique. Tried to get two batches of Sin Scythes to do this but to no avail.
I'm just done.
I'm terrible, it wasn't worth streaming too much really.
The battle was so daunting for me - but once you guys reminded me of the vortex and the critical hit chance it becomes so much more manageable. Dare I say it's almost possible now for me to actually finish the first phase of the battle without damage.
The second phase is a bit daunting now though - seems more like a test of endurance as the method is pretty sound. I noticed killing the dragon Mundus summons actually regenerates quite a bit of your health - anyone know if there's a way to bait the dragon out? =P Or any tips at all for that final battle?
Kill all the Sin Scythes in a room except for one or two, then pop off E&I shots every now and again. Sometimes it takes a really long time, but they'll eventually circle and do the umbrella move.
All of this has made me look into the DmC stuff a bit closer because I really do want more of this series' gameplay. 30 fps will be a damn hard pill to swallow though, even if the combat turns out really good.
"I dont get it, I make DMC3 my bitch on any difficulty including DMD but I the first Nelo Angelo battle in DMC1 gave me a game over on NORMAL. I'm raging."
Wow, the exact opposite for me. I just steamrolled through DMC1 including DMD but I'm dying several times on Normal difficulty in DMC3, even though I have more prior experience with the latter. Granted, I AM playing on Turbo and Yellow orbs.
I'm playing DMC for the first time. It is gooooood.
Started out fine and was having no problems. . . until I reached(I am trying to get through without items). There has to be a better way to beat him than helmbreaker, right?that first boss. The spider guy repeatedly hands me my ass
Okay I see Air Raid upthread. The thing is I don't have enough red orbs - and I don't even think I've bought anything yet. I just have gone straight through the missions. Is there some way of redoing missions to get more orbs that I am overlooking?
If you really want to, you can kill enemies, then save, then reset.
Your orbs will save but the mission progress will not. Rinse and repeat.
You cannot repeat missions.
I'm not sure I'll be able to get the Bloody Palace trophies.
There has to be a better way to beat him than helmbreaker, right?
I'm curious. How familiar are you guys with the DMC series? Are you using the HD collection to relive your time with the games, or is this your first time playing the series?
Make sure to Helmbreaker his mouth as he charges his fireball. Your sword can reflect his fireballs back at him for major damage. Also, block strings build your Devil Trigger meter. Build three bars, then DT and use the O,O,O (triple slash) string to break his guard and pummel him. You should be able to build an attack loop in DT that constantly breaks his guard and damages him easily.
I'm curious. How familiar are you guys with the DMC series? Are you using the HD collection to relive your time with the games, or is this your first time playing the series?
Very.I'm curious. How familiar are you guys with the DMC series?
Another tip regarding Phantom: shooting him with your shotgun builds DT, even when he blocks.
I'm struggling to determine whether or not to buy this collection. I still own DMC1, DMC3ante's Awakening, and DMC3:Special Edition. I'd pretty much be buying this just for the trophies. Still, it is enticing. It's the same situation with MGS and ZOE. I kept my PS2 collection, but you know... trophies! My birthday is in a week, I have the money... I'd love to play through DMC3 again and verify my accomplishments (with trophies!). Should I spend the $40? My, oh my...
It's boring when you really know how to use him.Playing as Vergil isn't about getting S-rank... it's about showing how to control a God.
It's easy to become bored once you're a God.It's boring when you really know how to use him.
Then ESC on AR x 1 would be his judgement. You don't even need SS but adding it makes you godlike. Sick crowd control with no enemy DT and good low maintenance damage with BS on DT. His tele games, if you know how to keep yourself invulnerable with ESC, are also ridiculous. That goes with his rush-down as well, which is godlike. His rapid slash easily buffers into instant judgement cut and he maintains nasty block stun with FE/Yam combo cancels. Not to mention that he gets 24/7 access to Beo with starfall which ESC's right into AR x 1 nicely. No need for a launcher either and the positioning is great with trick-up. Oh and his DT is stellar along with dark ki.It's easy to become bored once you're a God.
Vergil is very powerful once you learn to control him and abuse his tools. He has way less tools than Dante but everything he has is so effective and is able to handle anything in the game. Dante is still much more powerful than Vergil because he has RG but if you don't have that level of skill, Vergil is going to be way more effective. It's a similar case in UMVC3 where Dante with all his tools is on paper probably better than Vergil but due to better damage, higher ranged normals and superior mix ups plus less tools/easier to play Vergil is better at slightly lower level of play.
Usually more then a typically "power" string from Vergil before they tele out. It is very difficult to break their hyper armor on their initial aggro. You can usually break on two Hell Sloth tele-in sessions with starfall into AR x 1. If you start playing with high animation lag attacks, you likely won't make it. AR last attack and lunar phase probably have the best direct stun. Stinger likely follows.Note that the hyper armor DT properties on DMC3 is something that I never explored fully so I don't know how much it takes to break something like Hell Sloth (it's a lot I can tell you that) nor do I know how much stun each move is worth.
I wish I could swap out FE for something else. HB is nice after trick-up, stinger is OK, and the combo causes nice block stun. But I can just starfall on pause after TU, ground tele, or stun with Bayo/Yam. You can even get a proper launcher on upper slash into AR x 1 without relying on high time. Not to mention you can rising sun with sword stun, trick-up, starfall, into AR x 1. Gives you better vertical spacing and more longer damage strings.In canon Vergil only used three of the Devil Arms, and they balanced it so that the three Devil Arms could functionally serve as Dante's entire armory, but with better damage, mobility, and recovery.
Mundus II is so frustrating. I've got his attacks and methods down, but if I fuck up just a little bit it's INSTANT DEATH.
It feels so much like luck at this point - waiting for a dragon to spawn to refill my health.
It's just such a deflater to spend what feels like 30 minutes on a boss battle, get him down to red and then just die.
I swear with the little amount of damage he's taking I must be doing something wrong =(
What difficulty are you playing on? All you have to do is turn on Devil Trigger and then spam fireballs for a quick and easy victory.
He's playing on DMD.
Not sure what the best strategy is, Nemesis. I'm going to be right there with you at some point. Have you tried looking up videos for some strats?
Ah, DMD. Maybe check out the strategy employed in this video. Seems to work pretty efficiently.
Even quicker than Joch's video. Crazy. How do you do the charged meteor though?
My brain is currently pretty on point with Vergil tech. I have a few tricks of my own as well.I have literally forgotten like half of the stuff in it. I don't even know if I am qualified enough to fill it in. I would certainly like to finish it if I get the time.
Last hit of lunar phase is up there. I think it might even be better then stinger TBH.Also for Vergil, Stinger and Rapid Slash plus 2nd hit of AR are the best for breaking the hyper armor when you need the fast attacks. Judgment Cut requires more set up.
It makes you go for safe ins like starfall, HB instead of utilizing launchers in DMD unless you really know what you are doing. It would be nice to digest the properties but it's certainly not an obvious system.The DT "juggle" hyper armor/rise or whatever you wanna call it mechanic has always been quite counter intuitive in DMC3.
That's not Meteor (Ifrit). It's a fireball that Dante will throw when pressing Square from a standing position while in Devil Trigger form during the final battle. I'm pretty sure holding Square is how you would charge it.
You might need to either hold back or no direction at all to charge it.Sorry, I know it's not Ifrit as you can't equip Ifrit in the battle but Meteor best describes it.
I tried holding down Square but Dante just kept throwing out regular fireballs. Maybe it's because I was pushing the stick forward for some unknown reason.
Gotta try again.
What difficulty are you playing on? All you have to do is turn on Devil Trigger and then spam fireballs for a quick and easy victory.
Sorry, I know it's not Ifrit as you can't equip Ifrit in the battle but Meteor best describes it.
I tried holding down Square but Dante just kept throwing out regular fireballs. Maybe it's because I was pushing the stick forward for some unknown reason.
Gotta try again.
Have you purchased Meteor 2?
I've never played DMC but I think I'm going to pick this up.
Is there shame in starting on easy mode?
You can't start on Easy mode. You start on Normal.But if you die 3 times before a certain mission (3rd I think, I can't recall) then you can unlock Easy.
Yah but given Ifrit can't be equipped in the fight, how is Meteor 2 relevant? Unless it's carried over to Sparda DT for that final fight?
Haha, I guess I'll let the game decide what difficulty I should play on.