I hate when I recover my save file through PS+ on my living room PS3 rather than my bedroom one, it gets all weird about giving me trophies. I don't care about trophies, but now my save isn't officially tied to any single profile.
What is paragon levelling? Like what does P0, P100 etc even mean? How do I access it.
So MP1-5 is monster power? I can only set it up to MP5? On PC it's higher? A y point in setting this before Inferno? I'm playing just "normal" first playthrough.
First legendary at 18?! Damn son, must be a record for highest lvl without a legendary![]()
First legendary at 18?! Damn son, must be a record for highest lvl without a legendary![]()
Does Paragon work the same on console as it does on PC? 3% magic and gold find and a few points to your primary stat? Or did they put in the paragon 2.0 to this?
I want to know too. I did some googling and found this:
I am reading it now.
Probably normal. There's no bonus to loot or experience by playing on hard, so really you'll just level slower. Around level 20 you can turn on Master 1 which gives about 120% exp, but it's equivalent to MP6.finally on way home today-wife has been warned I wont be leaving my 'office' for 2 days for this-
whats the best diffculty to start at for a semi-experienced DH, hard?
finally on way home today-wife has been warned I wont be leaving my 'office' for 2 days for this-
whats the best diffculty to start at for a semi-experienced DH, hard?
Probably normal. There's no bonus to loot or experience by playing on hard, so really you'll just level slower. Around level 20 you can turn on Master 1 which gives about 120% exp, but it's equivalent to MP6.
are the mantras of the monk permanent?
i activate it and is doesnt go away...
if so, whats the point of them costing mana?
On the PC they only last 3 minutes, 10 with one of the passives. That's crazy they're permanent on console.are the mantras of the monk permanent?
i activate it and is doesnt go away...
if so, whats the point of them costing mana?
I didn't start getting legendaries until like level 17 or so. Now I'm up to 24 on act 2 hell
On the PC they only last 3 minutes, 10 with one of the passives. That's crazy they're permanent on console.
3 minutes is pretty much permanent anyways. Mantras are, for all intents and purposes, an extra passive that has an even greater effect when you spam it every 3 or 4 seconds.
I think i was going on level 20 before i swapped it. A friend of mine just went through all the modes on easy with the helmet on. On my DH i will probably do the same. Easy w/ helmet on and just melt through the modes super fast.Alright, about to jump into Act 2 Normal on my level 15 Monk for the next hour or so.
Are people wearing their Infernal Helm through to level 60? I have gotten some much better helms but I'm hard pressed to give up that 25% experience gain. :O
I found the Black Mushroom the first playthrough on my Wizard. Can't remember what other items you need.Are the materials for the Staff of Herding not available on your first run through?
Last night, I came across the room that was supposed to have the Black Mushroom in it (just before I killed SK), but it was empty. I was under the impression that it was the room itself that was the rare spawn, but that it always had the Mushroom in it.
On PC, I found it on the first playthrough of my Barb, but it was after I'd run that area on my monk.
Edit: Never mind, I was on the wrong level. It apparently spawned an exact copy of the room on Level 3 (the Mushroom only spawns on Level 1).
Alright, about to jump into Act 2 Normal on my level 15 Monk for the next hour or so.
Are people wearing their Infernal Helm through to level 60? I have gotten some much better helms but I'm hard pressed to give up that 25% experience gain. :O
I found the Black Mushroom the first playthrough on my Wizard. Can't remember what other items you need.
I'm outside buyin random stuff... Stumbled upon this and decided to play :3 gotta take every chance I get!
Just change the helm as you find one that is better. Exp comes from killing things fasterAlright, about to jump into Act 2 Normal on my level 15 Monk for the next hour or so.
Are people wearing their Infernal Helm through to level 60? I have gotten some much better helms but I'm hard pressed to give up that 25% experience gain. :O
Paragon leveling is just another set of levels you start acquiring AFTER you reach lvl60, the progress bar is colored blue as opposed to yellow. It starts at 0 and ends at 100 although we are not sure yet if there's a cap like on PC version. The Paragon levels take longer to acquire than regular levels and award you with 3% Magic Find and Gold Find per level along with new portrait icons every level or so. On the PC version they also gave you 3 main stat, 2 Vit and 1 of each in the other but NOT on the console version as Paragon levels on console version are account wide bonuses (getting early stats on new characters would be game breaking). This is compensated on consoles by just having better loot overall on the consoles, you can get like a 1500 DPS item while getting items with 85 all res when cap was 80.
Bwahaha! Can't wait for my inferno legendariesIt's all Yoshi's fault. People see him get like 6 Legendaries per Act and then wonder why they aren't getting 6 Legendaries on Normal Act 1.
Ok you do actually get stats with paragon levels, i just checked, was at 2603 strength, and my first paragon level and i was 2606
The buffs, gear etc are all the same, but the game does not "announce" you getting this, only says MF and GF gain.
I have reached Level 16 and just reached the Warden boss but I am starting to find my Demon Hunter incredibly boring. All I do when I reach mobs of enemies is slow them down with both Chain Gang and Caltrops and just hold the right trigger to decimate them with either Rapid Fire or Chakrams. It is getting stale. There is no true sense of getting abilities that totally change my playing field because the combination I use now is the most effective thing there is. I feel like a coward, constantly laying traps and changing my position in the battlefield without getting hit once. I am seriously considering on switching to the monk or barbarian, but am afraid that the barbarian is too much of a Hulk character.
What do you guys recommend if you take my experience into consideration?
Your stats increase as well, yes. Weird that it does not ''announce'' that though.