And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?

What are Bounties?
Bounties are set tasks. For example, locate and kill a Superunique or Boss monster or complete an event or clear a dungeon and be rewarded with Experience, Gold and possibly a Rift Keystone. You access a Bounty by using the Waypoint map and selecting a waypoint marked with an exclamation mark (!) or Diablo's skull icon (indicating boss or quest boss).
- There are 25 random bounties per game, 5 per act.
- Known Bounty types are "Complete an Event", "Clear a Dungeon" and "Kill monster/boss".
- You need to complete Campaign mode to access Adventure mode and Bounties.
- There is no difficulty mode such as normal, nightmare etc. The difficulty is scaled to your character level. It's unknown what happens in multiplayer games. It could take the average character level or just the level of the person who created the game.
- Rewards for completing Bounties can sometimes be a Rift Keystone which are used to open Nephalem Rifts.
- Bounties are not repeatable in the same game. You need to leave and begin a new game to refresh the bounties available.
What are Rifts?
- Nephalem Rifts (formerly known as Loot Runs) are a special type of game within Diablo 3, designed to provide an intense challenge and fast paced action over a 10-15 minute dungeon crawl. They are reminiscent of boss runs from Diablo 2, but will take place in special dungeons with fully-randomized enemies in special dungeons, and will therefore play unlike any of the normal Act game content. Even the end bosses are randomized and unpredictable.
- Nephalem Rifts are enabled by finding Nephalem Rift Keys, which are taken to a special NPC in town. Players may choose to explore multiple Nephalem Rifts in the same game, likely after getting stacked up, but will need to turn in a Loot Run Key for each one, and as with the three portals to the Realms of the Infernal Machine event, only one Loot Portal can be active at a time.

What does this mean?!
- It's simple. In Diablo III: Reaper of Souls, enemies now scale with your level. With the addition of 10 more levels (60-70), enemies are now going to be even tougher then before - but so are you! Enjoy the crazy numbers that you and your friends will be dealing, but be aware that your enemies will be hitting you for crazy as well!

I was reading that! Why would you mspaint that shit?!
Simply because ALL you need to know about the crusader is the following:


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>|C L I C K H E R E |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Also, thank you Reddit for some of the information in this thread

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