Is the furnace even worth using now?
There are class-specific weapons that are better due to its specific power. For cube you can probably use it for speed runs. But then, in-geom normally uses that slot.
E: Necros man...Did they overtune them or are so many people playing them right now that the thirst is creating some crazy powerful/unique builds?
What's a good difficulty for someone that never played a Diablo before?
I was playing on normal until I got out the spider cave in Act I, then switched to Hard and now I'm about to enter the goatmen village after clearing the dungeons of that area and getting the Khazra staff from the caravan, but I feel like nothing changed.
Got my first Witching Hour drop!
No, as just expanded upon, the EU clan only works on an invite-basis. I've sent you one, but you'll have to confirm it on your end, people seem to overlook that pretty often.
Did 82 with Rathma w/o an Ancient weapon and no augs. Probably need to start auging though, I wanna hit the 90s before the season end, but not sure I wanna bother farming all the gem leveling. Almost done with Guardian though, might retire then.
An ancient weapon will get you to GR90. I gained 7 levels (from GR85 to GR92) just by going from a 2.5k dps jesseth scythe to a 3.0k one.
Cool, I'll have to farm for the last Guardian objectives anyway, hopefully I get enough mats to upgrade.
Here's my Rathma Necro btw, any help/tips is appreciated!
I'm a bit lost on what I wanna do with my rings. Pledge should be fine (I can't get a good enough Haunted Visions. Also, should I replace my Compass Rose with a CoE? I'm using what I'm using now because they have better rolls than the alternative in my stash.
I play HotS, does that count as experience? lulHard or expert seems like a good idea if you're a complete noobie. Higher than that becomes less efficient and more risky, unless you're playing with other people.
EU, but I don't think I'm gonna touch the mp for a while. So maybe I'll join the gaf community for now.Do you wanna join the GAF clan? Are you playing on EU or US?
Great post, Kilrogg. I'm just a newbie necro and there's lots of great info there.
I play HotS, does that count as experience? lul
Maybe I'll try expert, then. I should be underleveled, right? If I played until now with normal exp I should be behind if I switch to a bonux exp difficulty, I think.
EU, but I don't think I'm gonna touch the mp for a while. So maybe I'll join the gaf community for now.
I like to experience this kind of games on my own on my first run.Why is that, if you don't mind my asking?
I see, that makes sense. It's just that I still have to use a single potion and I'm deleting normal enemies so quickly, so maybe I'll try expert and see if it takes too long to go trough them.
Since I started playing on the starter edition, I first tried raising the difficulty on the demon hunter, which was a new character, and it felt like a slog, but I was probably just undergeared since I was speedrunning it to try out the classes. Now that I'm back to my "main" class, the wizard, hard feels pretty much the same as normal.
I like to experience this kind of games on my own on my first run.
Okay, first things first, this might be a matter of personal preference, but to me, the Rathma build doesn't lend itself well to survivability. You're always gonna be squishy, especially once you get into GR85+, so there's not much point in using Dayntee's Binding and Decrepify. And Decrepify is just one more skill to manage. Your ability to survive will depend on your ability to kill things fast (i.e. dps) and to hide behind your mages (i.e. positioning). Case in point : I cleared GR96 with 24 mil toughness, which is only marginally higher than your toughness. And I've got 777k base HP, which is 150k less than you. Embrace the squishiness. You'll seldom clear a high-level GR without dying at least once or twice with a Rathma necro, but the point is: you'll be clearing high-level GRs.
So I'd replace Dayntee's with Witching Hour and Decrepify with Simulacrum - Reservoir for the huge bonus in DPS. I mean, you're using Singularity mages, Reilena's and Overwhelming Essence, so you might as well get the full benefit from those. Simulacrum/Reservoir alone will allow you to melt elites like you're playing on Torment XI or something.
Onto your jewelry:
Your traveler's pledge is decent (better than mine in fact), but reroll that int to +20% physical damage. It will give you a nice dps boost since the vast majority of your damage comes from your mages. Your Nailuj is good, no problem there. Your compass rose is decent for a compass rose. Scratch that: it's great, provided you reroll the +dmg to crit chance. +dmg isn't actually that desirable of a stat, unless the alternative is life regen or something.
Krysbin's is kinda hard to roll well, much like compass rose. If your Krysbin's is much better, you could rock a Haunted Visions + Krysbin's and cube CoE (or cube Krysbin's and CoE if your CoE is better). FYI, most high GR Rathma builds favor the Endless Walk set over Haunted Visions, but you can certainly make it work if your HV is better (which doesn't seem to be the case).
So, tl;dr: keep the Endless Walk set and cube Krysbin's (unless it's much better than your Compass). Don't bother with CoE unless you're gonna use a great Haunted Visions instead of a crappy Traveler's. But your Endless Walk is pretty good, and will be even better once you reroll the int to phys% on the Traveler's, and the dmg to crit% on the Compass.
Also, level your Bane of the Trapped and your Zei's. 50-60 is a tad too low.
Lastly, reroll the armor on your boots to +15% skeletal damage. That will be another big boost in dps. Yes, you'll lose a bit of armor, but again: that comes with the build. As a sidenote, if you've got the choice between armor and all res as an int class: always choose armor. Your all res will increase as you increase your int anyway. And you can get single res as a secondary for any piece that doesn't have all res as a primary. The only thing I'm not too sure about is whether you should keep crit% on your helm or replace it with +15% mage damage. I've gone with the latter personally, might be more beneficial. Ideally you'd want both and get rid of the vit, but you've already enchanted your helm.
Once you've done all that, start grinding gem upgrades so you can augment your ancient items. I'd start with pieces that you're unlikely to find an upgrade for any time soon, if ever. I'd start with the boots or the nailuj.
No, I mean, I never healed even once, I never pressed that key, I'm always full. I'm ranged, but still.A single potion? You can only have one potion in the game. It's an infinite potion, but it's got a cooldown between each use. You can eventually find legendary potions that give you (minor) bonuses when you use them, but even they simply replace your normal potion.
What do you mean I can't? It doesn't change until I start a new session or I actually can't? Because I switched from normal to hard while I was playing.The trick is to put the game on a slightly higher difficulty, then lower until it's just right. You can't raise the difficulty within a session, but you can lower it. Just press Escape and there's the option on the right.
That's fine, I didn't grow up playing Diablo 2 so I don't have any nostalgia-distorted view of how amazing the story used to be compared to now, so I don't think I can't be that disappointed. I watched the story of the first two games on youtube for context and it's not like I was particularly impressed either.Fair enough! A word of warning though: the story/writing of the game isn't... unanimously well received, shall we say. To most people, the real meat of the game is the adventure mode. Just something to remember if you find the game disappointing on that front: it gets much better once you're max level.
GR68 is my fucking bane right now. I just want to clear a 70. Anyone want to help guide me towards an upgrade or two that will help me do this?
Character page!
No, I mean, I never healed even once, I never pressed that key, I'm always full. I'm ranged, but still.
What do you mean I can't? It doesn't change until I start a new session or I actually can't? Because I switched from normal to hard while I was playing.
That's fine, I didn't grow up playing Diablo 2 so I don't have any nostalgia-distorted view of how amazing the story used to be compared to now, so I don't think I can't be that disappointed. I watched the story of the first two games on youtube for context and it's not like I was particularly impressed either.
He means that, once you're actually playing, you only can go one difficulty level up or down from the one you started the session with. If you want to increase (or decrease) the difficulty level further, you have to go back to the main menu.What do you mean I can't? It doesn't change until I start a new session or I actually can't? Because I switched from normal to hard while I was playing.
Ahh, this is all very helpful, thank you! I'm gonna double-check my gear in-game again and maybe ask you some more questions. Btw I know my gems are low, working on upgrading them (to complete Guardian at least), then focus on auging before going higher on the geared gems. I must've switched Rose recently because I didn't realize it wasn't enchanted!
Good suggestions - I don't die that fast but I don't output enough damage, so I should definitely sacrifice some toughness to get more damage.
Difficulty for NR are constantly changing based on your level and difficulty setting. It is very noticeable on a new character using a Gem of Ease. T6 above and above 1-45 happens in seconds and the game catches up quick. I haven't tested it a lot, but it seems like a percentage based on character level and difficulty setting and it is applied when a skill hits the enemy for the first time.I'm actually not sure when the newly selected difficulty level kicks in. I remember reading somewhere that Rifts, at least, are optimized for your level when you start one and stay that way for the entirety of the Rift, even if you happen to gain a bunch of level while inside one.
Are you playing on the EU server? We've been having a blast playing in groups in the EU GAF clan over the past couple weeks, but we could use more active members. Feel free to send me your battletag if you want me to send you an invite to the clan.
We do GRs (for gem-leveling and pushing) and rifts pretty much every evening.
HORRORSHØW;245733416 said:hit wall at 92. what should i be looking to upgrade next? i'm thinking helm with CC and 15% mage or better boots and aug those.ØW-1143/hero/92092221
Nah, I'm on NA. ;w;
Btw my Compass Rose and my Pledge was already rolled. I guess it just doesn't show in the armory for stat -> socket on jewerly for some reason. Also I already have/use the Krysbin in the cube. So I'll just try to get better items of what I already have now + level up my gems. Gonna use my shards to see if I can get a Witching Hour.
Your sheet dps and toughness are roughly on par to mine at the time I hit 96. In fact, your DPS is higher. So the wall is probably either that you're not fully accustomed to the playstyle and/or that you're having bad luck with the rifts.
But to your question: not much you can improve on your gear, since most of it is already enchanted. I find it interesting that you put chance to chill on your shoulders. I tend to favor pickup radius when I can, so I don't have to go out of my way to pick up globes.
Augment your chest, craft ancient Reaper's Wrath (easiest piece to upgrade, since one bounty run of Acts II and III lets you craft 16 Reaper's) and augment those, look for a better ancient helm (crit% + skeletal mage), maybe upgrade your boots before augmenting them, and generally try to find ancient versions of anything that's still non-ancient. Your augments should be lvl 90+ from now on at least.
Yeah, it seems that socket rerolls don't show.
Too bad you can't join us! Have fun anyway.
Gonna use my shards to see if I can get a Witching Hour.
There are worse items to gamble for. ┐(´~`Lulz.
Good luck with that.
It doesn't work in this way for the EU GAF clan, that's only possible when you have the setting "Looking for Members" active, in which case people can ask to be invited by their own volition. Given that the official EU clan doesn't operate on that basis, I presume you're either trying to get into the US side or found a knock-off. If it's EU you want, I'll need the full Battletag and I'll throw you an invite.
No, as just expanded upon, the EU clan only works on an invite-basis. I've sent you one, but you'll have to confirm it on your end, people seem to overlook that pretty often.
There are worse items to gamble for. ┐(´~`┌
Wow that's amazing.
I'm like 11k without a Witching Hour...feelsbad.
Try gambling for something as simple as ancient set shoulders for 2 weeks straight and only getting like 2 ancients that are crap. Meanwhile you got good ancient versions of every other set shoulders BUT the ones you want. I did get them in the end, but still.
That sucks dude. I have the worst luck with rng so I feel your pain.
This is my first character where I have finished the seasonal task and I am now not sure what to do.
My character:
I know I should be trying to get Jesseth Skullscythe and Shield. I heard the best way to get the Skullscythe is to try and upgrade a Scythe in the horadic cube. Is that right? So I know getting Death Breaths is important to do that. What else can I do to improve my gear? I hear about re-rolling items but honestly, don't know exactly what stats to reroll. I imagine I just do that at the mystic.
I know... this a horrible thought. But imagine if they brought back the AH (for in-game currency only), and let us buy/sell mats, gems and consumables (Rama, potions etc). I don't want it in the game, but.. thinking the thought is interesting.
We definitely do need more efficient ways to get DBs though. I wish legs would give a DB or two on top of the souls. That would've been really helpful, but yet not overkill. Or less us convert veiled crystals or some shit. It's not like people would abandon normal rifts because we still need them for keys and PL etc.