That part is supposed to be getting fixed though. Some have said the drop rates already seem to have been improved. It makes sense to roll those drop changes out with this patch as it will cause people to put good items into RMAH circulation and gets that huge Blizzard revenue stream going.
Any one's item that was selling for real money showing "Processing?" How long will it take to clear?
I've only made 28$ of sales but my other brother, thorinbei sold a 150 int, 150 str, 80 vit 60 all res shoulder for $200 just before the AH went down. Hopefully when I wake up someone would have bought some of my items
May old friend error 37!
no doubt a ddos from some kid that just spent too much money on the RMAH and just now came to his senses about his $250 mistake!
I fucked up and priced my MH/offhand about $15 too high.Would have sold if I weren't so greedy.
Most peoples, and we really don't know but are assuming by what the e-mail says a few days max.
why not just chargeback from paypal? I get the feeling 50% of all the sales today are going to get charged back tomorrow anyways...there's zero recourse
I'm getting kinda bored with my Wizard. I'm thinking I might go with a Demon Hunter as I DH stuff up the ass.
why not just chargeback from paypal? I get the feeling 50% of all the sales today are going to get charged back tomorrow anyways...there's zero recourse
Mechanically, they are very similar, you die in one hit and you live by kiting.
No luck for me on the RMAH so far. I'm stuck in A1 Inferno though- so no drops worth anything ever come.
Love all the people selling their gear for $1.25. After Blizzard and Paypal's take they'll get a whopping $0.20 from the sale :lol
Got stoked in my last run of the night when I see an Orange drop! Inspect it to reveal... Gladiator Gloves. Worst goddamn legendary ever.
sure thing. I know how big of a bitch he can be seeing as I have a DH level 60 as well.
I thought it was like a percentage removed. If I sell something for $1.25, Paypal and Blizzard will take money out of it until I only get $0.20?
Thanks for basically soloing Belial for me.
appreciate it.
I can't even remember all the stats this one had. I think it was 140 int, 70 vit, 55 resist all with a random 40+ resist and a socket. Worth $150? Somebody thought so!
I can't even remember all the stats this one had. I think it was 140 int, 70 vit, 55 resist all with a random 40+ resist and a socket. Worth $150? Somebody thought so!
I can't even remember all the stats this one had. I think it was 140 int, 70 vit, 55 resist all with a random 40+ resist and a socket. Worth $150? Somebody thought so!
I can't even remember all the stats this one had. I think it was 140 int, 70 vit, 55 resist all with a random 40+ resist and a socket. Worth $150? Somebody thought so!
How's the A1 loot looking? Are you guys still noticing increased item levels (possibly)?
I'll be logging on after the game and don't know if I want to level my WD or farm with my monk.
How's the A1 loot looking? Are you guys still noticing increased item levels (possibly)?
I'll be logging on after the game and don't know if I want to level my WD or farm with my monk.
I swear, I'm just gonna grab every single item worth something or looking that it might be worth something that I own and put it up for £100, banking on someone going 'Huh, with all those resist I guess 20 dex 10 vit isn't actually such a bad thing I guess since this item is obviously worth 100 quid because it says so right here...' and keep my fingers crossed.
So my experiment with flipping was a success. 1m gold = $20? I may do some more research into this while it's still viable.
I like how the name of the item is spelled wrong
lol, if 1m gold = $20 then someone royally fucked up when they bought my Squirt's Necklace. The thing's worth like 100k and I sold it for $20. I also sold another unique shoulder thing for $4, and that was worth probably 20k.
Anyone know if they nerfed treasure goblins? I've been farming Inferno, Act II, Road to Alcarnis and there's a treasure goblin which spawned there almost every single time but as of today, he's gone.
Assuming that they did the same with all treasure goblins who regularly spawned in the same location.
oooooAnd my First Legendary drop is...
A plan?