B.Can't tell if:
a) you work for Blizzard
b) you are quoting a blue post just w/o quotations
c) you are mockingly writing what you think a blue would say
B.Can't tell if:
a) you work for Blizzard
b) you are quoting a blue post just w/o quotations
c) you are mockingly writing what you think a blue would say
If you get to the point of vendoring, i'll give you 40k for it. (i'm not in inferno yet)Yeah ... it's not perfect at all. Seems like an act I ammy at best. Still ... the offer is up to anyone on here. If no on claims it by end of day I'm just gonna vendor it.
If you get to the point of vendoring, i'll give you 40k for it. (i'm not in inferno yet)
Yeah ... it's not perfect at all. Seems like an act I ammy at best. Still ... the offer is up to anyone on here. If no on claims it by end of day I'm just gonna vendor it.
Yeah I get the same with items I can't sell, they piss me off and I end up vendoring them, even though they are worth more like 1678 gold :lol
A month ago that would have sold fast. The market is so wierd right now. I'm hoping 1.0.4 comes out fast. I don't think it's going to being back a ton of people at all. Though if they fix legendaries and buff unused skills, I think it will add more lifetime to the game for me.
For now I'm just farming. I enjoy farming, but if I can't sell what I farm, what's the point?
I found a pretty sick amulet last night (pic on the last page), that I thought was surely a $100+ item:
6% IAS
6% Crit Chance
55% Crit Damage
When I went to price check it, sure enough similar items were mostly up for 100 mil to 300 mil. However, the only one with an actual bid was at about 6.7 mil.
I'm keeping the amulet, not only because it's a hearty increase in my DPS, but also because it's equally good for any and all classes, and I'm still just on my first.
Hey GAF, I've got about 2.5 mil laying around. I've just finished act 2 which was a breeze, died maybe twice - but Act 3 is a new kind of wall, can't even touch an elite pack without dying. What do? Any chance to beat the game with this and a 2.5m?
Also, how much would it cost to convert this happy slayer to a WW barb? What would I be looking for in stats?
You need crit chance and damage. The amulet I just gave away would have been perfect to replace your blue ammy with too.
I'm not too familiar with Barbs, so someone else will ahve to make recomendations, but a WW barb has lots of crit % and crit damage.
2.5 million should by you one upgrade and not much beyond that. Maybe two small updrades. A decent weapon for a main hand should run you around 5-10 million alone.
That's what I was afraid of. Kinda hoped that I overlooked something and could get upgrades for a few slots for cheap![]()
I'd be happy if they at least had your MF affect chests again. I don't even bother anymore as it's not worth the time spent to open a chest. They pretty much completely nerfed the point of Whimsyshire as well because all the clouds in there throw pathetic piles of coins for the most part.I hope they increase the drop rates if the population continues to descrease. The AH was a great way to facilitate item progressiong because you can sell your stuff and buy what you want. If I can't sell anything but the best stuff anymore, what's the point? I would rather play for my upgrades.
guys I'm making ok money now.. I play about 3 or 4 times a week doing act 1 in 4 coop... friend mee..
I'm sure you can find small upgrades over what you have. You just can't change builds with 2.5 million.
I think WW bards dual wield. Their offhand is cheaper though because only the main hand affects damage when their doing their thing.
Rentahamster has a sweet WW barb. Check out his profile.
Yeah, the 2.5 mil. upgrades were meant for progression in A3 with my current build, I wasn't expecting anything more than maybe an act1 viable WW for that kind of money.
Cool! I should be able to hop on tonight. Not sure exactly when but I'm three hous ahead of you in time zones.It's yours!
I don't want your money. Though I thank you for the offer. My tag if fenderputty#1180. Add me to your friends list. I get home at around 5:30 PM Pacific FYI.
Cool! I should be able to hop on tonight. Not sure exactly when but I'm three hous ahead of you in time zones.![]()
Yeah, the 2.5 mil. upgrades were meant for progression in A3 with my current build, I wasn't expecting anything more than maybe an act1 viable WW for that kind of money.
Most people dont have 30+ million just to throw gems in sockets .. Kind of helps.If I were you I would stop progressing and work on building a WW barb. Rentahamster has less DPS, less life and less all resists than my monk and he WRECKS act III. He pulls multiple elites. I don't even think his gear is ALL that, though it's obviously really good.
WW barb is easily the most powerful build in the entire game. It's almost stupid how powerful it is. People were bitching about DH's pre patch 1.0.3b (including me), but a WW barb makes the old DH build look like childs play.
I can't even begin to think about doing what he does.
Most people dont have 30+ million just to throw gems in sockets .. Kind of helps.
US or EU? People should really state their regions.![]()
Still looking forward to patches and updates but for now, in the games current state, I`m done.
On to GW2 and Torchlight 2
Should I be able to finish ACT-2 with this gear?
The build actually gets more effective the more mobs you have on you. More healing coming in smooths the damage spikes and there isn't really much more hitting you. And better damage output of course.If I were you I would stop progressing and work on building a WW barb. Rentahamster has less DPS, less life and less all resists than my monk and he WRECKS act III. He pulls multiple elites. I don't even think his gear is ALL that, though it's obviously really good.
WW barb is easily the most powerful build in the entire game. It's almost stupid how powerful it is. People were bitching about DH's pre patch 1.0.3b (including me), but a WW barb makes the old DH build look like childs play.
I can't even begin to think about doing what he does.
The build actually gets more effective the more mobs you have on you.
Yes and no. I tried to make another video with 8 boss packs, but 5 of them happened to have waller.
That didn't end well :lol
Well I spent some time in Act 3 and I think it's actually very doable in my current gear, but it would be a little sketchy. Stuff still dies relatively fast but now so do I. Just WWing through a pack of mobs setting up cyclones can be dangerous, I died a few times doing it in large groups, and that is with almost 700 life on hit. Seems like most of the enemies in Act 3 hit me significantly harder than it can heal for even during WW/cyclone spam.
So, yeah, I am really squishy. I am currently running with 35k HP, 7k armor, and 680-850 resists. Should I be focusing on upping my armor or actual HP for Act 3? As for resists does a WW barb need to go higher or should I drop some of that for more offensive stats (or HP/armor)?
The Diablo III developers have been hard at work on some exciting new features and updates for the game. Many of you have asked for more details, and we're busily preparing several developer blogs filled with information on what's coming in patch 1.0.4. In the meantime, here's an overview of the information we're planning to share here on the Diablo III community site in the not-too-distant future.
Please keep in mind that this list isn't set in stone, but it should provide a useful preview of what we'll be revealing in the days ahead.
System Changes, by Wyatt Cheng
Senior Technical Game Designer Wyatt Cheng is preparing a high-level summary of some of the system changes planned for 1.0.4.
Legendary Item Improvements, by Andrew Chambers
Senior Game Designer Andrew Chambers is working on a blog detailing all the ways were making Legendary items stand out.
Magic Find Update, by Jay Wilson
Following up on earlier discussions, Game Director Jay Wilson will be providing an update on how Magic Find is evolving in patch 1.0.4.
Class Changes, by Wyatt Cheng
Wyatt will also be providing a preview of the changes well be making for each class in 1.0.4 (and the philosophy behind those changes).
Patch Notes, by Lylirra
Of course, this is all building up to the actual patch 1.0.4 release, and well be releasing the full patch notes shortly before the update goes live.
We're also planning to run some interviews and developer chats surrounding patch 1.0.4, and well be sharing those on the Diablo III front page. Be on the lookout, as we'd love to get you involved in any live chats we host.
As always, your constructive feedback is very much appreciated. Stay tuned for the updates to follow!
I'm squishier than you, but I also have more life on hit, and life steal too. A cheap way to survive at this point would be to search for an off hand weapon with 700+ life on hit and 200+ vitality and buy the cheapest one, regardless of DPS.
mobs that spread out, kite you and have anti melee affixes are such a fucking pain in the ass. I feel like most of the time i save on other mobs are wasted by taking forever to kill Firemage elites that have shielding, teleport, plague molten. Specially when I don't have mobs to regen fury from.![]()
Legendary Item improvements? Does that mean I should keep the 3 level 55 ones I found or something? Right now they were worse then some crap rares I had![]()
I see, this is good to know. How much damage do you actually have? Fully buffed I am only at like 31k but I felt like pretty much everything was dying fast enough even in Act 3.
They've said that the changes won't be retroactive.
However, the Nat's set was retroactive and they said they're gonna keep it.
So....uh, I dunno.
Where can I find the most comprehensive WW barb guide?
I dunno, what do you want to know?
There's a bunch of youtube videos and probably guides on the official forums, d2jsp, or reddit if you search. I didn't really use a guide for mine; since my Wiz and DH got nerfed I decided to give barb a spin after I saw a dude named Dino post a preliminary WW barb spec a week or so before 1.0.3 hit. Then I just took it from there.
I guess I'd to know if there're any variation to the most popular set up, or budget approach. I don't have any good mace/axe weapon yet so any substitutional set up is welcomed.