It's far more likely a UI problem.
With Blizzard, when in doubt, always assume it's something simple and/or stupid. Like an intentional design choice. Usually is the case. >_>;
It's far more likely a UI problem.
Yeah, you'll prob get it in 2 hours if you had a wow account for at least a year because you're a trusted customer that wouldn't do a charge back or whatever. That's my theory at least.
With Blizzard, when in doubt, always assume it's something simple and/or stupid. Like an intentional design choice. Usually is the case. >_>;
It was probably to prevent botters from dominating specific markets or in testing they couldn't find any items with 6 stat searches because only one person was testing the AH and there were only 5 helmets on the entire thing or something stupid.
I'm still at awe that the auction house doesn't have all of the functionality of even World of Warcraft's auction house.
Never seen WoW AH but it's pretty clear that not very many people used the D3 AH before release. I mean all it would take is a single monk to try to buy equipment from it to realize it is completely fucked up.
The weirdest part is that the WoW AH lets you search by item name, and there's just as many equally worthless items that can be put up there. They also let you set the length of the auction. Baffling that those two basic features that been in WoW for years, yet are missing from D3's auction.
It also makes pricing a total bitch, as you can't compare directly with other items on the market. Cue equipment varying WILDLY in price.
I won't even get into all the AH mods for WoW that add even more significant and needed functionality.
D3 rares have randomly generated names from a dictionary, so wouldn't really be any use for that.
You can however already search for legendaries and set items by name.
The stat WDs want on voodoo masks is mana regen, not max mana.
What's the dual wielding math and is it different for monk and barbs?
I have a barb friend rocking a 243 dps 1.30 aps LOH/crit off hand and still has 20k dps.
You gain 15% aps from dual wielding.
As far as damage goes, your character takes turn swinging the weapons so having a weak off hand weapon really hurts your overall dps.
The exact formula is something like (W1 dps + W2 dps)/2 * W1 aps * W2 aps / (W1 aps + W2 aps). Any item that has +min/max damage is applied twice too.
What formula do I need for this dps calculator?
Hell no.
Dang. Oh well. It's still three times better than what I was using and I only had 200k to spare anyway.I bought a 590dps lvl 46 1hander for 300K on the AH. You can search for lowered level requirement and input a value there, around 14 is good value, 15 (lvl 45) was too expensive when I looked.
Yeah, the AH interface is shit, no question. At the very least you should be able to search on 5 properties as well as being able to filter by maximum bid. Not to mention being able to watch items (yes, I know of the workaround, but it's not really the point).
this was in the beta:
edit: can't post image apparently...
But once you search by name you can't filer by stats as well. Overall the AH is too simple compared to the complexity of the items. Technically its possible for a rare item to have up to 7 stats and it's silly you can search for less than half. My guess is that the reason behind the AH design would be the whole "Simplify" design philosophy which for the most part has had a negative impact on the game as a whole.
That one's too simple. Use this one instead:
It take cares of dual wielding and a lot more. The number will be slightly off from the number on your character due to Blizzard's strange rounding, but it's mostly accurate.
You really have to play past level 30 with each class to get a good feel for them; You get all the abilities at level 30, but some of the runes past that (Invigorate for a Barbarian's War Cry, for example) are a real game changer, and you only get them at max levels.
I'm in love with Barbarian myself, even if the class does have a lot of shitty and subpar abilities.
Is there a good guide out there that goes over the advantages of a Monk using dual wielding vs. 2Hing vs. 1h + Shielding?
Just got the game (finally) and it looks like everyone in Inferno is rocking a 1H + shield, but I'm guessing that that's really only needed for Inferno or if you want more survivability in general.
Got to Act 2 last night and the Monk is pretty awesome. Somewhat considering beating Act 1 with all the classes so I have a proper feel for how each of them plays and can make a better decision on who I want to run with going forward...
Hmph...good to know. I'll probably run with a Monk all the way to 60 then since level 30 seems like a decent investment of time to get there (up to level 17 now after probably 5-7 hours of playing solo).
Would have rolled Barb, but from what I gathered everyone rolled a Barb which threw me off them a bit.
Is there a good guide out there that goes over the advantages of a Monk using dual wielding vs. 2Hing vs. 1h + Shielding?
Just got the game (finally) and it looks like everyone in Inferno is rocking a 1H + shield, but I'm guessing that that's really only needed for Inferno or if you want more survivability in general.
Got to Act 2 last night and the Monk is pretty awesome. Somewhat considering beating Act 1 with all the classes so I have a proper feel for how each of them plays and can make a better decision on who I want to run with going forward...
To make it simple, 1h+shield is more defensive based and is better for lower levels of gear but as you get more gear dual-wield becomes better.
Is there a good explanation for what is going on behind the curtains when you dual wield vs. 1h + shield vs. 2h?
I can't figure out why I'd want to equip a 2H vs. dual wield, and I can't figure out what the rules are around dual wielding.
Very basic stuff, but it sounds like there is some subtly to the mechanics and items about all this.
The main thing is that finding 2 good 1H weapons is much more expensive than finding a good 2Her.
Yeah that's putting it nicely. Thanks to inflation, botting, and the screwed up AH interface, you've got good 2handers going for like 500,000 and good 1 handers going for 50,000,000....
Is there a good explanation for what is going on behind the curtains when you dual wield vs. 1h + shield vs. 2h?
I can't figure out why I'd want to equip a 2H vs. dual wield, and I can't figure out what the rules are around dual wielding.
Very basic stuff, but it sounds like there is some subtly to the mechanics and items about all this.
I had a 800 dps weapon with 800 LOH and 90% crit damage dropped in act 3. I was thinking jackpot and then I noticed it's a 2H weapon. I searched the AH and it's not even worth 10K.
Yeah, it's all so damage focused it makes me sick. I could sell my 1250dmg +str for something like 600k.I had a 800 dps weapon with 800 LOH and 90% crit damage dropped in act 3. I was thinking jackpot and then I noticed it's a 2H weapon. I searched the AH and it's not even worth 10K.
Yup, I know that feeling. Anything under 1000 DPS for a two hander isn't worth selling usually.![]()
In very broad terms, 2H has better per-hit damage but fewer swings in a given interval; Dual Wield will have lower per-hit damage but more swings. 1H/Shield will _tend to_ have better per-hit damage than DW but less than 2H with more swings than 2H but fewer than DW.
Also worth noting is that 1H/Shield gives you +Stat socket options for Gems while DW gives you +Damage (Rubies), +Life on Hit (Amethysts), or +Critical Damage (Emeralds). A Shield does have the option for +Critical Chance, however, so it's not like they don't have good offensive options that DW cannot get.
Generally speaking, you can Dual Wield your way to Inferno with little trouble at all. You do need to keep BOTH weapons relatively good, however, as Dual Wield is an average of the two weapons for damage. That is, you swing with one hand and then swing with the other. 2H isn't that great right now and 1H/Shield is a good Inferno option until the rest of your gear is so good that it doesn't matter :x
Would you mind linking a build? I'm still only levelling (54 now I think) but I'm getting destroyed in co-op. My gear is terrible (because I still haven't bought anything on the AH) so I know that's a limiting factor, but I'd be interested to see what other monks are using.I am dual wielding and I ditched the shield after 1.0.3. When you are soloing you want to kill as fast as you can.
I made up the lost of a shield by using Keen Eye, enchantress and Hard Target which buffed my armor to well over 10K.
In a group, as long as you have a barb, Warcry will be more than enough for you to stay in fights for a long time.
i heard a DH is a real glass canon. I can't take two hit on Inferno. So I had an idea. Look for Crit damage and crit chance ONLY gear. It's cheap, (sort of) and can be fun.
Currently spend 20k and I'm at 316% crit dmg with xbow, sharpshooter and the skill that make crits goes 100% dmg. I need now a 99% dmg crit xbow with a 90% crit dmg gem on it haha
Would you mind linking a build? I'm still only levelling (54 now I think) but I'm getting destroyed in co-op. My gear is terrible (because I still haven't bought anything on the AH) so I know that's a limiting factor, but I'd be interested to see what other monks are using.
Mine, from memory, is!Yde!caYaaa
Very defensive and it takes me forever to kill things while grouped. Currently dual wielding.