Blood shards are account-wide!But I didn't have any blood to get them???
Edit: Within the same game modes & season.
Blood shards are account-wide!But I didn't have any blood to get them???
Blood shards are account-wide!
Maybe I wrote my previous post a bit misleading.Even to a brand new season character? I did have some saved up on my WD, would have made the whole starting over bit a ton easier.
Good to know for next season.
Maybe I wrote my previous post a bit misleading.
They're separated like this:
Softcore Non-Season
Softcore Season
Hardcore Non-Season
Hardcore Season
So your first seasonal won't obviously have your NS shards because it's supposed to be a 100% fresh start, but all blood shards you earn in season can be used by all characters and classes in the same season, etc. So you can save up with one class and keep switching to spend them on another, in the same season/mode.
Ah ok, I'm only going to play my monk, but it's good to know for the future if I do a second character next season.
Spent some time (and all my Forgotten Souls/Death's Breaths) upgrading my Inna's and other legendaries. Went from 790k damage to 980k damage. Trying out the Cyclone strike build, it's pretty powerful, requires a lot more attention and work to maintain though, might go back to my Winds damage reduction.
I just finished the Season 10 chapters 1-4 yesterday. It's my first season (playing on PS4 Pro), and it's pretty straight forward. Would have expected a bit more effort, but nice to have new challenges.
The other chapters are just to get portrait frames, banners etc.? You can only get one set from haedrigs gift during the season, or more?
The one that uses the bracers to give a damage buff when you use cycloneCyclone strike build? Like every build uses cyclone for pulling mobs in.
i am trying to get to the realm of putridness but the keywarden Sokahr isn't dropping anything. tried logging out and back in but nothing.
The one that uses the bracers to give a damage buff when you use cyclone
i am trying to get to the realm of putridness but the keywarden Sokahr isn't dropping anything. tried logging out and back in but nothing.
i am trying to get to the realm of putridness but the keywarden Sokahr isn't dropping anything. tried logging out and back in but nothing.
But one for hardcore and one for softcore character per season? When you earn the hardcore set, can you use that set for your non-hardcore non-season char?Only 1 set from the gifts.
But one for hardcore and one for softcore character per season? When you earn the hardcore set, can you use that set for your non-hardcore non-season char?
Ok, thxOnly one set. The journey is shared between softcore and hardcore.
Yep! Just remember you need to redo GR70 on non-season for them to unlock there as well.Just did GR70 on my seasonal DH, that unlocks Primal Ancients, right?
urgh this demon hunter set dungeon is so frustrating! i'm using the season set gift (marauder). any tips?
I don't know if this counts as a tip, I've played DH for multiple seasons and have never been able to master the Set dungeon using marauders' gear.
What I do is collect the natalya's pieces during runs and run that set dungeon - it is one of the easiest set dungeons to do.
currently I have done two conquests (gems + 6 different gears soloing GR) I need one additional conquest, it seems like the boss run (20 minutes for all bosses) is very popular, but I think I'm way too slow
are people generally co-oping this conquest or soloing it?
if soloing, what was your DH set up (denettas?)
i was thinking about doing another set but i'll leave it. i only have 3 pieces of the shadow set. anyway for some reason i already have the portrait reward so not gonna bother finishing it. this is about as far as i am gonna go with the season. champion was too much a struggle for me in 9.
I don't know if this counts as a tip, I've played DH for multiple seasons and have never been able to master the Set dungeon using marauders' gear.
What I do is collect the natalya's pieces during runs and run that set dungeon - it is one of the easiest set dungeons to do.
currently I have done two conquests (gems + 6 different gears soloing GR) I need one additional conquest, it seems like the boss run (20 minutes for all bosses) is very popular, but I think I'm way too slow
are people generally co-oping this conquest or soloing it?
if soloing, what was your DH set up (denettas?)
The boss run is easy to do. I did it solo as a monk, but I helped my DH buddy do it by running to the bosses for him with an infinite dash set up while he just demolished the bosses. If you're on tonight or this weekend hit me up and I can help you with it.
Would have prefered a Holy Point Shot, but it will do for my Marauder build
I get it, I'm starting to burn out too. I've made it farther this season with respect to paragon than I have in any other previous seasons (but I Think they made paragon much easier to obtain)
I like to try to complete the full season, but this season my terrible RNG luck has limited my desire to continue
If you do get the opportunity to complete the shadow set, go for it - the shadow impale is the most fun I've had with the game since my first yang/dml DH in season 7
We over here fam:Can we discuss console versions in this thread? I'm on PS4 and need some help finishing off Conqueror.
I watched some necro play and he looked really underwhelming. Didn't like how the skeleton archers and mages disappear after like 5 seconds
Aren't there not any sets or legendaries yet for the Necro? Bet you'll see stuff like how WD has Zuni's and belt of transcendence for fetishes to make their minions stay out longer.
The rewards after getting the set are a bit underwhelming. Just a few portraits that are not that different?
I would have went on for a pet or some wings etc. (like the cool butcher or cow pet in January).
Instead me and a friend are going to try to master all set dungeons - that'll be quite a journey![]()
Oculus Ring not working anymore if you put it on follower?
My dmg isnt changing when I go to the aura. :|
I have a stupid question I guess. I am not at that point but I am wondering, how do you unlock the option to do a higher GR? The last option I have is a GR62. Do I need to do that one, too unlock a lvl 63 and so on? Or am I missing something.
I have a stupid question I guess. I am not at that point but I am wondering, how do you unlock the option to do a higher GR? The last option I have is a GR62. Do I need to do that one, too unlock a lvl 63 and so on? Or am I missing something.
It unlocks higher grifts based on the time of completion of your highest completed grift. If you are very fast it unlocks a grift many levels higher. If you are slow it only unlocks then a grift or two higher than the completed one.
thats how it worked for me - I'm not exactly sure when it becomes one higher each round - earlier on I was moving up two at a time but I think around 70 it became one at a time.
edit: post above makes too much sense.
Oh thanks to both of you. Will be a long road to get to 70 it seems.
The rewards after getting the set are a bit underwhelming. Just a few portraits that are not that different?
I would have went on for a pet or some wings etc. (like the cool butcher or cow pet in January).
Instead me and a friend are going to try to master all set dungeons - that'll be quite a journey![]()