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Diablo III: Reaper of Souls |OT3| Tyrael Looted: {[El'druin]}

I played for 2 hours last night and got around 20 Swampland Waders. Thinking about other weird drops I remember a GR drop where I got two sets of normal and ancient rings.


Yeah, second half of 2017 was mentioned at Blizzcon.
"The newly revealed Necromancer class has a lot going for it: ghastly minions, gory spells,and a killer (huehue) design. Players can look forward to slaughtering foes of Sanctuary with him (or her!) in the second half of 2017 with the “Rise of the Necromancer” pack."
What is the meta for follower gear this season? Does Eung Jang Do still lock the rift guardian when below 20% health? If I remember correctly, in season 4 they changed the way crowd control works. Did this affect the Eung Jang Do's effect on locking the rift guardians? Thanks.
Season 9 is ending soon. Saw it when I logged in last night. I am running G rifts to get my gems to 35, but I don't think I can master the set dungeon. I went with a grander demon hunter and one of the most time killing requirements is to not let a single mob get in melee range.


Season 9 is ending soon. Saw it when I logged in last night. I am running G rifts to get my gems to 35, but I don't think I can master the set dungeon. I went with a grander demon hunter and one of the most time killing requirements is to not let a single mob get in melee range.
The Firebird's set dungeon is ridiculously easy this season, if you'd rather spend a bit extra time getting the items you need for Wiz.
The Firebird's set dungeon is ridiculously easy this season, if you'd rather spend a bit extra time getting the items you need for Wiz.

I know 9 is on it's last days. I don't think I'll have enough time for it this season. I will probably try wizard or monk next season.


Me and a friend are still playing in coop and reached paragon ~650. We try to optimize our crusader and demon hunter builds.

Last time we played we created a table for our chars, that gives us an overview which items need to be enhanced (based on icy veins). It really fastened the equipment management. Just wanted to share, perhaps someone has similar problems with his messy notes.



Gold Member
this was my first season. only managed as far as finishing the champion chapter but quite enjoyed it. i've learned a lot this season so hopefully i'll get off the mark a bit quicker in season 10. gonna go with a demon hunter this time as i'm tired of my wizard.

looking forward to the necromancer too!


Yeah, I'm prolly gonna go DH for S10.

Marauder is pretty strong, and funny enough, I've never really played a DH through any Season yet.

(It's by and far my least played class.)


What do you do with your old old gear? I have some pre auction house closure top tier equipment that is now basically worthless. Worth keeping at all or should I just clean house and salvage.
That transmogrify is fantastic DV.


84 down. Top 500 prob secure, but going to try an 85 to ensure it when the season ends.

Meet me up here, GAF Monks.

What do you do with your old old gear? I have some pre auction house closure top tier equipment that is now basically worthless. Worth keeping at all or should I just clean house and salvage.

I keep good stuff on mules (extra characters) and followers. Everything that I don't really see myself using gets smelted. AKA, I'm going to be doing a lot of smelting, as I'll be going back to my Wiz main next season which is currently filling up 80% of my current backpack space.


I don't really see myself using any of it. Except maybe the Magic Find sunkeepers. Just hard to get rid of things that don't exist anymore, right? Both Natalya's, Bunch of Uniques that all changed, etc.


I finally got a damn ancient nats helmet to drop. Only been targeting that forever. Now just need ancient mantle of channeling, ancient restraint, and ancient hellfire amulet. Then I can do it all over for primal ancients :D
Can anyone tell me if they actually found the Archon Wizard builds from the last 2 seasons actually enjoyable? I keep watching streamers of top 10 players climbing (solo GR 112!) and it just doesn't look fun at all. The tonado + tornado sword and Unstable Scepter arcane orbit builds looked FAR more enjoyable than how this looks. But having never played Archon in the 5 years I've been playing D3, I may be unnecessarily biased against it. If GAF says it's cool, I'll give it a go and play Wiz next season.

I think the only two people who have been on in days is you and me, and I'm trying for some reason to get cosmic wings.
Yea. My efforts to solicit some action from others has gone unnoticed. Feelsbadman.

Oh yeah, I saw you got the wings....... no jealous.....

Did you farm like crazy or were you just lucky?

I joined the Wing Hunting chat room and did...many laps on my non-seasonal Wizard (Aether Walker ftw). Solo, in "friend chat" groups. I think in total I walked into about 50 Wimsydales before finding the drop. This was portals I found and invited people to and portals others found and I was quick enough in asking for an invite to join myself.

It was a lot of time. Whether it was worth it...I'm not an unbiased person on this subject and my actual opinion would probably mean little given I actually got them. Would I do it again? NO. Was I close to giving up? Nah. I would have tried to do a few portals every day until they showed up or until I stopped playing D3. Am I satisfied that I have some? Yea, I guess so. RNG generally makes things feel less valuable/earned in my opinion. It may have taken me 60 rainbow goblins; it may have taken someone else 5. Someone else still 200. It's part of my inherent problem with this brand of RNG in general. Luck controls your accomplishments rather than any sort of skill. Cosmic wings are not a function of accomplishing some really difficult tasks and getting certain achievements; it's just dumb luck inside of dumb luck. I really hate that aspect of these games, though I keep playing them anyway.

Anyway, they do look nice on my monk. I'm not sure that they even look good on any other class, male or female.

I'll keep an eye out for rainbow portals for you guys going forward. If I spot the Princess, I'll post here and try to make a note of it in the clan chat. I won't be playing much more this season. Going to try to get GR85 and then I'll just be trying to sort out what items will make it back to the NS backpack and which are going to get smelted.


Can anyone tell me if they actually found the Archon Wizard builds from the last 2 seasons actually enjoyable?

I play Archon Wizard this season and I find it awesome. Mind you, I only have 2 characters so far, Demon Hunter in previous season and Wizard this season, so since their playstyle are similar (long range), I transition nicely. My ping rate varies wildly, so long range characters suit me better.


Can anyone tell me if they actually found the Archon Wizard builds from the last 2 seasons actually enjoyable? I keep watching streamers of top 10 players climbing (solo GR 112!) and it just doesn't look fun at all. The tonado + tornado sword and Unstable Scepter arcane orbit builds looked FAR more enjoyable than how this looks. But having never played Archon in the 5 years I've been playing D3, I may be unnecessarily biased against it. If GAF says it's cool, I'll give it a go and play Wiz next season.

Yea. My efforts to solicit some action from others has gone unnoticed. Feelsbadman.

I joined the Wing Hunting chat room and did...many laps on my non-seasonal Wizard (Aether Walker ftw). Solo, in "friend chat" groups. I think in total I walked into about 50 Wimsydales before finding the drop. This was portals I found and invited people to and portals others found and I was quick enough in asking for an invite to join myself.

It was a lot of time. Whether it was worth it...I'm not an unbiased person on this subject and my actual opinion would probably mean little given I actually got them. Would I do it again? NO. Was I close to giving up? Nah. I would have tried to do a few portals every day until they showed up or until I stopped playing D3. Am I satisfied that I have some? Yea, I guess so. RNG generally makes things feel less valuable/earned in my opinion. It may have taken me 60 rainbow goblins; it may have taken someone else 5. Someone else still 200. It's part of my inherent problem with this brand of RNG in general. Luck controls your accomplishments rather than any sort of skill. Cosmic wings are not a function of accomplishing some really difficult tasks and getting certain achievements; it's just dumb luck inside of dumb luck. I really hate that aspect of these games, though I keep playing them anyway.

Anyway, they do look nice on my monk. I'm not sure that they even look good on any other class, male or female.

I'll keep an eye out for rainbow portals for you guys going forward. If I spot the Princess, I'll post here and try to make a note of it in the clan chat. I won't be playing much more this season. Going to try to get GR85 and then I'll just be trying to sort out what items will make it back to the NS backpack and which are going to get smelted.

I farm for it every now and then (also using A. Walker), and have probably been in maybe around 50 portals. But if you did get it on 50, you have been extremely lucky. Most people who have farmed for months without getting it. But RNG is RNG.. lol. I'm also in the community, but haven't tried convo yet. Might give it a go today or something, since I'm done with the Seasonal Journey. And I always do invite people into the portal, since it's faster to clear too (plus you never know if I accidentally see the Princess and aggro her before I realize it).

Tbh these wings are kinda the only thing I'd want right now, so I can put D3 on rest. I won't be able to play S10 until 3ish weeks in or so, so not sure I'll be bothered at all with S10. Been playing this game for so long, I can only bother with it for a small amount of time at a time.

Also general gob farming is a bit boring now since I managed to get all the pets from the Menagerist. So now he drops nothing but generic stuff.



My season is thus complete.

I admit to being slightly tempted to see just how much higher I can go. I finished the GR85 on my 4th try with about 2:40 to go and it could have been even better but I wan't really focused having only run a one full attempt prior. Died a few times, didn't have great elite pack types or density. I feel like I could have done maybe up to GR87? 88? But who knows. 85 is more than enough for me as I didn't think I'd even reach 80 this season.

Having played monk only for about 30 hours in almost 5 years, I must say I rather enjoyed myself. I wish I had played more of the other builds. I only played a little of the WoL builds and not really at all once I got stuff for the basic LTK builds. I didn't play any EP monk really. I played no Innas monk at all outside of putting it on for the easier set dungeon clear.

Considering I spent no more than 20% of my time in a party or grouped up (with friends doing regular rifts or bounty bag runs), I feel like I did pretty well. Though I know if I had spent the same amount of time in 4-man parties pushing gem upgrades I probably would have been Paragon 1500+. Just thought I'd try to see what I could do on my own. Top 300 feels pretty good in that context. And yea I probably won't be top 300 when the season ends on Friday, but I'll remember that I got up here which is cool for a first time monk.

Rainment build was REALLY fun to me. Felt like Ip Man in the dojo scene.
Will play Monk again some day. It won't be another 4.75 years before picking it up once more. Definitely the most fun I've had with a build since Sparker double Firebird Wizard meta. Looking like the Taz the Tazmanian Devil when autoattacking puts a smile on my face every day when I load up this Monk.

I play Archon Wizard this season and I find it awesome. Mind you, I only have 2 characters so far, Demon Hunter in previous season and Wizard this season, so since their playstyle are similar (long range), I transition nicely. My ping rate varies wildly, so long range characters suit me better.

Noted. I'll give it a go. My only irritation is that it appears that the archon form Teleport button is locked and can't be moved to a different key. I have been using teleport on the same key (Q) for 3 years. I'd really rather not be forced to move it because Archon keys can't be re-bound.

I farm for it every now and then (also using A. Walker), and have probably been in maybe around 50 portals. But if you did get it on 50, you have been extremely lucky. Most people who have farmed for months without getting it. But RNG is RNG.. lol. I'm also in the community, but haven't tried convo yet. Might give it a go today or something, since I'm done with the Seasonal Journey. And I always do invite people into the portal, since it's faster to clear too (plus you never know if I accidentally see the Princess and aggro her before I realize it).

Tbh these wings are kinda the only thing I'd want right now, so I can put D3 on rest. I won't be able to play S10 until 3ish weeks in or so, so not sure I'll be bothered at all with S10. Been playing this game for so long, I can only bother with it for a small amount of time at a time.

Also general gob farming is a bit boring now since I managed to get all the pets from the Menagerist. So now he drops nothing but generic stuff.

I completely understand. I've been playing on and off since launch of 2012. I was one of those first people to reach Torment. I still remember my first legendary drop and not getting it until I was well over 150 hours into the game. I still have PTSD when playing Act 2 no matter how fast I can kill those enemies because back then it was sort of like a gear wall. Everything could kill you and things would leap on you in the desert maps and in the sewers (the invisible guys that look like mermen coming out of invis and 1-shotting was enraging).

Anyway, yea I know I was fortuntate to get them in only ~50 rainbow portals. You'll get those wings. I'll keep an eye out for them and I'll loiter around a rainbow rift as long as it takes to get some GAFers in the room. You'll need to add me to your friends list so I can message you directly if I see her in a rift. Be sure to join the raninbow runs chat room and request invites when people say they have one. It really helps.
Can anyone tell me if they actually found the Archon Wizard builds from the last 2 seasons actually enjoyable? I keep watching streamers of top 10 players climbing (solo GR 112!) and it just doesn't look fun at all. The tonado + tornado sword and Unstable Scepter arcane orbit builds looked FAR more enjoyable than how this looks. But having never played Archon in the 5 years I've been playing D3, I may be unnecessarily biased against it. If GAF says it's cool, I'll give it a go and play Wiz next season.

I have played Archon wizard over numerous seasons, Firebird and now the Lightning version. It is exceptionally powerful but gets extremely stale really quickly, especially if you are playing solo. I think the 'thing' that really irks me about it is all the cool stuff/powerful stuff that is actually going on isn't in any way a reflection of what you are actually doing. Meteors crashing down, massive lightning damage nuked an elite, grats both of these really powerful abilities are just procs. I think the new variant using hydras seems to be the best, least you get to drop the hydras and try to position mobs to get hit by them.

Again, Wizard is awesome to play and I do enjoy it but only in short bursts. I've been playing WD firebats on NS waiting for next season and I have to say it is far more fun and dangerous than my Wizard. Next season I'll probably go either DH or WD.


Anyway, yea I know I was fortuntate to get them in only ~50 rainbow portals. You'll get those wings. I'll keep an eye out for them and I'll loiter around a rainbow rift as long as it takes to get some GAFers in the room. You'll need to add me to your friends list so I can message you directly if I see her in a rift. Be sure to join the raninbow runs chat room and request invites when people say they have one. It really helps.

We're already friends, I even messaged you gz on reaching the ladder a few hours ago! I just changed my Battle Tag recently to Sophie (although I left the Gaf clan a long time ago). I'm in a community called Cosmic Wings, is there one more with a different name? Tbh I'm not bothered to obsessively farm for them, but I do some runs here and there whenever I'm bored of everything else.
That Necro gameplay was dry as hell. Need to see more than those 3 moves. Almost put me to sleep watching that.
We're already friends, I even messaged you gz on reaching the ladder a few hours ago! I just changed my Battle Tag recently to Sophie (although I left the Gaf clan a long time ago). I'm in a community called Cosmic Wings, is there one more with a different name? Tbh I'm not bothered to obsessively farm for them, but I do some runs here and there whenever I'm bored of everything else.
Ooooh that was you! lol. We'll get it done. But yes there is another group I think. Larger group, very active. Can't remember the name off hand so it might be the same group. Ask me next time I'm in game.
I find it a bit worrying that we are less than nine months away from necro and this is what it looks like. I know, Blizz and the drip drip drip, but that does not look very engaging and I have to say the blood explosion is way over done. Doesn't look like D3 at all.

If this cost more than $19.99, gonna riot.

The other cosmic wing community is like Rainbow Goblin Farming/Hunt, search communities.


I know they said they are avoiding poison skills for Necro so it doesn't clash with Witch Doctor, but damn please let their be a Poison rune for Nova, it just wouldn't feel right.


Excited for the other stuff in the package as well, like the new zones, the pet/wings (red bleeding valor wings, anyone?).. and.. two new stash tabs!

I find it a bit worrying that we are less than nine months away from necro and this is what it looks like. I know, Blizz and the drip drip drip, but that does not look very engaging and I have to say the blood explosion is way over done. Doesn't look like D3 at all.

If this cost more than $19.99, gonna riot.

The other cosmic wing community is like Rainbow Goblin Farming/Hunt, search communities.
It probably won't cost more than that! $14.99 sounds about right, but again, none of us will know yet.


Should I be concerned about S10 on consoles? Blizzard said that seasons were coming to consoles with this season, but they've been pretty silent since.

Is there a possibility it isn't happening?

Edit: Nevermind, found a tweet. Can't wait. 🙌🏼



My season is thus complete.

Noted. I'll give it a go. My only irritation is that it appears that the archon form Teleport button is locked and can't be moved to a different key. I have been using teleport on the same key (Q) for 3 years. I'd really rather not be forced to move it because Archon keys can't be re-bound.

Congrats on GR85!

Oh yea, that's right the Teleport button. You're very perceptive ^^. It actually annoyed me to no end since I also use a different key for Teleport (my teleport button is 2 while the archon's teleport is stuck to 3). I "solved" the problem by reassigning button 3 as 2 and vice versa :).

And I can totally agree the playstyle might be bland if you're playing solo. I'm playing with my SO so that's not a problem for me, but when I have free time and try to play D3 on my own, I don't find it enjoyable.
Really wanna do a season at some point since I have had the game since launch but never got into the newer content outside the story.

Would anyone be willing to do it together/group I can join when the new one drops? Not sure if I will be able to but interested in getting some info on it.


Really wanna do a season at some point since I have had the game since launch but never got into the newer content outside the story.

Would anyone be willing to do it together/group I can join when the new one drops? Not sure if I will be able to but interested in getting some info on it.
I never did a season until this one. The game sucked me back in with the limited diablo 1 content and I stuck around for bounties and stuff. 60 hours later... I posted my battle tag in the last couple pages, feel free to add me! I'll play with you.


I'm going to hop on at 8:00 PM to complete the remaining quests for Season 9, but I would love if someone can help me, as I'm only LEV. 510 & I really need that tab for my chest.
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