Do you guys think Reaper of Souls won't come out for 360?
That'd be a pretty big middlefinger from Blizzard to anyone who decided to buy D3 on it, so I doubt it.
Do you guys think Reaper of Souls won't come out for 360?
That'd be a pretty big middlefinger from Blizzard to anyone who decided to buy D3 on it, so I doubt it.
Below you'll find a list of hotfixes for the month of September which address various gameplay and service issues affecting Diablo III on console.
Hotfixes are updates we make on our end without requiring you to download a new patch. Some hotfixes will go live the moment they are implemented, while others may require a restart to go into effect. As always, please keep in mind that some issues cannot be addressed without a patch (Sony) or title update (Microsoft).
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue that caused specific set bonuses on the following four item sets to permanently modify a heros core stats (STR, DEX, INT, or VIT) each time they were equipped and the hero was loaded into the game:
Blackthorne's Armor
Endless Path
Guardian's Contingency
Zunimassa's Whispers
Please note that this hotfix will only prevent new occurrences of the bug. In order to correct core stats on heroes who were affected by this bug prior to the hotfix going live, we will need to provide a separate patch (for PS3 users) and title update (for Xbox 360 users). We're currently hoping to deploy this patch/title update by the end of the month, and will provide another update once it's live.
I got this same exactly weapon, stats and everything, last night on Hell Act 3 lol.Just finished Act 2 Hell. These two weapons dropped (one from a random elite pack, and another from a chest, of all things).
It's like the RNG is apologizing for my having totally crappy drops on my monk on the PC version.
Magic Find is irrelevant on the console version.
You get Magic Find bonuses for each Paragon level. Not only that but you get plenty of Legendaries and you will continue to find upgrades all the up to Paragon 20-30 by which time you would probably be geared for Master IV/V. Magic Find also has a cap from gear/Paragon level so at 100 Paragon level you reach cap Magic Find and the magic find from your gear is worthless.
I got this same exactly weapon, stats and everything, last night on Hell Act 3 lol.
How so? If you decide to buy a game on a promise of a not-released expansion, that is not a good decision to make in the first place.
The majority of the buyers probably don't even know that an expansion is coming, but once it does come out and suddenly they're the only platform that it doesn't get released for people are going to be angry.
I can't recall any precedent for such a thing though, have there ever been any expansion pack releases that excluded certain platforms?
Why the hell do you even need Magic Find on console version to begin with? The whole point of having MF on PC was to get Legendaries, on console version they drop frequently with better quality. It negates the need for having MF especially when people are able to get self geared for Master V by the time they reach P30.Since Paragon levels up slower this time, I would say the opposite. Having around ~100% MF on gear so far, puts me around 213% MF with coop bonus and Master I. It will be a LONG time since MF becomes irrelevant.
Besides, upping MP on PC also increases your potential max MF, it is around 500% on MP6. I have 180% from Paragon, ~100-110% from gear, and add Nephalem valor plus MP bonus to it, and it stops at 450-470% on PC. The 300 softcap only renders people's MF irrelavent who do not play on anything higher than MP0, and do not do coop either.
The Bonesaber of Zunakalis might be the best 1H Legendary in the game.
Why the hell do you even need Magic Find on console version to begin with? The whole point of having MF on PC was to get Legendaries, on console version they drop frequently with better quality. It negates the need for having MF especially when people are able to get self geared for Master V by the time they reach P30.
I would much rather have the best possible stats and play on one higher difficulty than have a MF gear but play on lesser difficulty on console version. This also allows me to level up faster.
Actually I meant to say best 1H Legendary for a Monk. It can roll CD for a Monk with a Socket, LS and Dexterity come native on that Legendary. I have seen almost 1600 DPS on that weapon.
Every single Blizzard game on consoles, for example. (StarCraft 64, Diablo PS)
Actually I meant to say best 1H Legendary for a Monk. It can roll CD for a Monk with a Socket, LS and Dexterity come native on that Legendary. I have seen almost 1600 DPS on that weapon.
Every single Blizzard game on consoles, for example. (StarCraft 64, Diablo PS)
Blizz also stated already that they currently built RoS only for PC. It might come one year after, or something like that, but they will definitely not bring it over as a priority.
Besides, creating the superior version of D3 for whatever amount of time it will stay that way should be enough for a $60 purchase, imho.![]()
You are going to be geared for Master III by the time you reach P20 with or without MF. I can guarantee it.Legendaries are more frequent, which means that they will drop EVEN more with the more MF you have. In PC Version, because of the very low chance (0,1% maybe? Something similar to that), the breakpoint for "frequently" seeing legendaries is around ~400% MF. (MP5+). In console version, I can imagine that breaking point being considerably lower - something like 250% DRASTICALLY buffing legendary amounts even further. Besides, we can argue about this, but at the end of the day.... it is self found/trade. I will not turn down items with MF and will put MF piece on helms slots until I have sufficient gear for Master II/III, cause it is worth it.
It is a not a perfect world where I need to trade my attack stats for the same item with MF![]()
How long would you guys guess the PS4 version will take to come after the launch?
Still debating on if I should just wait until then.
You are going to be geared for Master III by the time you reach P20 with or without MF. I can guarantee it.
Its all a matter of what you want the MF for. If your goal is to get geared for Master III, then I can assure you that is possible without MF at a decent time.
How long would you guys guess the PS4 version will take to come after the launch?
Still debating on if I should just wait until then.
My inventory is always half full even after I sell all my stuff or break it down. Am I missing something?
Check your crafting and gem tabs, that's usually what gets me. None of that stuff automatically goes into your stash.
Decisions, decisions.
Since Paragon levels up slower this time, I would say the opposite. Having around ~100% MF on gear so far, puts me around 213% MF with coop bonus and Master I. It will be a LONG time since MF becomes irrelevant.
Ahhhh so for the most part, when you go back to town, do you drop off all your gems to the stash? Yeah that would help!
I can't believe for a moment that there won't be an Xbone version - the deal with Sony would have been to not talk about it (otherwise there would have been fanfares aplenty from them).My worry was if there's no XBone version, than would Blizzard support a older console like the 360 for Reaper of Souls?
I hope that's right. Long enough away so that I feel less guilty about triple dipping, if it hits with the expansion (even if it's DLC) then all the better.My guess is March.
That happened to me too! I just got my 6th Legendary drop and it happens to have the same name as legendary bow I've been using, with the stats pretty much doubled accross the board. There will be blood.Return of the Cluckeye!
Takes me up to 136k.
Yeah, although once I hit Inferno I usually just keep the flawless squares on me since they stack high (not sure how high on console, but 100 on PC) and you're getting them so frequently it's almost pointless to stash them. On console regular square gems still drop on Inferno (which I'm still pissed about) so that adds a wrinkle there.
As far as the craftable stuff except for Demonic Essences which drop from enemies, everything else would only be in there from you salvaging it at a vendor/blacksmith which is probably right next to your stash anyway. So a good method would be to go back to town, repair your stuff, sell/salvage whatever you're going to do, then just hop over to your stash real quick and dump everything. It's mildly annoying on console (not a fan of some of the inventory screens) but it still only takes just a couple of seconds once you have it down.
Do you guys think Reaper of Souls won't come out for 360?
I still can't figure out why all advertising seems to be aimed at the PS3. Maybe this explains it?Do you guys think Reaper of Souls won't come out for 360?
I still can't figure out why all advertising seems to be aimed at the PS3. Maybe this explains it?
Does anyone know how high the stash gets on this version? The Stash upgrades are getting expensive, but I kinda just want to get that out of the way.
No decision at all! Making a new character is always fun, it is an insanely fast process in D3.
Therefore, you can have your fun NOW or half a year later. That is about it.
I was having a hell of a time with dying in new areas as a barb. Since switching to easy I must saying it seems way too easy.
Eviscerating mobs is always fun in Diablo. Besides most people just want to power through the lower difficulties fast to get to Inferno as soon as possible.