I sold 30m gold in one stack. But the way it sold is kind of strange.
I first got these 3 emails.
Items in review 8,600,000 Gold
Time of transaction 31 Dec 1969 04:00 PM PST
Total value in review $21.50
Items in review 16,700,000 Gold
Time of transaction 31 Dec 1969 04:00 PM PST
Total value in review $41.75
Items in review 25,700,000 Gold
Time of transaction 31 Dec 1969 04:00 PM PST
Total value in review $64.25
That is more than 30m total, but then i got this email:
Item name 30,000,000 Gold
Time of transaction 17 Jul 2012 09:21 AM PDT
Sale price $75.00
Transaction fee $11.26
Transfer fee $9.56
Applicable taxes $0.00
Your proceeds $54.18
I first got these 3 emails.
Time of transaction 31 Dec 1969 04:00 PM PST
Time of transaction 31 Dec 1969 04:00 PM PST
Time of transaction 31 Dec 1969 04:00 PM PST
I've had that before with certain items. The problem fixed itself in a few days.Is the EU AH working properly for anyone? I can't seem to add new auctions.
Balls, it only seems to be certain items. Error 31073.
Every time I flip something, I marvel at the inability of people to look at what they'd pay in gold for an item before they pay actual money.
His $250 sale is basically an extrapolation of the $5 per million gold spent that I get by flipping stuff. Sometimes I get less, sometimes I get more, but $5/m is still doable because people are dumb and/or lazy.
You should not be dying at all as a Barb in hell. WOTB and Earthquake make it really easy. What build are you running?
Is the EU AH working properly for anyone? I can't seem to add new auctions.
Balls, it only seems to be certain items. Error 31073.
Something funny's going on. Exquisite Essence is currently selling for 50,000 a pop.
I sold 30m gold in one stack. But the way it sold is kind of strange.
I got these shoulders to drop and I have no idea why they are valuable:
I got these shoulders to drop and I have no idea why they are valuable:
+ 111 Intelligence
+ 106 Vitality
+ 27 Fire Resist
+ 44 to All Resist
+ 18% Gold from Monsters
... I was looking at comparable items and they were easily going for 1-2 million...for items worse than this.
This could potentially be my first million gold item that I put up on the AH (just dinged 60 last night) and it's kind of blowing my mind that THIS item would be worth a million gold to someone.
As a total aside, upon hitting 60 I geared up my Monk with all the gear I'd need and am survivable as hell right now, just need to work on increasing DPS through a better weapon (530 DPS on my current with 500 LoH and 150 dex)...but so far Inferno Act 1 has been butter. 5 stacks of NV without a sweat...loving see all this yellow!
What AH are you on? On the US one, I get items like that to drop all day long and I can't sell shit, with or without buyouts, and even starting the bid at the sell-to-vendor amount.
The AH is weird. I paid 180k for a reduced level weapon and everyone here told me that I paid too much and was ripped off.
I used it for a week and sold it on a 200k buyout. *shrug*
The AH is weird. I paid 180k for a reduced level weapon and everyone here told me that I paid too much and was ripped off.
I used it for a week and sold it on a 200k buyout. *shrug*
I've long since stopped paying attention to anyone's armchair appraisals. Everyone thinks they're an expert based on what they bought or sold a thing for a time or two, and never mind the fact that there is no purchase history to go by, and the bar for what constitutes a good item is constantly moving both for the community as a whole as more loot is out there, and for individuals as they change playstyle and skill preferences.
The only way to really value something is to put it up on the AH for free bidding, and even then you only get what it's worth to the people who are looking for something like that during that 36-hour window.
For real. I bought a legendary xbow (like level 40) for 200k, and felt terrible because I had overpaid and it wasn't even as good as what I had. Sold it a day later for 450k buyout. OK.
For lower level items (I still haven't hit 60 yet), I always set a buyout, and try to make it somewhat competitive. I think that people on their way to 60 just want quick, easy upgrades, and don't want to babysit an auction. I don't, at least.
For lower level items (I still haven't hit 60 yet), I always set a buyout, and try to make it somewhat competitive. I think that people on their way to 60 just want quick, easy upgrades, and don't want to babysit an auction. I don't, at least.
The AH is weird. I paid 180k for a reduced level weapon and everyone here told me that I paid too much and was ripped off.
I used it for a week and sold it on a 200k buyout. *shrug*
Sure. I'm farming Act I/II Inferno, though, and anything I'm going to bother to use an AH slot for would be of use to a level 60 character. I've gone back and forth on doing buyouts, and case by case, as well. I'm just having shit luck selling anything these days.
Is Ghom even possible with 4 people? Did three runs with a public group and we were steam rolling elites/champ packs but can't even down Ghom to half health. What a joke. I can't even get past him8-10 tries and all failures.
Just hit 60 with my DH, What gearing tips can you all give for inferno?
edit: What stats should I be searching for on the AH? Dex is an obvious one, is Vit still important in inferno, or will I get I shot now matter how much vit I have?
Just hit 60 with my DH, What gearing tips can you all give for inferno?
edit: What stats should I be searching for on the AH? Dex is an obvious one, is Vit still important in inferno, or will I get I shot now matter how much vit I have?
What I did with mine is get a few pieces with all resist - shoulders, wrist, gloves I think. Then focused on dex + vit + crit chance + crit damage for the rest of my gear. I try to stay around 40k hp (so if I upgrade a piece of gear with less vit, I try to make up for the vit elsewhere) and I can survive two shots in Act III from most things.
Act I and II are on farm status. Act III is doable.
I have 41k dps - 30% crit chance and 250% crit damage, 40k hp, 250-300 resists.
It's a long progression though. I farmed Act I quite a bit till I found a good drop that gave me 67m gold. from there 20m spent let me farm act II and play act III pretty well.
Just died on my lvl 60 hardcore Barb that was in infernoWanted to do just an ez loot run for 15 mins
Thats what I get for playing tired casually listening to my ipod.
So I was curious about Witch Doctor builds and discovered that they have zero skills which benefit from crit chance. That gimps them at high-end Inferno level because now crit gives them much less benefits, but if Blizzard buffs the skills to compensate for their lack of ways to itemize for powerful skills/builds then they end up being overpowered since they'll have one less affix to gear up for, or two if you include crit damage.
Ugh, I'm at the farm Act 1 part right now, found a couple of things to sell but I'm only up to 1.5m, a long way from 20m. I swear that inflation has set in big time for some of these items, I thought I could buy something decent for 1mil a week or 2 ago, now i'm not really seeing anything that would be a significant upgrade. I would think the opposite would be true since items don't get destroyed so there should be more and more good items over time so the prices should trend downward unless there is an large influx of new players.
God...what does that even feel like? I can't imagine how frustrating it would be to get that far and have everything ripped away like that.
Ugh, I'm at the farm Act 1 part right now, found a couple of things to sell but I'm only up to 1.5m, a long way from 20m. I swear that inflation has set in big time for some of these items, I thought I could buy something decent for 1mil a week or 2 ago, now i'm not really seeing anything that would be a significant upgrade. I would think the opposite would be true since items don't get destroyed so there should be more and more good items over time so the prices should trend downward unless there is an large influx of new players.
Is this worth anything for a WD...maybe for an off-hand? I know nothing about the class and pricing is all over the place on the AH. Thanks.
I missed the memo.
Oh well, I'm probably just 'playing my WD "wrong"'. In the meantime, I'll continue playing the way I am with 41% crit an 260% crit damage firebombing my way to loot heaven. I might not be optimal "Zombie bearz VQ only pls" but I'm farming just fine.
Don't take it personally or anything. All other classes have skills that proc secondary effects off critical hits. There is a huge side benefit to stacking crit chance outside of just DPS gains. For example barbarian can generate massive amounts of resources off of critical hits, lower CDs on skills like overpower.
So i usually dont ask for PC's but im having trouble with this one.
There was only one dagger on the RMAH with similar properties. It had a buyout at $100 but with half the DPS. Anyone?
Frustrating, also because I just tilted my character away kinda :X
I played the character for 50 hours, feels like I've lost an investment and some hard work...It was very enjoying and satisfying while it lasted I guess.
Saves me some grinding though, I was playing without using the AH on purpose too.
Time to move on to another game atm I guess but will be back.
So i usually dont ask for PC's but im having trouble with this one.
There was only one dagger on the RMAH with similar properties. It had a buyout at $100 but with half the DPS. Anyone?