There's no such thing on the AH. I found a heavily overpriced weapon with similar stats + 80 dex but with a 100 lower DPS. I don't think 80 dex make up for that.
Is this better?
Significantly lower DPS, but higher crit dmg, attack speed and vitality.
Has anyone tried selling gold on the RMAH? It doesn't look like you can buy any yet (don't see any for sale).
Trying this again..
Any Euro Gaffer willing to craft a Perfect Star Emerald for me? I have the mats and the money.
Please send me a PM or leave your battle tag.
NT & BL are both boring skills. I can't be the only DH who rolled the class to shoot fast projectiles, not big globs that take forever to travel, meh.
I'm personally using Evasive Fire>Covering Fire & Impale>Grievous Wounds. EF crits for up to 110K for me on 3 targets, and it generates hatred, I like it. I only wish the backflip was a little more reliable as to when it happens. Seems like it kicks in sometimes when nothing is around you...
At work now so I can't check, but how much is Exquisite essence going for? Do you think there will even be a cash market for it? I've got soooo much hoarded right now.
Trying to sell the essence at 25 cents each, not happening so far.
I know people are nuts, but there should be no possible way essences are worth anywhere close to 25 cents a piece.
Essences are 1800 give or take in gold. You can buy gold for $2.50/m from chinese farmers. With that calculation, essences should be closer to half a cent a piece.
With a 25 cent per unit minimum, the only commodities that will sell on the RMAH are high end gems, unless someone absolutely crazy enough stumbles in.
Hah, awesome. I just changed my nat's DH to this build
Suddenly where before I was killing slowly and had to kite now I was kicking ass, taking names and standing in the shit dropped by enemies that most definitely feared me. It was pretty fun as hell. I might change my equipment to reflect that build once I get some gold. We went all the way through the towers in act 3 through azmodan and I died probably less than the other DHs in my group (there were 2 others and a monk). I did test it out solo, too and I killed 3 packs before I opened the game to the public, so it works there too.
Seriously thinking of buying gold instead of items on RMAH 1.1-1.3 dollars per million gold is pretty decent 10dollar items on RMAH dont even touch 10million dollar items usually. Just to get the last couple pieces i think i need to finish act III
Gold is available to buy now?
They said gold is still unavailable to be bought/sold on the RMAH. All other commodities should be available.
I mean through the less legal routes
That's the minimum?
smh Blizzard.
If RMAH Commods are as DOA as I think they are, I may very well just sell my character. Such a silly limitation. x_X
I can't see gold selling being a good thing at this point. Will just fuel inflation.
Te upgrades I can't afford @ 30 million will be 100 million now!
I'm seriously thinking about dropping for a 100 mil. Can't handle being stuck in inferno act one for another 100 hours.
Wha? It shouldn't take you near that amount to get out of act 1. I don't see why 4-5m would easily put act 1 on farm status.
Hah, awesome. I just changed my nat's DH to this build
Suddenly where before I was killing slowly and had to kite now I was kicking ass, taking names and standing in the shit dropped by enemies that most definitely feared me. It was pretty fun as hell. I might change my equipment to reflect that build once I get some gold. We went all the way through the towers in act 3 through azmodan and I died probably less than the other DHs in my group (there were 2 others and a monk). I did test it out solo, too and I killed 3 packs before I opened the game to the public, so it works there too.
I'm close to doing this. There is no reason to continue playing other than hoping for loot to sell, which I don't have any interest in doing.
would be curious to see your stats to go with that spec, if you don't mind sharing.
Must be a slow day at CNN offices
"It just wasn't disappointing enough, so we doubled it!" Jay Wilson
just found this. price check (EU)
just found this. price check (EU)
a cold monk might kill someone for it
Also I'm laughing if I can make money off commodities on RMAH. 100 Exquisite gives me $25? LOL good thing I have almost 400 of them![]()
Heah, go post them, see if anyone bites and then come back to laugh some more.
lol, there's really a limitation of 0.25 (or $1.00) for commodities? Wow, how stupid.
Seems like a bit of a non-issue for me. what would you want to buy on the rmah for less than 25 cents, that you couldnt very easily buy with in game gold? chipped gems?
What has everyone made on the RMAH so far?
I've managed to rake in a measly $3.71 so far! :/
It's a huge issue because it means all commodities are over priced. 100 Exquisite Essences goes for $25. Would you really spend that much for something you can farm in Act 1 of Inferno easily?
There's already a limitation of $1 required for your total commodities, so I'm not really sure why the .25 per unit limitation is there. It just means nobody will buy anything except the highest end quality gems, as everything is artificially overpriced.
What has everyone made on the RMAH so far?
I've managed to rake in a measly $3.71 so far! :/
Wait, you'd have to buy each exquisite essence for the .25 price? holy shit yeah that's dumb![]()