uncredited male
338 kills at the chest. I can tweak no more, either grind for the Gift and some more damage or find a DH.
The Ramaldani's gift, the one that adds a socket to any weapon - is it super rare? Have never gotten one and wondering if it has a higher drop rate from a particular activity?
They aren't super rare, I'm only paragon 557 this season and I've seen like 6?
I'm Paragon 543 and have only gotten one. My friend who is Paragon 507 has gotten three.They aren't super rare, I'm only paragon 557 this season and I've seen like 6?
Well, after trying out the swk ltk and wol builds, I am not a fan of the ltk one (have a set for lon, but not ideal yet).
The inna/rainment gen build works out better for me compared to the ltk one. Feels way too squishy and the amount of resource spending with ltk is brutal.
i've tried improving my build. i'm still dying a lot on T8 but it's a bit easier.
i've been upgrading rares to legendaries and spending shard at kadala. adjusted the gems i have and now have 2x legendary gems at lvl 25. swapped my chantodo's will out for now until i find another one so i can put a socket on it. i ruined my old one apparently :/
i still feel like i'm doing something wrong because i'm nowhere near T10 yet and until i am then i can't progress any further into the season. i am on Champion chapter and you can see what i need to do here:
the only 2 objectives i've done so far are converting set item and crafting flawless royal gem.
i've tried improving my build. i'm still dying a lot on T8 but it's a bit easier.
i've been upgrading rares to legendaries and spending shard at kadala. adjusted the gems i have and now have 2x legendary gems at lvl 25. swapped my chantodo's will out for now until i find another one so i can put a socket on it. i ruined my old one apparently :/
i still feel like i'm doing something wrong because i'm nowhere near T10 yet and until i am then i can't progress any further into the season. i am on Champion chapter and you can see what i need to do here:
the only 2 objectives i've done so far are converting set item and crafting flawless royal gem.
I'm Paragon 543 and have only gotten one. My friend who is Paragon 507 has gotten three.
It's just RNG being RNG.
Do paragon levels work like regular levels when it comes to large gaps? I turned on my 2nd dual shock and drug my brothers character around today and got him from 13 to 42 in like 10 minutes, thinking when he hits 70 he can join me on T4 where I'm chilling at currently.
But if his 70 character doesn't get a boost to roughly my level then he will just die so damn much.
342, 346, 342.
I cannot deal with this shit. I need to find a UE DH for this.
I still need a Traveler's Pledge for my Invoker Crusader, I'm P508 now and I've not seen a single one drop yet. I also need an Akkarat's Awakening shield too, I've gambled pretty much all of my shards at Kadala but not gotten a single one yet. I'm having terrible RNG luck this season....
Have you also been upgrading rare amulets/shields into legendaries? Kanai Cube has recipes to help get gear that a lot of people don't know about and don't use.
Yeah, but I stopped last week to save up more DB's. I probably have a good stack by now and should start doing that again too. Sigh.
I'm starting to wonder though if I should give up Invoker and switch to a hammer build with Seeker of Light. I've noticed that literally ALL of the season crusader leaders run Seeker of Light with hammer builds, I can't find one Invoker thorns build. Maybe I should switch sets now and start re-gearing instead....
The Avarice and no-set GR45 conquests are very easy if you want to do alternative conquests.
Fuck me. I just realized this, but when I transferred from my OG-PS4 to the PS4Pro, I only brought my main profile along... I had been using a second local account on a second controller to power level my characters with an ultra-pimped-out Monk with almost his complete set. It's gone, now!
Only if that second account has PS+ tied to it, as well.You should be able to get it via cloud saves on the secondary account, no?
Yeah, but I stopped last week to save up more DB's. I probably have a good stack by now and should start doing that again too. Sigh.
I'm starting to wonder though if I should give up Invoker and switch to a hammer build with Seeker of Light. I've noticed that literally ALL of the season crusader leaders run Seeker of Light with hammer builds, I can't find one Invoker thorns build. Maybe I should switch sets now and start re-gearing instead....
You should be able to get it via cloud saves on the secondary account, no?
The secondary account didn't have PS+. What a bummer!Only if that second account has PS+ tied to it, as well.
Personally I'm really looking forward to seasons on my PS4. It would be even better if they came with new trophies, but since they're added through a patch I doubt that will happen. Is that even a thing on PS4, new trophies through patches? Or must they be tied to DLC?
Paid (and free) DLC have had trophies added to the base game, it's nothing new.
There may be new trophies for the Necromancer since that will be a paid dlc. Expect a lot of new in-game challenges as well.
Me and a friend of mine are ~Paragon 600. We managed to clear a 74 grift, quite happy with our build right now.
The Hammerdin build for the crusader really improved after patch 2.4.3. with Faithful Memory. Before that I played the Thorns build - very tanky, but my damage was too low...
What build are you doing? I just got back into D3 after really not playing since release. I made a season crusader and just got it to 70 but don't really know the best skills to be using...or even stats to focus on since I am gaining paragon levels now.
edit - I came across this guide, I am guessing this is a good starting point? http://www.icy-veins.com/d3/crusade...-and-seeker-of-the-light-patch-2-4-3-season-9
I've lost track of how many shards and death breaths I've spent on trying to get a Skull Ring on my Barbarian. I just can't get one to save my life.
how long is left of season 9?
this was my first season and i guess i messed it up. really struggling to progress beyond the Champion chapter. i just can't get to T10. best i can do is T8 and even that is quite challenging. i am thinking about starting again or just waiting for season 10.
not sure what to do. i really enjoy playing this game but just keep running into walls with it![]()
Boon of the Hoarder makes that conquest super easy tbh. Crank up your gold find in paragon too. I did it in the ruins of corvus area.
So, amazingly enough, I am currently just one conquest away from getting my very first stash tab ever!
The conquest I have is the 45 rift one with no set pcs, so I only need to do one more. I think I'll try that Avarice one, the 50 million in a streak. I might need to level a Boon of the Hoarder up to 50 though...
Single session in which you chain 50 million gold pickups together. So you have maybe 3 seconds or so after one pickup to get the next one (until the gold text notice disappears from the UI).
Seasons are coming to PS4/Xbone with season 10 right?