Are you sure about Easy, Medium and Hard?
Blizzard already stated that those do NOT give you more exp / higher droprates.
is anyone getting just gold drops from elites with the 3 stacks of nephalem valor? or just gold and maybe a gem or tome? this seems to be happening to me more than half the time. do the 3 stacks not guarantee them to drop a rare? i know in the pc version a with a full stack they always dropped a rare. just wasnt sure if i have encountered a bug or what.
Just killed Diablo in Hell, and left with 70k DPS and a Cindercoat (guess he drops it as a consolation prize for everyone).
Yes, thats what diablo is all about (and PoE / Torchlight)Is it me or do the dungeons in this game generate at random? I swear to god that encounters are different every single time, and corridors do too.
Is it me or do the dungeons in this game generate at random? I swear to god that encounters are different every single time, and corridors do too.
Are you serious?
For many this is their first Diablo game, don't be mean.Are you serious?
I am. Perhaps it is just my mind playing tricks with me, but there are encounters in certain long dungeons that are different when I start up the game and start it over again.
Or are you being sarcastic?
Sarcastic. SorryThis is the case for almost every isometric action-rpg.
For many this is their first Diablo game, don't be mean.
Switched my level 20 Barb to a duel wield from a shield and sword, big difference. Using Rend and the rune where enemies explode, holy crap, just slicing through. Also just unlocked Whirlwind, so it generates Fury while using it? Seems over powered but I'm not really complaining. Only one legendary has dropped for me so far, Iron something armor, went from wearing armor around 35 to one around 95. Crazy
Loving this game
5 stacks= guaranteed rare
3 stacks = nothing guaranteed.
They did not change it into guaranteed rares, due to the changes made to the stats/usefulness. And sometimes, when only one rare drops, it is just a demonic essence.
Hm. I should try out a dual wielding Barb
They work really well. Just get the right set of weapons and you can ruin things.![]()
Should it be two quick weapons, or one quick and one slow?
NV caps at 3 stacks on the console version, not 5 like PC.
I know. My point was that they did not change the "5 stacks = guarnteed rare" into " 3 stacks = guaranteed rare".
Oh, didn't read it that way, my bad. Do we even know why they changed it from 5 to 3? Seems weird.
Nothing worse than using up all your mats on a legendary plan to replace a piece of gear only to find a legendary 30 minutes later that is 5x better.
Just to clear things up:
Easy = Monster Power 0
Medium = Monster Power 2
Hard = Monster Power 4
Master I = Monster Power 6
Master II = Monster Power 7
Master III = Monster Power 8
Master IV = Monster Power 9
Master V = Monster Power 10
Difficulty Recommended Levels
Normal 1 to 30
Nightmare 31 to 50
Hell 50 (mandatory) to 60
Inferno 60 (mandatory)
I just want to know, i am playing on Normal. Where do you get to choose the different Master levels and what does that do to the game? what rewards do you get? None of this is really well explained in the game or manual.
You can mix it up but both fast weapons with as high as possible min/max damage and Strength bonuses if possible. Does depend on what skills you use as they factor in weapon damage or other things.
Cool I'm liking it more now. I also just got the rupture rune for cleave and now we're cooking. Guys are dropping fast!
When changing or selecting a quest, you can change difficulty to Master levels, right underneath where normal medium and hard are. Normal through hard give no bonus xp or magic find, but master levels do. Master unlocks at level 10 I believe, then I think it's available for all characters. Although I'm not sure if master level is worth doing while leveling, most likely will die pretty often, and I haven't checked the exact % increases.
Noobie questions. I'm a level 15 barb and seem to be dying a lot with large groups of mobs. I'm assuming the class is fairly weak until a certain level/armor drops? Any tips? I've done just level grinding a a couple of times before starting new quests. Is it worth it to do crafting at lower levels?
Anyone wanna join and do some low level coop on 360? I'm still on act 1
Noobie questions. I'm a level 15 barb and seem to be dying a lot with large groups of mobs. I'm assuming the class is fairly weak until a certain level/armor drops? Any tips? I've done just level grinding a a couple of times before starting new quests. Is it worth it to do crafting at lower levels?
Anyone wanna join and do some low level coop on 360? I'm still on act 1
What difficulty level are you playing on right now? There are no real benefits to playing on Normal or Hard over Easy other than slightly higher mob density.
If you're having trouble on easy, you can get Rend + Blood Lust rune and use it when you're fighting large packs and you'll heal for more than you take damage. Frenzy + Triumph rune is another decent option although I think that rune has a higher level requirement.
Definitely look into crafting items, the materials are different for each difficulty so you won't be wasting anything by crafting items early on. The crafted items can give you a big advantage.
When changing or selecting a quest, you can change difficulty to Master levels, right underneath where normal medium and hard are. Normal through hard give no bonus xp or magic find, but master levels do. Master unlocks at level 10 I believe, then I think it's available for all characters. Although I'm not sure if master level is worth doing while leveling, most likely will die pretty often, and I haven't checked the exact % increases.
Noobie questions. I'm a level 15 barb and seem to be dying a lot with large groups of mobs. I'm assuming the class is fairly weak until a certain level/armor drops? Any tips? I've done just level grinding a a couple of times before starting new quests. Is it worth it to do crafting at lower levels?
Anyone wanna join and do some low level coop on 360? I'm still on act 1
Just got my second legendary at level 19, Leoric's Crown:
125 Armor
1 Socket
+4% Life
+58 Armor
+1.5% Critical Hit Chance
+11 Experience per kill
+175 Life from Health Potions/Globes
How can I get gems to socket into my armor? I have a few armor pieces with empty sockets but I only have one gem.
I'm playing on normal. Maybe I'll drop it down to easy then based on your comments. Thanks
So no higher chance of item drops/better items from normal to easy? Or just not a big enough difference?
what excatly is MagiFind supposed to do?
Does it affect only and especialy magical weapons (blue) or does the chance of finding rare, legendarys and set items also inrease?
can't you make tomes?
EDIT: or, you mean the tome of secrets?
ok thanksit affect the chances of dropping all magical items (blue yellow orange) and affect the numbers of effect and their stats too