I bet Reaper or Souls will be on PS4
It'll have to be if Blizzard really expects people to pay full price if they bought it already on PS3 or 360.
I bet Reaper or Souls will be on PS4
With the drop rates in the console version being so much higher, does it make the Blacksmith less valuable?
Gonna need to beat it 2 more times anyways to get to inferno to farm.So I just killed Diablo for the first time and am level 31. What is the strat to get to 60 as fast as possible so I can begin my real farming?
I've crafted half my gear, along with weapons for my companions.
Crafting is great here. You have a much better chance of getting something appropriate for your class. So teach him what he needs to know, and craft em when you reach that level. 99% of the time its a pretty decent upgrade.
Yeah, I've also had pretty good success with crafting better items, especially on the way to 60.
Once you hit 60 though most of the gear probably isn't worth it, but the craftable archon gloves/bracers/shoulders are all pretty much best in slot (although that may be a bit different on console now). Same thing with the craftable amulet and hellfire ring, but those have higher requirements.
Unless you're just lucky with drops. Almost every single item I've crafted was a downgrade from what I was wearing. The only thing that I have on that I can actually get a real upgrade on are my pants...that I've been wearing for an eternity, yet the smith refuses to craft anything better, and I have the best leg plans.
That's exactly it. I didn't bother crafting while leveling up, because I had no reason to. I had a bunch of MF items, or runspeed items and there wasn't any reason to try to replace them when the crafting materials at that point were somewhat scarce. Plus, it was like every time my curent weapon was showing its age, the game said "Here, have a huge upgrade" and would drop another legendary. Once you hit 60, the game becomes a loot pinata and you'll be lucky to ever craft an upgrade. I wasn't really counting the Hellfire ring, but I guess that makes two items I'm wearing that were crafted.
My console Wizard has double the DMG and resist and i can still barely do MP1 inferno on console where as my PC Wizard can do MP2-MP3.Haha, oh my god. I just reinstalled PC D3 just to see what my stats were like on my other characters. My Wizard had 35k DPS and my Demon Hunter 60k (this was within the first six weeks or so). My console Wizard in one week has 339k.
That sucksAnyone else having the same problems?
Are you having freezes, as in the game stops for a couple of seconds and then keeps running fine? Or do you mean you have to restart the console?
My console Wizard has double the DMG and resist and i can still barely do MP1 inferno on console where as my PC Wizard can do MP2-MP3.
Don't know what the fuck is going on.
Master 1 is MP6.
Playing on the ps3 with my girlfriend all's insanely addictive. So much so, we both took half days tomorrow to come home and start playing by 12:30! We have found so far that a few adult beverages and diablo go quite well together.anybody have any suggestions for great diablo themed drinks for us to enjoy tomorrow during our marathon session!?!?? Happy looting!
The Game Director has said, in multiple interviews, the expansion will release only on PC. It is currently all they're developing it for. My guess is the console expansion will come out 6-12 months later.
Has anyone confirmed what paragon bonuses apply towards your other characters?
Edit: Just did a quick search and it looks like only the GF & MF not the stats.
So does NDE not work in Hardcore?
Also, how outdated is this?
Yeah on console. my monk on console shits on my pc one. I don't rememeber my numbers for my pc monk though. A couple hundred hours worth of play time. Crazy how different the games are.
Made DH tonight, which I leveled up to act 3, using my barb as the booster. Crafted Cain's set for nifty +xp also. Although, still missing Dex Hellfire Ring and my toon would be complete for boosting.
Feels like it's best to keep the difficulty on easy, so you won't have to hit triangle/y all the time on the second controller to resurrect your alt.
So I just killed Diablo for the first time and am level 31. What is the strat to get to 60 as fast as possible so I can begin my real farming?
Oh wow the mob density on consoles is pretty awful, Fields of Misery is pretty empty and I went into Decaying Crypts and there's like nothing there.
Yeah, and it really hurts specific builds that are powerful on the PC (Archon/Wrath of the Berserker), although the Barbarian is hurt much less than the Wizard by this.
So I'm just about to fight the Skeleton King and bam, "You've reached the mass level in the demo"
I want to buy it but I don't want to spend $60 on a "year old" game
Haha, oh my god. I just reinstalled PC D3 just to see what my stats were like on my other characters. My Wizard had 35k DPS and my Demon Hunter 60k (this was within the first six weeks or so). My console Wizard in one week has 339k.
Played inferno act 1 for weeks on PC with around 12k dmg, now people have 90k dmg in the first week an hour after hitting inferno. Shit.
Long ass post, sorry.
Not at launch which is what he is probably referring to.You could easily get to 90k dmg within a week of hitting inferno on PC
Not at launch which is what he is probably referring to.
Just finished the demo and had lots of fun! Great length compared to a lot of other games out there. I also appreciated that the demo takes place at the beginning of the game, unlike a lot of other rpg games that throw you in the middle of the story.
Asked and answered. XB1, nothing official (but likely, in my opinion) and Blizzard isn't talking about the expansion for anything other than PC at the moment.I know this has probably been asked a thousand times but is this coming to XB1? What about the expansion pack for next gen platforms?
Asked and answered. XB1, nothing official (but likely, in my opinion) and Blizzard isn't talking about the expansion for anything other than PC at the moment.
They need to massage the PC crowd at the moment though, I'm sure the expansion will come to the consoles (at this point I'm assuming it's doing well).
I thought me and my girlfriend were the only ones. She doesn't even like games that much (she's an anime person) but we are having a blast together.
I know this has probably been asked a thousand times but is this coming to XB1? What about the expansion pack for next gen platforms?
And this is a Diablo thread.who the fuck closed GTAV thread ?
it's internet not a dictatorship !!!
Anyone seen any deals on the PS3 version?