With MoP coming Sept 25th, looks like 1.1 wouldn't come out until November at the earliest. Wonder if they'll drag out 1.0.4 too since it's claimed to be meaty, probably around Guild Wars release.
seriously, you guys think blizzard could save the game with patches?
only a expansion could make people interested again, imo.
haven't played in 3 weeks now I think. I only log in to try to sell a few stuff left every couple of days.
Welcome to my world.
Leveled myself a couple of other toons but it's the same story for every class I tried, faceroll act 1 with cheapish/semi-ok gear, want to progress in act 2? 1mil a piece/slot. (if you are lucky :lol)
An unfortunate possibility. Hopefully we see it next week but since we haven't even heard details about 1.0.4... :/
Welcome to my world.
Leveled myself a couple of other toons but it's the same story for every class I tried, faceroll act 1 with cheapish/semi-ok gear, want to progress in act 2? 1mil a piece/slot. (if you are lucky :lol)
But that's not really an answer to your question, I wouldn't know myself, only thing I know is that if I want to kill elites at the same speed as I'm killing them now I need to spend around 15/20mil (maybe even more) on the AH (weapon included). (and I have 700k atm)
And that's without taking MF into account. Oh and getting absolute shit for drops, "even" with my 264MF isn't helping either :lol
is there still a community going?
blizz should just abandon ship and get to work on diablo 4.
seriously, you guys think blizzard could save the game with patches?
only a expansion could make people interested again, imo.
haven't played in 3 weeks now I think. I only log in to try to sell a few stuff left every couple of days.
How do u check the specs on the item u just sold for gold at the auction house?
Sadly, you can't.
This sold pretty quickly for $7.99 buy out. I'm worried that I priced it too low.
It doesn't seem like it's worth more than two million.
If you did not send the gold to stash you can still check out what you sold.
Shift click the money in your auction house list to paste the item to the chat.
That's what I figure too. Thanks for reassuring meIMO ... you made out well. It's not an endgame item. It will be used for about 10 short levels and swapped out.
*puts on tinfoil hat*
My last 60 hours or so of farming have yielded nothing but junk. Then I heard someone say in a conspiracy thread that physical authenticators give you better drops. I had been using a mobile one, but I decided to give it a shot and go ahead with getting a physical authenticator. It arrived yesterday evening and I attached it to my account. I noticed no immediate difference. Then I started farming this morning, and what happens? A legendary drops after not finding one or a set item for the last 60 hours. Also, my drops are better in general. I'm finding less 50 items and more ilevel 60+ items with sweetspot stats int+vitality, etc.
Here's the legendary btw:
Busting your theory by saying that that particular glove drop has dropped three times for me in the last few days, and I'm using a mobile authenticator.![]()
3 times? Damn. How much MF% do you have an how many hours have you been farming?Busting your theory by saying that that particular glove drop has dropped three times for me in the last few days, and I'm using a mobile authenticator.![]()
Uhm...is that a real question? Do you honestly think that it "cannot be saved"? :O
It definitely is not the consensus on the game's current state.
^^How do I know you're not a Blizzard employee trying to keep this under wraps through a campaign of misinformation and shady back alley deals?
3 times? Damn. How much MF% do you have an how many hours have you been farming?
In over 200 hours I've only seen 5 legendary and 1 set item.
Busting your theory by saying that that particular glove drop has dropped three times for me in the last few days, and I'm using a mobile authenticator.![]()
I'm on the US servers but would love to have that shield for my lightning monk. Would be a good upgrade for me. I have no luck with shield drops at ALL.^^
On another subject, could I have a price check on some items? I'm fairly oblivious to non-wizard gear personally:
The mace I reckon is around 10 million but the rest I'm clueless about. EU.
How does stacking MF on your follower work? Do you get the full MF buff or just a percentage?
Does it make sense to forget about getting them gear that would be beneficial to their skill set and just go for MF gear?
(Keep this thread alive!!)
How does stacking MF on your follower work? Do you get the full MF buff or just a percentage?
Does it make sense to forget about getting them gear that would be beneficial to their skill set and just go for MF gear?
(Keep this thread alive!!)
By GAwwwd It's the first time in a hundred hours I actually got an item from farming that makes my character BETTER. I got a level 63 glove that has 117 dex, 49 crit damage, and 8 crit chance.
Just epic. should would have cost me almost 20 mil to buy something like that.
3 times? Damn. How much MF% do you have an how many hours have you been farming?
In over 200 hours I've only seen 5 legendary and 1 set item.
I'm at a out 12 legendaries too. The difference being the most any one has sold for was 2 mil.I'm at ~220 hours and about 12 legendaries in my stash, with 350% MF after switching. None good, that's why they're still in my stash, but I've probably sold 3-4 good ones (Inna's Glory twice, Nat's chest).
yeah I'm the same, I always get amazing stuff for other classes but never anything for DH, this was the first time in a loooong time. Momentous occasion.Still haven't gotten anything that makes my DH better even after 500 hours of playtime lol!!
I've gotten tons of godlike shit for barbs and monks. but unsurprisingly, the godlike barb gear stopped rolling in once I got my barb to 60 and started messing around with her, haha.
So are you guys manually switching all your gear out or do you use some sort of script? Seems like a pain in the arse.
So are you guys manually switching all your gear out or do you use some sort of script? Seems like a pain in the arse.
Im at 3 Legendaries, all garbage
Lut Socks
2 Set items
Tal Rasha's Guardianship
Shenlong's Fists
1.04 really needs to hit
You can use autoHotkey to automate the process. It basically moves your cursor to the specified coordinates and simulates a "click" command. So, you just have to input the coordinates for each item in your inventory, write a really simple script and you can switch your entire equipment in 0.5 second.
Thing is, no one is quite sure if Blizzard is detecting or banning these kind of "tools". I mean, technically, you are not interfering with the game. It's just that no human being could perform the entire switch as fast as the script does. Looking at it that way, you are effectively "cheating" by having a computer performs the actions in your place.
Got 2 legendaries to drop from the same fight. And they were both the same crappy WD helm. What are the odds?
Anyway, they're both probably rubbish but I figured I'd ask if this one has any value in the Gold AH or should I just shard it?