True, I've been saying they should do a piece on Virtua Fighter....arcade to home..In my opinion DF Retro focuses too much on 16 bit era and not enough on PS1 and PS2 era games.
True, I've been saying they should do a piece on Virtua Fighter....arcade to home..In my opinion DF Retro focuses too much on 16 bit era and not enough on PS1 and PS2 era games.
I think they will cover them once they get through the earlier era as those I feel had more technical limitations compared to the PS1/PS2 era. so any ports like doom to the SNES were more impressive I guess than ports to the saturn. maybe? who knowsIn my opinion DF Retro focuses too much on 16 bit era and not enough on PS1 and PS2 era games.
What? Why? There was nothing that looked close to it.Doom was and still is so overrated for me.
In my opinion DF Retro focuses too much on 16 bit era and not enough on PS1 and PS2 era games.
Are you sure you are not confusing it with Wolfwenstein 3D or any other FPS with orthogonal level design? Because that's how i felt with Wolfenstein 3D.The tech was great but the game I found boring to play with levels that looked pretty much the same.
On the contrary, ambition isn’t really a measure of success. System Shock shouldn’t be overlooked because it’s awesome, but Doom was hugely successful likely in part because it wasn’t overly ambitious. It was easy enough for everyone and their dog to understand. Level 1: kill demons. Level 2: kill demons and find keys to progress.
That’s…about it, and there’s a value in keeping things simple. There’s a reason something like Mario got so popular, when you pretty much just run and jump. It’s also the reason most people seem to prefer 2016 to Eternal
never a truer word spoken, it's why with certain older games I can really be amazed by them. tempest for example and some of the older arcade games were simply amazing for them time, but as usual gameplay should always be the most important.
I quite liked road rash at the time. hahahahahI know, that's really the key to an approachable, wide appealing, "ageless" video game - simple in concept, simple to pick up 'n play. That's why good (emphasis on good) 2D games don't age. It's a god damn 2D plane, the countless designs that saw release out there have perfected the formula back in the 16bit generation.
But what makes it good in my opinion are layers of complexity that you unravel while playing the game to stimulate the brain and make the experience worthwile. And Doom has that. It eases you via the map design and the selectable difficulty setttings while getting progressively more complex and harder. Playing that shit on Ultra-Violence is an adrenaline pumping experience that still kicks off dopamine releases after dopamine releases even almost 20 years later.
There are about a billion reasons and biases that go into forming an individual opinion, so i don't dwell on what other people think if i'm enjoying the product. For example, leniency comes into play as well - maybe you are lenient towards the fact that Road Rash on the Mega Drive runs at like 2 frames per second. So you can enjoy the product. That is fantastic and a fact for you. Now personally speaking for me - Hell No, i cannot stand that shit, haha. The frames per second are far to damn low making the game sluggish as hell and the visual feedback unappealing. I do acknowledge differing opinions obviously and sometimes respect them if they're well thought out to warrant respect.
But stupidly simple blanket dismissals like "not aged well" ? Haha, fuck off with that lazy brain fart if you're not elaborating.
I quite liked road rash at the time. hahahahah
toy story is one of the best movies ever. but if you watch it again the visuals haven't aged well at all, but everything else elevates it back to a classic.
I'm sure some 3D classic games would looke like absolute rubbish where compared to games nowaday but the onces with classic gameplay will always stand the test of time.
Tempest has basic graphics but great gameplay. the same with space invaders. to me it's nothing to do with how they have aged but the tricks they pulled at the time they were made,
I happen to think the games I qouted above have aged like fine wine, hell robotron is still a great game to play.
but tell me how dragons lair fairs compare to pac man? which one would you rather play ?
Panzer Dragoon despite it age is a great game. loved it back then love it now.Panzer Dragoon Zwei looks absolutely fantastic on the Sega Saturn, and the framerate is a miraculously consistent 30 FPS with great controls which are tight and responsive. What i'm saying is that i'd be a fucking idiot with no reasonable mindstate to actually compare a Sega Saturn game, which i am aware that it is such, to a game released in 2020+ that i modded to hell and back on my desktop machine a while ago to push the most orgasmic graphics that one's eye can see, and dismiss Panzer Dragoon Zwei for having "bAd gRaFix". I can play both, and enjoy both, if they're good games. I never really had a problem playing old games if they're stimulating for me.
Well i'm not interested in Dragon's Lairlike at all. Damn, like 0 interest. I guess i'd play a quick 5 minute session of pac man.
How were the reviews at the time? I remember one article being pretty conscious of the hardware restrictions and being pretty impressed, but that's it
I didn't like Wolfenstien for much the same reason. I get the impact the engine and graphics had, just never got the gameplayAre you sure you are not confusing it with Wolfwenstein 3D or any other FPS with orthogonal level design? Because that's how i felt with Wolfenstein 3D.
DOOM was literally the solution to this. It had an engine capable of rendering complex enough architecture so the levels don't look the same. It was one of the reasons i loved it so much. Because it's levels looked and felt completely different with each other, unlike Wolfenstein and any other FPS with a crappy, orthogonal level engine.
Even today, the community creates interesting enough maps that feel fresh and interesting.
Do you mean like Resident Evil?Well, yes, a game that comes along years later iterating off the earlier tech and a globally popular IP is probably going to do more…
Do you mean like Resident Evil?
Dark Forces came out in 1994 it was hardly years after. I get the impact the Doom engine had, but like I said the gameplay or level design did nothing for me.
My mistake I could have swore it was late 94 and not that long after Doom.I believe Dark Forces was early 95 so a little over a year after Doom and a few months after its' sequel.
My mistake I could have swore it was late 94 and not that long after Doom.
I knew it wasn't long after Doom. I just fond it to be a much better game.Not that long after Doom is still correct. It's important to remember how quickly games were made back and iterated on back then. Marathon was 94.
I knew it wasn't long after Doom. I just fond it to be a much better game.
I loved Quake tooI'm not trying to change your opinion of Doom. It was a formative game for me but I mostly just turned on god mode, infinite ammo, and turned my brain off. Quake is probably my favorite single player ID game and what I go back to when I want a trip down memory lane. Still, you can't undersell the foundation that Doom helped lay.
Dark Forces was like 14 months after Doom which was actually a really long time during a moment when the genre was evolving so rapidly. Remember that Wolfenstein 3-D and Doom were only about 18 months apart.Do you mean like Resident Evil?
Dark Forces came out in 1994 it was hardly years after. I get the impact the Doom engine had, but like I said the gameplay or level design did nothing for me.
The past few videos have been about the PlayStation 3's 1080p era, the Gran Turismo full break down between PS1, PS2 and PS3 and not that long ago we had the massive three parter on the PS1 launch. In fact, here's the past few recent DF videos...In my opinion DF Retro focuses too much on 16 bit era and not enough on PS1 and PS2 era games.
Yeah - that was a massive "holy shit" moment for me during this interview. It would've made the SNES port of Doom pretty much the best port of Doom.Incredible how close we were to almost doubling the performance of the port (SNES display hardware doing the pixel doubling, think pixel manipulation like what mode7 is famous for, instead of the FX2 chip)… so so close…
Rayman easy? What?They weren't especially glowing. Everyone knew it was an admirable effort considering the limitations but that didn't make it great.
I don't think it was anywhere near that long, not unless you're counting the shareware versionDark Forces was like 14 months after Doom which was actually a really long time during a moment when the genre was evolving so rapidly. Remember that Wolfenstein 3-D and Doom were only about 18 months apart.
I also think that Doom is a masterpiece of level design, especially by the standards of the day. I think it completely changed the way people approached level design in first person games.
You can't save on a disc.Batteries do die on carts making killing saves and making future saves impossible without fucking around with the cart and comprising it’s value.
It still is, I’ve always said that Doom and then the Marathon games being masterclasses on level design for adventure type FPS gamesI also think that Doom is a masterpiece of level design, especially by the standards of the day. I think it completely changed the way people approached level design in first person games.
He didn't use the original game engine and instead did one from the ground.The dude who ported it should absolutely be considered as a peer to Carmack.
He didn't use the original game engine and instead did one from the ground.
This is the guy who eventually did the unreleased at the time (released since) but bonkers Quake on the GBA:
Not sure, but I'll take look at it.This video pisses me off. The guy is clearly playing the original first map of Quake at first. But this build is nowhere to be found online, i spend a whole day trying to find it on various forums. Instead, the only thing that exists is the newer build, the one with the crappy new map and weapons that isn't even remotely as complex as the original map. I tried asking for the source but no replies from anyone, anywhere. Guess he is hoarding that build for himself and that's ok by everyone or am i missing something?
Not sure, but I'll take look at it.
Usually the guy is not a hoarder, but it might be unreleased for some reason. Of so it should be stated in the video why is that.