And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
So fucking hype, LET'S GO!!!!!!!!!IT'S HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So fucking hype, LET'S GO!!!!!!!!!IT'S HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The good thing is this thread will get more busy as a result.
Can't wait for all those meltdowns from ppl who said "longest day at work", "can't wait" etc.
GOTY confirmed
I'm stuck at retrieving hero list.
You mean OT2... SO CLOSE!!!
10: 22 a.m. PDT- We are in the process of performing an emergency maintenance for all Diablo III servers to resolve several issues that are currently impacting the game. This maintenance may cause some interruption in communication, ability to log in, use of in-game features, and disconnections. We anticipate all servers will be available for play in approximately 1 hour.
Thank you for your patience.
Watching the GB stream, Brad's having the same issue. Someone mentioned starting at an earlier checkpoint/quest.
Same. Hopefully it's fixed in a few hours.I hate this post.
Only because I'll be one of them =(
If they're still having server problems then I'm kind of glad I'm not playing anytime soon :lol
I don't want any lose any achievements..
How are you doing bro?
Got a smooth launch?
havent even got it yet
If they're still having server problems then I'm kind of glad I'm not playing anytime soon :lol
I don't want any lose any achievements..
Are you picking this up VJC? Didn't see you on the battletag list.
Lol who was the person on crack that said that? Blizz launches are never goodSo remember when people were saying how Blizzard launches are perfect yesterday? lol
Good morning! We're tracking a few issues affecting the #D3 service. After testing some fixes in Asia we will be duplicating in EU/NA.
Are you picking this up VJC? Didn't see you on the battletag list.
For all the betas, testing periods, and all the time it took to finish this game, you'd they'd have most of this stuff sorted out by now.
Heck I'm not on that list either. I don't want just ANY gaffers to add me. Only the undercores like yourself, yoshi, v arnold, cfalcon, injurai, scy, etc.
Quite bummed out that I lost a bunch of achievements earlier, everything related to the Skeleton King is gone.
I have never played a Diablo game before. Though I have my new PC build on its way, so would I be better off starting from the beginning or can I dig right into Diablo 3?
LOL, I haven't played Diablo since I was in middle school, I'm kinda wondering how accessible it would be for somebody that hasn't played a game like this for the better part of a decade.
Regardless, it doesn't seem like many people are playing on the first day anyway, and I got Max Payne 3 coming in to keep my company for awhile.
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And right after people get back from work the EU servers are down![]()
For all the betas, testing periods, and all the time it took to finish this game, you'd think they'd have most of this stuff sorted out by now.