Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?

They don't do a console comparison and only cover how the feature works on the SX version.
Only works on 120hz displays, patch introduces a V-Sync on/off and FSR3 Frame Gen on/off toggle.
Feels like a 60 FPS+ game, no perceptible input delay. "Genuinely does" feel like a 120hz HFR game.
Caveats: Uses FSR upscaling which doesn't have the best image resolve. IQ is "largely bad". That's not the fault of frame gen, that's just this games FSR implementation
2D elements don't update with FSR frame-gen (eg 'follow someone' dots.
Anything that passes 2D overlays like objective boxes and tutorial boxes drops to non frame-gen frame rate.
Really fast moving objects close to the camera can show frame-gen artifacts. But it gets away with it for the most part.
Gameplay runs 'pretty well' with FS3 but scene-cuts during cut-scenes can have occasional pauses with frame-gen on.
The above 'pausing' issue only happens in cut-scenes, not in game play.
Per John, FSR Frame Gen 3 here is better here than (most) cases on PC he's tested before.
Both John and Rich prefer FSR3 Frame Gen 3 on here, even with any caveats it presents.
V-Sync on with FSR3 frame-gen can have 'long persistent' frames in some areas (a frame hangs for a notable time)
Despite AMD's recommendation of base framerate being 60, DF thinks it works pretty well here even though the game hangs below 60 most of the time without frame-gen
In some very rare cases the non frame-gen version with V-Sync off can run faster than Frame-Gen version when not much is going on, but these are rare exceptions
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