Do 6 property plans drop in all acts? With the amount of time I've farmed act 1 and 2 I was hoping to see one drop but nope...
Can drop anywhere since the ilvl drop changesonly act 3 and 4
my cloak plan dropped in act 2.
Can drop anywhere since the ilvl drop changes
Wow really? That sucks.Holy crap Kripp quitting Diablo 3
Holy crap Kripp quitting Diablo 3
i can understand. There just isnt anything worth while to do now
Isn't people watching him "the thing" he does? I guess he thinks he can get more viewers doing something else.
That 30k gold weapon I bought for my Tornado barb just sold for $15. My barb is now useless but...I had to do it
Isn't people watching him "the thing" he does? I guess he thinks he can get more viewers doing something else.
And he would probably be right about that. He apparently is going to try GW over the weekend, I sort of wish I had a beta key to try it also. There is nothing to do in D3 atm. Its just boring as sin.
Isn't people watching him "the thing" he does? I guess he thinks he can get more viewers doing something else.
No Auction house, Thank YOU
so lucky, who are these idiots buying stuff on RMAH?
No Auction house, Thank YOU
I have no idea, but I'm going to directly reinvest the cash into gold and see how many Tomes of JC it buys.
No Auction house, Thank YOU
Looks like a major ban wave is going out for Gold Farmers. With them also reimplementing the session limit, maybe the price of gold will actually start going up.
Not too long ago I started playing Diablo III. Just beat the Skeleton King and I'm really enjoying it so far. I have what may seem like a silly question: what is the meta game in Diablo? Or rather what are some classic cases of "you're doing it wrong" in this game? I'm not usually a PC gamer and this is my first Diablo game. I do have elective mode on.
Not too long ago I started playing Diablo III. Just beat the Skeleton King and I'm really enjoying it so far. I have what may seem like a silly question: what is the meta game in Diablo? Or rather what are some classic cases of "you're doing it wrong" in this game? I'm not usually a PC gamer and this is my first Diablo game. I do have elective mode on.
I don't think the price will go above $2.50. The botters were selling their gold via third party sites anyway, since they could cut out the fees associated with selling on the RMAH (and avoid the extra scrutiny).
Ha, my friend finally got his account banned for botting. Dude was shameless, botting 24/7.
It's a very easy game until inferno without AH and after that it's quite doable, especially if you play with a group so you can share loot.
e: I've a friend who has a 80k dps wizard with decent resistances/armor who has bought 1 item from AH
Your friend has either played thousands of hours or has absolutely astonishing luck. I'm 200 hours in and I haven't had any main gear upgrade drop since I hit inferno (Wizard). I have had some stuff I use for farming gold drop though.
This this this this this. I got my Wizard to level 60 the other week and even with repeatedly buying stuff off the AH I've only been able to get my DPS up to 16k.
interesting, with blizzard, a wave of banhammers usually means a new patch is very very near....
Not too long ago I started playing Diablo III. Just beat the Skeleton King and I'm really enjoying it so far. I have what may seem like a silly question: what is the meta game in Diablo? Or rather what are some classic cases of "you're doing it wrong" in this game? I'm not usually a PC gamer and this is my first Diablo game. I do have elective mode on.
Not too long ago I started playing Diablo III. Just beat the Skeleton King and I'm really enjoying it so far. I have what may seem like a silly question: what is the meta game in Diablo? Or rather what are some classic cases of "you're doing it wrong" in this game? I'm not usually a PC gamer and this is my first Diablo game. I do have elective mode on.
This this this this this. I got my Wizard to level 60 the other week and even with repeatedly buying stuff off the AH I've only been able to get my DPS up to 16k.
Da fuq? What are you wearing? Care to list down your gears? what's your build type (skill set)?
There are major influx of lower tier 60s equipment. Shouldn't be that hard to get 25k dps at least!
Gear and stats
This is how much money I have btw:
Also don't forget I am in the UK, so EU server/gold auction house and UK-only RMAH - so this alleged influx of items you mention may be US only.
I know nothing about this game, but it looks like your critical chance and critical damage are low. Most of the high dps characters have a high chance to critical and critical damage bonus.
Yeah, get some crit on your gear. You seem to be focused solely on stacking int.
edit: it is, haha. The higher your crit chance/damage is, the higher your final DPS calculation is. Attack speed also adds a lot to your dps.
Gear and stats
This is how much money I have btw:
Also don't forget I am in the UK, so EU server/gold auction house and UK-only RMAH - so this alleged influx of items you mention may be US only.
Gear and stats
This is how much money I have btw:
Also don't forget I am in the UK, so EU server/gold auction house and UK-only RMAH - so this alleged influx of items you mention may be US only.
Life regen is good if you can stack lots.
Your #1 priority is to increase your crit%, after that crit damage.
Your int is very high so you can sacrifice a bit of that for crit. For example, find a glove you that can eventually afford with crit% and crit damage but with a much lower int. Your weapon is fine for now, and don't ever switch to a 2 hander.