You can tell how much the playerbase has dropped off by how slow this thread progresses compared to a few weeks ago. I can actually keep up with everything now.
I'm starting to think that it might be worthwhile for me to switch to 1h+shield since the ~120k dps I would have with shield merely means that champs take a few second longer while the added protection just guarantees I never die except while MF switching.
(stats with archon, enchantress, familiar, magic weapon (blood magic rune), glass cannon)
I'm not particularly efficient in terms of EHP as my vit is quite low compared to my damage reduction. EHP isn't that important though if I get some leech in addition to what I get from magic weapon rune.
Why people feel like they're done with the game after 200-300 hours like it's not something to expect is beyond me. If I played any game for that long over 3 months (especially if I played only one or two classes) I'm pretty sure I'd be burned out too. In fact I'm sure I'll soon be burned out on the game if I don't focus on my other chars because I've already put 130 hours in my wizard (and I've had the game for less than a month too, but I'm on holiday). But it's alright, cause any game I can enjoy for a couple hundred hours is a great game in my book. I feel like I have had my money's worth.
Also, it's pretty much guaranteed that many people are going to come back to the game, even those who say they're 'done'. They might come back because of an expansion, because of a major patch, or just because they realize that after a while they get the itch to play it again. Again, any game you can play for that long in such a short period of time has to be special enough that you're never completely done with it.
I'm starting to dabble a bit in HC mode. To what level can you obtain in normal and nightmare before mobs quit giving xp?
Why people feel like they're done with the game after 200-300 hours like it's not something to expect is beyond me. If I played any game for that long over 3 months (especially if I played only one or two classes) I'm pretty sure I'd be burned out too. In fact I'm sure I'll soon be burned out on the game if I don't focus on my other chars because I've already put 130 hours in my wizard (and I've had the game for less than a month too, but I'm on holiday). But it's alright, cause any game I can enjoy for a couple hundred hours is a great game in my book. I feel like I have had my money's worth.
Also, it's pretty much guaranteed that many people are going to come back to the game, even those who say they're 'done'. They might come back because of an expansion, because of a major patch, or just because they realize that after a while they get the itch to play it again. Again, any game you can play for that long in such a short period of time has to be special enough that you're never completely done with it.
I'm starting to dabble a bit in HC mode. To what level can you obtain in normal and nightmare before mobs quit giving xp?
What is it with champs with the Shielding mod basically being immune to zombie bears?
I'll purposefully wait until their shield drops then unleash the bears *bam* shields up! Seriously, do they raise the shield if a high dps attack comes at them? It's almost impossible to land a bear on them. Also doesn't help that since the last patch the actual Shield graphic doesn't show anymore so I just have to look for the *immune* on hit.
The best strategy I've found for shielding is to just keep hitting them while they're shielded. Trying to time it will just make you angry. The affix as-is, exists only to prolong fights, not make it any more complex or interesting.
Patch tomorrow, maintenance from 5 - 10 AM PST:
Looks like they're fixing the "bug" where you can watch auctions by bidding over your max amount of gold. And I JUST started using that. Damn...
The best strategy I've found for shielding is to just keep hitting them while they're shielded. Trying to time it will just make you angry. The affix as-is, exists only to prolong fights, not make it any more complex or interesting.
Pathetic isn't it.So fucking stupid lol. I mean what's the downside of that specific bug? Being able to keep track of specific items should be in the damn game as a standard feature.
to see me on stream won his contest
Would anybody be interested in these? My auction is full and I need money..
How much you want for the level 55 crit ring? My tag is Blaze1987 message me
to see me on stream won his contest
to see me on stream won his contest
Wow, his viewers are shitting on you quite a bit...
OH WAIT that's our own Gaffer rolling with Kripp! awesome! I'm so dense lol.
You go, man.
Did he just call him Swiftlame? Hahaha. So squishy.
Oh wow, I always read it as Sfiftflame. My bad.But it is his name!
Oh wow, I always read it as Sfiftflame. My bad.
Ghom is so fucking stupid holy shit. I have 50k DPS and I can't kill him... Not only is he ridiculously hard, but lag, or something is completely screwing me - when he starts his puke animation, I can be 20 yards away, with SS up, and still watch my health drain at about 15k per second until I'm dead - what the fuck is up with that. My ping is fine, the puke he spews is nowhere near me, he has no slimes up, and yet I just die. I'm lucky to get him to 25%, and always if I do get him that low, I've completely filled the room. What the fuck Blizzard.
So this just sold for 50m after some furious last minute bidding. Most gold I've had was like 6m before. Time to swim in my virtual silo full of gold coins!
Funny thing, I didn't realize the real value and was just happy when I saw it reach 10m heh.
Also have two weapons up that may go for 20m+. That Act 2 farming path that was posted earlier has been good to me lately, so many better items than what I was getting in Act 1.
A few pages back, I was asking about the Wizard Archon build. I tried it out and it was FUCKING GLORIOUS! I was previously a Blizz+Hydra kiting wizard and 25% move speed. Grabbed a few cheap items off the more than 100k per item..and I was off to try the Archon build.
I was burning through everything with ease!! My main weakness was that I had low hp regen and low LoH. Thus, elites with extra health and reflect damage is a bit painful sometimes...but still doable in solo mode. I was doing Act 1 elite runs in 30 mins! (Northern Highlands, Cemetery, Festering Woods, Leoric's Manor, Halls 2)
Then comes 3 or 4 player mode....oh boy....almost 80% of the elites we met had Extra Health and Reflect Damage...(worse if there's Horde). I burn through them so fast, that with the reflect damage....I can die in 2 seconds from the reflected damage!
Time to look for more LoH and life regen gears!
p/s i have about 51k dps after buffs
odd that doesnt look like a 50 m chest 2 me
i only payed 50m for that
What archon build is this?
Energy Twister with Wicked Wind
Diamond Skin with Crystal Shell
Improved Archon
Force Weapon with life leech
Familiar with damage
Energy Armor with Prismatc
Most of my gears are +Int, +IAS, +Crit Chance. Some crit damage here and there...mostly from socket in weapon.
If Archon is cooling down, I gather trash mobs around me, turn on diamond skin and stack Energy Twister on them.
Why people feel like they're done with the game after 200-300 hours like it's not something to expect is beyond me. If I played any game for that long over 3 months (especially if I played only one or two classes) I'm pretty sure I'd be burned out too. In fact I'm sure I'll soon be burned out on the game if I don't focus on my other chars because I've already put 130 hours in my wizard (and I've had the game for less than a month too, but I'm on holiday). But it's alright, cause any game I can enjoy for a couple hundred hours is a great game in my book. I feel like I have had my money's worth.
Also, it's pretty much guaranteed that many people are going to come back to the game, even those who say they're 'done'. They might come back because of an expansion, because of a major patch, or just because they realize that after a while they get the itch to play it again. Again, any game you can play for that long in such a short period of time has to be special enough that you're never completely done with it.
I have and it of course works very well, but archon has better dps output and doesn't give me carpal tunnelNeedless to say with those stats you can pretty much do any build, with a source or shield, but have you tried going melee? With that amount of crit%, crit dmg, armor and all res you should definitely give it a go. Even with as low as 30k HP you'll do fine.
P.S.: I hate you for all your gear and gems and money.
[EDIT] One thing that's bad though: your attack speed. You definitely want to go with a wand, or better yet a dagger if you want to be a good melee wiz. How much AP on crit have you got? 20 is a minimum if you ask me.
Mindblowing that someone actually has 999,999,999 gold....
botter money lol
Mindblowing that someone actually has 999,999,999 gold....
Now think about that ~150mil will disappear into fees.
Seriously...what happened? =(