Oh dear. Only on GAF.
The stuff I'm hearing about this game is kinda interesting... I think I'd bite for the right price.
You've never experienced the train wreck that kid can be about particular games?
Over the next 24 to 48 hours it'll get even worse.
Regular price is the right price for what you'll get out of it.
Frenzy baba with lots and lots of mobility and defensive skills - 415 dps unbuffed, ~700 dps buffed
You've never experienced the train wreck that kid can be about particular games?
Over the next 24 to 48 hours it'll get even worse.
AND...where are the goddamn reviews?
Anyone playing this with an 9400m netbook gfx? I will try this game with a guestpass as soon as I'm able to access my battle.net account (authenticator on an dead phone of mine) to see if my macbook will melt or not.
So sad too see that my CE got shipped to an adress where I don't live anymore.
They are out. They are the metacritic user reviewsHeck thats what most of the reviews are probably going to sound like. All of them will whine about the launch or the WOW CARTOON GRAPHIXSS or the SHIT DRM FUCK YOU BLIZZZZZZZZZ
Can't say I expected anything less!I have no intentions of sleeping anytime soon. Nightmare? It's on!
Haha, no. If that post is any indication, I don't want to. I've seen him act like Dark Souls killed his sister in other threads though and sent him to a psych ward.
They are out. They are the metacritic user reviewsHeck thats what most of the reviews are probably going to sound like. All of them will whine about the launch or the WOW CARTOON GRAPHIXSS or the SHIT DRM FUCK YOU BLIZZZZZZZZZ
If you guys are surprised at Yoshi you really should have been around at the launch of Dark Souls. He blazed through that game so quickly and it is considerably longer for a first playthrough (at least 50 hours or so I'd say).
It's unfortunate that the game is that short. =/ Oh well.
An inspiration to us all.It's on!
What the hell are you talking about?
Now before anyone asks if I rushed the game... use common sense for a minute. Yoshi would never do such a thing on his first playthrough.It's unfortunate that the game is that short. =/ Oh well.
Dark Souls was my first experience as well...
I'm expected unprecedented levels of drama.
Well that's a shame... I was hoping you did rush so it would take me a lot longer.Now before anyone asks if I rushed the game... use common sense for a minute. Yoshi would never do such a thing on his first playthrough.
I pretty much explored everything since I got all the "throughout" achievements on every act.
I got in 45 minutes this morning with the Monk. I wanted to call in sick, but my wife, who is actually sick and went to work anyway, would kill me. It's our anniversary too, so I'll be unable to play it tonight.
Frenzy baba with lots and lots of mobility and defensive skills - 415 dps unbuffed, ~700 dps buffed
Frenzy baba with lots and lots of mobility and defensive skills - 415 dps unbuffed, ~700 dps buffed
If you guys are surprised at Yoshi you really should have been around at the launch of Dark Souls.
Frenzy baba with lots and lots of mobility and defensive skills - 415 dps unbuffed, ~700 dps buffed
Actually that's a decent amount of time.
People need to understand the game is meant to be played over and over on higher and higher difficulties. That's when it gets fun.
Now before anyone asks if I rushed the game... use common sense for a minute. Yoshi would never do such a thing on his first playthrough.
If you guys are surprised at Yoshi you really should have been around at the launch of Dark Souls. He blazed through that game so quickly and it is considerably longer for a first playthrough (at least 50 hours or so I'd say).
the metacritic reviews.
He was insufferable when it came to Dark Souls.
..When taking your gaf persona way off the rail goes horribly wrong and makes you look dumb..Guys, I'm fucking crying right now... this whole game has been an emotional rollercoaster for me... end game stats inc.
People need to understand the game is meant to be played over and over on higher and higher difficulties. That's when it gets fun.
He was insufferable when it came to Dark Souls.
Yeah I don't think people get this part of it at all. Its not going to be a particularly long Final Fantasy like campaign. That is not what this game is about. Its not built to be like that.
I just beat it T_T
I know you're talking about metacritic. There isn't a single review out for this game and if there is one out there, the site is absolute garbage. Press has had the game for the same amount of time as everyone else. No way you can play the game extensively and review it in such a short amount of time. And I mean NO WAY.
Yeah, no shit.
Frenzy baba with lots and lots of mobility and defensive skills - 415 dps unbuffed, ~700 dps buffed
In this case bosses aren't even the best loot droppers, although they do drop good gear. Its the rare/champion dudes that drop the best stuff I think. This was a measure take by blizzard to get rid of repetitive boss runs.
..When taking your gaf persona way off the rail goes horribly wrong and makes you look like dumb..
Frenzy baba with lots and lots of mobility and defensive skills - 415 dps unbuffed, ~700 dps buffed