Man I just started playing DMC1 and I managed to platinum it in two and half days. Thats amazing on so many different levels, good and bad lol.
GAF! I just got Nevan, kind of never used it before. Same with Spiral.
BRIEF RUNDOWN, please! I feel like it has potential but it's so damn unorthodox =/
Nevan like all weapons in DMC is an excellent weapon. It excels at crowd control, boosting your style rating and nullifying various low level projectiles in the game. A lot of its move can be held down so that you increase the number of bats summoned from the attacks, increasing the damage and defensive capabilities. The damage output of the weapon isn't as apparent and aside from a few bosses it's not the best boss killer although in Swordmaster the Scythe attack in the air does quite a lot of damage against huge sized enemies (like hitting Beowulf's eye with the Scythe in Swordmaster does respectable damage).GAF! I just got Nevan, kind of never used it before. Same with Spiral.
BRIEF RUNDOWN, please! I feel like it has potential but it's so damn unorthodox =/
I'm having a harder time much more than expected.
Anyway, I'm DMC noob and I started out with Bayonetta (it's kinda like DMC but not really). What DMC or modes can you recommend for me? I hear DMC2 is the easiest but is the worst (but even when I'm playing it, it doesn't irk me or anything).
Bought this game used from a guy four days ago, still haven't arrived![]()
Bah, it was cheap anyway. I guess I'll just have to go buy another copy. Fuck it, DMC3 is worth it.
I got greedy as fuck, I'll never do the same mistake again!Buy a new copy! This collection should sell well.
Actually, I'm having a hard time killing the first boss in DMC1 (the crab thing). Maybe I should upgrade? But the problem is that I don't have much red orbs (I finished the second stage once only).
Actually, I'm having a hard time killing the first boss in DMC1 (the crab thing). Maybe I should upgrade? But the problem is that I don't have much red orbs (I finished the second stage once only).
I am not sure if I want to continue using Swordmaster in DMC3, it is all I have ever really used. Although I am not sure what to use instead, Trickster seems appealing as I love having a dedicated dodge button. (If trickster does give you that.)
Good to see that DMC3 is up at the plate. Yet I'm currently messing around with DMC4. :/
It looks great in dat plastic wrap though.Welcome back, gunbo.
Get in on that collection!
Also I wanna take this time to say the beginning battle with Mundus in DMC1 on DMD is beyond stupid and cheap. I know a lot of people bitch about Arkham in DMC3 DMD but I think it would be much easier to S rank Arkham then to S rank Mundus. I will never have the patience to attempt that fight without using devil stars.
Edit: Okay I decided that to watch some youtube video's out of morbid curiosity on DMC1 DMD Mundus fight. I couldn't find any legit video's showcasing a legit DMD S perfect S rank. I saw one of a guy using super dante and a turbo controller but even so I don't understand how he did so much damage with a full DT dragon shot against Mundus where it took almost a fourth of his life gone. When I do it, it only does a fraction of that.
I did however learn two things. Vortex goes through some of Mundus projectiles. That could have been handy. Also, during the second mundus fight you can hit mundus' projectiles back at him with SPARDA. WTF! I never knew that. After all these years.
Kind of a buggy clip and I'm too lazy to fix the little issues.
Yeah it does. It's an excellent boss killer because as soon as you get the boss to be "exposed" (like you get them fall over or have their weak spot come up) you can go to town on them for some nice damage.So, errr, does Quicksilver have any decent application?
Finally, you can pop in a 2nd controller and have your friend control the clone for you.
Don't know for sure but that would be something worth testing out I guess.Does this still apply in the HD Collection?
You are doing it wrong. Don't use red orbs for healing items (although blue orbs are not a bad investment but not this early on). Use it to buy moves/abilities. Gotta have that Stinger and Air Hike for Rebellion and then Revolver for Cerberus as top priority.Anyone got any tips for Cerberus in DMC3 on a first time play through? I've been using Swordmaster on him since it's air combo is the only thing that seems to do decent damage. I've also been blowing my red orbs on a blue orb and a bunch of healing items right before the fight with him but maybe I should invest in other moves?
Ah thanks, didn't realize that I should use the guns to get rid of the ice. I was just using sword combos. That'll make it a TON easier since I'll have more time to dodge. I just finished DMC1 and I rarely used the guns in that, except for the shotgun on Sargassos and Sin Sisters. I don't think I'll need any extra healing items now. I can usually get to where he's red without taking damage. I am on Gold checkpoint too.You are doing it wrong. Don't use red orbs for healing items (although blue orbs are not a bad investment but not this early on).
You want to chip away at his ice from afar. Use the L3 button to change targets (new feature in DMC3) and chip away at his head and feet. You can attack the feet or the head once ice has been taken out, eventually he will fall over and then you can start attacking the head. Be ready for when he turns red, he becomes much more aggressive and watch out for his pounce attack, you need to be on the money to evade it. It's a lot of tight dodging, chipping away with guns then coming into hit his meaty parts and some patience.
Also you better be playing on Gold checkpoint system.
Roll dodge his ice drops in succession, jump back on his lunge, chip away at his heads with E&I, and don't camp in ground state near him (he will swipe and headbutt). His lunge is the biggest BS he will throw so try not to stay in the center of the arena as that is the worst position possible.Anyone got any tips for Cerberus in DMC3 on a first time play through? I've been using Swordmaster on him since it's air combo is the only thing that seems to do decent damage. I've also been blowing my red orbs on a blue orb and a bunch of healing items right before the fight with him but maybe I should invest in other moves?
Kind of a buggy clip and I'm too lazy to fix the little issues.
Just because Yellow is more like DMC1 doesn't make it the better one for newcomers. These games are almost a decade old and people would rather play on a more current checkpoint system. Hell I will admit I have gotten lazy over the years and if I run across a game with limited checkpoint system I would go "WTF?"
Thanks, good to be back.Oh shit welcome back. Apparently I missed the posts above me.![]()
It's a customized setup of mine to string out combos and practice. It's not normally allowed by the game. I could do a tutorial for Nero, yes. I didn't show a lot of stuff because I only capped the mechanics I was practicing with at the time. You have stuff like side switching, charge shot rush-down, roulette rises, streak cancels without buster, etc... I also need more time in the cooker with my max-acts. The issue right now is that there is a group of enemies to style on with different hit-box properties. I was practicing on scarecrows. But Nero also does well on mega scarecrows and frosts. So I'd want to develop that area a bit more even though I've worked on all of them thus far.What is the setup for this? Is it just DMD mode with infinite DT? I haven't played the PC version, so I'm not sure of the choices other than LDK mode. Also, nice, I'd like to see more, and I'd definitely be interested in a tutorial video for Nero like you did for some of the DMC3 stuff.
Meh... Alternate helm break and trying to jump on his back as you see fit. Fight's easy as cakeYou're just not used to it. The game hasn't clicked yet, and you don't know the weaknesses of your enemy. The game doesn't hold your hand, so you need to figure out the weaknesses yourself. Stinger should be for first purchase, always. Blue or Purple Orbs help.
Phantom falls quickly to Air Raid, I've heard, but if you've never played DMC before I doubt you have enough Red Orbs to buy that ability. Use your Devil Trigger and Helm Breaker the fleshy part at the base of his tail or his face when he uncovers it. Remember that you can shoot him, and even if he blocks it you get some Devil Trigger gauge. If he's in recovery of something, you can taunt him and get some Devil Trigger gauge as well. Like I said, don't underestimate how powerful Devil Trigger is in DMC1. It also reduces damage taken, regenerates health, and you have armor on certain moves.
As for red orbs, like I said: Save before the boss fight. Maybe re-enter certain areas to intiate fights again. Then save. You keep all red orbs if you save. Then, if you die, just reload the game.
Agreed to all of this. Dante wasn't a failure in DMC4. DMC4 failed Dante. I do have wishlists for tweaks but his systems in DMC3/DMC4 are simply unmatched.If the action genre doesn't evolve post the current crop of games, then DMC4 Dante will be the character with the most potential depth in an action game in the history of gaming. I am sure that if people still played DMC4 for 5-6 years more we would find more stuff on Dante and more ways to push his skillset.
I don't think an action game or a fighting game can be made where DMC4 Dante wouldn't over power it completely. Capcom had to nerf Vanilla DMC3 Dante so badly for Ultimate and yet they still couldn't keep him out of top tier. DMC4 was made well around Nero but it couldn't contain the options of Dante.
I don't want to imply that his mechanics are easy though even if his baseline is simple. Max-acts on turbo speed like shown in the video are difficult. It is all about controlling your input rhythms on separate sets. Like left/right brain stuff.Thanks. I recognize the simplicity of Nero (relative to Dante), but with less time to play, I really like his focus. I love that snatch allows you to do knockback moves without sacrificing much comboability. And max-act just makes every hit more fun.
The sequel.Is there something to look forward to in this game?
But that's so far awayThe sequel.
I just want to play DMC3 soooo hard again, but first I got to endure the pile of boringness that is DMC2 (never played that before), I promised that myself. But buy, is it ever so tedious... I'm on mission 8 with Dante and already I have enough. And then everything again with Lucia, and then again on hard mode. Phew.
Is there something to look forward to in this game? Is hard mode at least a little challenging?