The plans for the infernal machine drop from the 4th keymaster right?
Thanks he finally dropped it, after dropping only the first key 9 times.Correct. Best to have 3 Stacks of Nephelem valor.
Does Wizard bloom at level 20 I am getting my ass kicked at level 17...
Wizard is a slower burn, but stick with it and experiment. That caution may end up paying dividends even after you've gotten more power.Does Wizard bloom at level 20 I am getting my ass kicked at level 17...
Does Wizard bloom at level 20 I am getting my ass kicked at level 17...
Wizard is a slower burn, but stick with it and experiment. That caution may end up paying dividends even after you've gotten more power.
Mine felt pretty powerful at around that level. Magic missile and the slower manaball of doom saw me through.
Controls work surprisingly well, only the quick item switch doesn't seem to pick the best options for the gear. Do the indicating arrows for damage, defense and health not include the stats on the items?
Having a much better time now at 20. I die much less but I need more gear.
I'll never understand how people find the fun in easy power-leveling and farming. If anything the game is running on fumes at 60.The game really begins at level 60. If you're dying at level 20, you're putting far too much time into the game at too low of a level. Put it on easy, powerlevel to 60, and then watch as the fun starts.
Having a much better time now at 20. I die much less but I need more gear.
I'll never understand how people find the fun in easy power-leveling and farming. If anything the game is running on fumes at 60.
But hey, whatever floats your boat. I know there are a lot of people play it just like you recommend.
I'll never understand how people find the fun in easy power-leveling and farming. If anything the game is running on fumes at 60.
Actually I was having a far easier time as a low level wizard than any other class.
I went through the game pretty slowly, doing all the events events and exploring every nook and cranny, when first released on PC, but since then it's been about power levelling to 60, starting to find good gear, and then taking on the Ubers.I'll never understand how people find the fun in easy power-leveling and farming. If anything the game is running on fumes at 60.
But hey, whatever floats your boat. I know there are a lot of people play it just like you recommend.
Any fellow wizard trying crit mass in the laster parts of the game? Is it just as nuts as the pc one?
The one time I'd rather have gotten LS instead of a socket for the one random roll, but fuck I'll take it.
I'd rather have that one than the one I have that's the same DPS but with LS instead of a socket. My Bonesaber doesn't have a socket either, but it already has LS on it. I've had a bunch of random Echoing Furys drop all of a sudden too, so I just replaced the Sledge with the Fury that had LS and a socket. The fear isn't as awful as I thought it would be, but the stun is still better.
Finally upgraded my amulet from a Blackthorne (that had 86% crit damage and 10% IAS). Ended up with an amulet that had 8.5% CC, 89% CD, 296 dex, 8% IAS, 508 LoH, socket. Boosted my damage by 40k alone. Finally decided to let my non dex helm go too. Thing had a bunch of armor, tons of INT, 58 Res All, 5% CC and a socket. Nothing was dropping that was an upgrade that had a socket, until finally an Andariel's dropped, and the stats were too good. Lost the socket and resists, but gained a bunch of DPS, armor and vitality. My resists on my Monk kind of suck right now too. Dropped from ~500 all to 378 all.
Our Monks even kind of have similar names.
Yeah, if it has a low Fear roll EF's aren't TOO bad, especially if you put it in your offhand.
I don't really see how it being in your offhand makes much of a difference once you start attacking a bunch of enemies. Unless you're one-shotting everything, you'll be alternating each hand anyway. Unless the vortices also have the ability to proc effects and are tied to your main hand kind of like the Barbarian Sprint tornados.
On a side note, a Skywarden with two sockets dropped. It had a good DPS number, but I didn't think it would actually be any better than what I was using, although I decided to check it out anyway. My DPS actually went up by 23k when I put two emeralds in it. I was wanting to toy around with a TR build, but it seems like you're pretty much required to play those on the lower MP/Master levels or they just suck. Well, it worked out pretty well on Master 3, except for the fact that I had no life steal and would get owned again and again by most elites in Act 3 (they just LOVE to spawn with Arcane 75% of the time). 680 LoH only goes so far when you attack at 1.21 attacks per second.
Anyone on PS3 looking for a new friend? Nobody on my list is playing anything but GTA V now but D3 is my crack. I have a 60 wizard and a lower level WD and Monk. I'm tired of playing lag city with randoms :-(So sorry about that! Wish I could've done something about it... Maybe one day, though :3!
While most of the good/popular items on those lists are still very good on the console version... there are a lot more items on the console version that are insanely good compared to the PC version.Is this list a valid list of items I should be aiming for in the console version?
Modded weapons and armor have totally ruined the online aspect of this game. I mean a crossbow with 1.6 million attack points? Come on!
Any tips on how to obtain 5,000,000 gold faster? This will be the first game I've bothered to get a platinum trophy on and it's the single trophy standing in my way.
Any tips on how to obtain 5,000,000 gold faster? This will be the first game I've bothered to get a platinum trophy on and it's the single trophy standing in my way.
MF/ on all gear and Topaz in your headpiece and inferno run after inferno run, but you probably knew that...persistence is key homie
Ok seriously fuck the realm of turmoil. Absolutely the hardest of the three for me, and after visiting it 4 times, still missing the ingredient for the hellfire ring
Ok seriously fuck the realm of turmoil. Absolutely the hardest of the three for me, and after visiting it 4 times, still missing the ingredient for the hellfire ring
Yeah, I have to repeat that one multiple times too, definitely the toughest to solo. Concentrate on taking out ZK first and moving around to avoid siege's charges. Use the Templar and gear him for vit/defense and with some luck he can help you tank siege at least a little. Once ZK is out of the picture you can take your time with siege, avoiding any tornados on the screen.
On the PC version I actually built a WD on an alt account just to help my DH to solo that encounter. I geared the WD for max ehp and life regen and would just place him in front of siege and him and his pets would keep siege occupied long enough for me to kill ZK.
I can do it with no real problems as a solo wiz by taking out siege first. Once siege is dead ZK is practically harmless. It is an interesting endurance fight, really tests how well your strategy is with your build.
I can do it with no real problems as a solo wiz by taking out siege first. Once siege is dead ZK is practically harmless. It is an interesting endurance fight, really tests how well your strategy is with your build.