The $200 RMAH purchase finally went to my paypal account. Yay... now to figure out how to get that money out.. never used paypal before fortunately... sad I have to use it now.
That's what bothers me most about the difficulty curve. It's a stair. And thanks to some affix combinations, the steps are of greatly varying height, too.Christ, Act 3 is crazy. Again, I can tank tons of elites in Act 2 with my monk. I rarely die doing ZK runs, and even survived the whole time when we aggro'd two elite packs. Freezing mobs and desecration really doesn't bother me a ton in A2. Belial himself is kind of a joke now, too. I can stand and get punched and just heal right back up. Walk into Act 3, though, and a freaking frozen elite kills me outright. His freezing just insta-kills me. With over 900 resists I'm dead on the spot from it. What the fucking hell!?
Maybe Maghda runs? The reality is Act II just plain sucks and i have yet to find a good theoretical farming place. 1.03 ought to make running through Act II better, though.
Will buy. PM me.
The $200 RMAH purchase finally went to my paypal account. Yay... now to figure out how to get that money out.. never used paypal before fortunately... sad I have to use it now.
It's a recognized effect. I guess the high price just floats things to the top for people. It's like a shelf at eye-height.So has anyone tried listing items at reasonable prices and had them not sell and then relisted them for more cash and had the item sell? I had a pair of ias/crit chance gloves and all resist bracers I listed for like 3-4$ buyout but no one bid on them.
Haha someone bit on that?
Am I seeing things or are 5 stacks of Nephalem Valor different than wearing Magic Find gear?
With MF gear (about 210%) I didn't get any yellow from 3-4 Siegebreaker runs, but when I did a run with 5 stacks of valor, I got 3 rares. WTF?
So has anyone tried listing items at reasonable prices and had them not sell and then relisted them for more cash and had the item sell? I had a pair of ias/crit chance gloves and all resist bracers I listed for like 3-4$ buyout but no one bid on them.
The $200 RMAH purchase finally went to my paypal account. Yay... now to figure out how to get that money out.. never used paypal before fortunately... sad I have to use it now.
I posted some 65 resist all, 85 vitality, 23 phys resist gloves for 7 bucks and they sold instantly (were my previous gloves too). No one bought them for 500k on the gold AH, so I just thought that without main stat no one wanted them, but I guess I was wrong.
I think the way the AH lists items by default (by price) makes it so that people just check the first 2-3 pages of the top and bottom prices, or maybe people are dumb and if they see they are more expensive they think they are better?
I am amazed. $200 cash money.
The $200 RMAH purchase finally went to my paypal account. Yay... now to figure out how to get that money out.. never used paypal before fortunately... sad I have to use it now.
So does the Auction House not really become viable until you've made it to the later difficulties of the game? As in, I'm not going to find anything on Normal that's even worth trying to sell? It's all still new to me.
So does the Auction House not really become viable until you've made it to the later difficulties of the game? As in, I'm not going to find anything on Normal that's even worth trying to sell? It's all still new to me.
Drop in the bucket how much my friend made/is making still selling gold by botting. Was 1k+ last time I checked... going to ask him again how much he's up to now. But ya 200 on a single item is fucking insane.. yay for insanity.
Drop in the bucket how much my friend made/is making still selling gold by botting. Was 1k+ last time I checked... going to ask him again how much he's up to now. But ya 200 on a single item is fucking insane.. yay for insanity.
It depends on how things shake out. I don't know if there will be a market for low level goods or not.
Cool. I was starting to worry that maybe I had found some potentially profitable items, but sounds like that wasn't the case. Time to breeze through Normal! Thanks, guys.yea, nothing in Normal is worth selling.
Which makes me sad.So the recent Warden bans did not affect him?
Cool. I was starting to worry that maybe I had found some potentially profitable items, but sounds like that wasn't the case. Time to breeze through Normal! Thanks, guys.
Which makes me sad.
Fucking pathetic people bot.
Seems more rational than what we're doing (farming various bosses in inferno), to be honest...Which makes me sad.
Fucking pathetic people bot.
Cool. I was starting to worry that maybe I had found some potentially profitable items, but sounds like that wasn't the case. Time to breeze through Normal! Thanks, guys.
Which makes me sad.
Fucking pathetic people bot.
Pathetic people find a way to enjoy the game they purchased?
I just don't care. Doesn't effect me. Enjoy your game how you like. This is NOT a competitive game.
So the recent Warden bans did not affect him?
Pathetic people find a way to enjoy the game they purchased?
I just don't care. Doesn't effect me. Enjoy your game how you like. This is NOT a competitive game.
yea, nothing in Normal is worth selling.
So the recent Warden bans did not affect him?
Drop in the bucket how much my friend made/is making still selling gold by botting. Was 1k+ last time I checked... going to ask him again how much he's up to now. But ya 200 on a single item is fucking insane.. yay for insanity.
Hope he reports taht on his taxes![]()
Pathetic people find a way to enjoy the game they purchased?
I just don't care. Doesn't effect me. Enjoy your game how you like. This is NOT a competitive game.
What in the world is this? I don't even...
So he bots to make money by selling gold and you defend him? Lol...ok
You can sell gold straight up for real money? Or does he use the gold to buy items off the gold AH and then flip them on the RMAH?
Yeah right.
What is the maximum you can make without reporting anyway?
I'll defend him. It's not a competitive game, in the grand scheme of things.. who gives a shit? Intially I was upset.. but fuck while we're all getting hung up about these people "ruining" a virtual economy in a fucking game he's making tons of cash. We're the stupid ones.
Think of it this way:
You get a couple set/legendary items every time you load an act; They're just in that barrel you forgot to kick over.
You make money, you report Especially when there is no witholding on it.
Stuff like the TF2 economy and this game are going to make the IRS hit digital good hard.
They'd spend more auditing me than I make in a year. Unless Student Loans count as income....
Do they?![]()
What does it not being a competitive game have to do with this? He is exploiting a game to make it doesn't effect me. Just seems really shady to me.
Really an odd thing to defend if you ask me.
They'd spend more auditing me than I make in a year. Unless Student Loans count as income....
Do they?
Thank God.
I bet plenty of students use them as "income" on CC apps though.
You guys reckon the EU prices are gonna be as insane as in US?