So I played again today and I am having this issue in which whenever I alt+tab the game just slows to a permanent crawl and the only solution is to restart it. CPU/GPU usage seems normal, game is only using about 800k RAM in the task manager and every other application runs well, it's just Diablo. Whenever I hit Ctrl+R to check FPS it always shows 0, regardless of how the game is running. It only seems to be happening when I alt tab, and it happened once when the itunes auto updater showed up and minimized the game. What gives?
Edit: Here's a short video. Made sure there was nothing running in the background and I don't have any OC. It's happening constantly, and not only when I alt+tab I just realized.
Just started the game again and now it's there from the beginning, Ugh. Checked other games and those are running fine.
Weird.... I did have Tyrael with me. Maybe that's why?
It sold for a mil pretty fast. The quiver had 11 percent elemental and 7.5 crit with dex and max hatred. The elemental arrow was high. Compatibles with like 8 elemental were about 1-2 mil. So I priced to sell. Probably should have sold for more thinking about it now. Thanks again!If you want to see how much elemental arrow damage effects the price, do a search for the two most valuable stats on the quiver you have; observe the prices and active bids. Then, add elemental arrow damage to the search and see how that changes the prices.
Yeah I still have Diablo running in the background as I am typing this message and the RAM usage is exactly at 800K right now. It's not really implausible as the min requirement is 1G RAM.
I started tracking a few things -
33 straight resplendent chests without a single rare. 31 of those with 5 stacks. Why am I still playing this game?
chests have been nerfed for a while oO
I started tracking a few things -
33 straight resplendent chests without a single rare. 31 of those with 5 stacks. Why am I still playing this game?
I don't even open chests anymore, not even resplendent. I just want to get to my next elite pack ASAP.
haha, I just got 2 rares from one resplendent chest just now.
Sold for 250 euros.
FINALLY, I'm on act 1 right now, kill some tree or some shit, and a set ring drops on me... I'm thinking WTF could this be? Then, I think to myself, holy shit, it's gonna be Natalya's mark, just identified it and BAM! Natalya's Mark! Rare rings can be better but I'm happy I finally got a set item to drop.
So, he's answered already, but to be clear and avoid any future confusion on the same lines: 800K is nowhere near 1G. He (and you) meant 800M.
Sold for 250 euros.
It seems to depend on the pack, I think they have different regen rates. It could be monster dependent or just another random attribute they have. If you have monster hp number on you can actually hover your cursor over them and watch how fast they regain health.
I kind of see why as it encourages leaving the chest and coming back later with 5 stacks, which is tedious. However, since the chest locations aren't very random and the vast majority of them are found in specific 2 level dungeons, it's easy to plan your run so that you will have the stacks when you find a chest.I don't see why Resplendant chests can't have one(at least) guaranteed rare with five stacks.
Snagged these for 1 Mill, worth it? I think so![IMG][/QUOTE]
holy shit thats good
enjoy your 30+mil
I don't see why Resplendant chests can't have one(at least) guaranteed rare with five stacks.
Anybody else having weird frame drops? It's like the game stutters from time to time. It drives me nuts.
I'm running a phenom x4 at 3.6 ghz,
6 gigs of ram
GeForce GTX480 1536mb ddr5
and a caviar black HD.
Suggestions? Or does this shit just happen?
Thanks for posting that. I see the same stutter from time to time (gtx570) and it drives me nuts.Read this mega thread, perhaps this is the same issue you're having.
Blizzard finally acknowledged the problem (reply on top of page 27) so hopefully a fix will be out soon.
Im loving this game, but I feel like Im missing a couple of things. Im pretty sure Im in the middle of the second act and I still dont know how to identify weapons, I also dont know where to find the papers for my blacksmith or gem crafter. Can anyone provide any insight into what Im doing wrong?
The pages you're looking for don't drop until you hit Nightmare difficulty, sounds like you've upgraded them as far as you can for now.Im loving this game, but I feel like Im missing a couple of things. Im pretty sure Im in the middle of the second act and I still dont know how to identify weapons, I also dont know where to find the papers for my blacksmith or gem crafter. Can anyone provide any insight into what Im doing wrong?
Jay Wilson says they are adding "a whole bunch of new loot technology" to be used with the legendaries, so I suppose that means unique affixes
Jay Wilson says they are adding "a whole bunch of new loot technology" to be used with the legendaries, so I suppose that means unique affixes
how much did you get? Thinking about cashing out and starting again for the lulz.
I won't know until the stuff gets deposited in my paypal but I think it was 16 or 17 bucks. It 2.50 per mil so
New loot technology? What, are they gonna add heuristics to detect farmers and blare out a message going "FARM-LIKE ACTIVITY DETECTED" whenever the game thinks you're farming?