You're fucking up, yes.So, am I fucking up by using shards on my level 1 WD jsut to get an in-geom?
You're fucking up, yes.
Yes, upgrade rares.
Also, I really need a Furnace. Only problem? I've never had a Furnace drop for me in 1,000 hours of play. I wonder if upgrading rares to get one is realistic.
No? Why would you go back i am happy with this i can see what i am doing when fighting a bunch of mobs and elites the oversight was gone with the last cursor and i hated it.
I got mine this season by upgrading rares with WD. RNG and all.
And well, farming shards is much faster than picking up these damn mats. There was a point where I had more DBs than yellows and blues.
got the gr45 solo no set, what a pain in the ass
now to do the 1 hour speedrun, should be easy with the speed raekor barb build I hope, and then I gotta hit gr70 which should be easy when I get the ancient blade of the tribes
Why Hack?
Guides say that pig sticker is better for attack speed + number of stats it rolls.
problem, of course, is the sheer volume of 1h weapon types that you have to factor into your chances. daggers, axes, maces, swords, wands. What's that, like 40 possible legs? at 75 shards a pop? and low chances?
Nah bruh. Unless your gear is all near perfectly rolled ancients, there is absolutely no reason to shard for weapons. And I'm going to assume your gear isn't perfect. Trust us; get the mats if you need them and upgrade rares. It really doesn't take that long, especially if you equip the 3-piece Cain's and do some TX rift speed runs. You'll print mats.
Nah bruh. for that 1-hour speed run you need a team with you with some "runners" (Wizards/DHers) and people stationed in the right place to turn in things to save time. I've not read many accounts of people trying to do it solo.
As has been said, you're far better off doing the 50 mill conquest. All you need to do is put on a Goldskin, maybe 3 or 4 more +% gold items and find a gold goblin. That's it.
I already got this one, I want 3 for the journey but this shit is impossible solo, I could barely make it to act 5 in one hour, and it's the longest to finish, so fuck that
The other two conquests are fucking trash... blizzard why you gotta do this
71 Down.
Bam. Bite me eek.
just for good measure
in general buying weapons at kadala is fucking up yeah hah
When trying to get a specific ancient weapon, is it better to keep reforging it or to upgrade rares?
I thought reforging didn't make the weapon ancient, isn't this even highlighted? Kadala and rare upgrades are the fastest way to get ancients, aren't they?
Well reforging means you have to do bounties for mats, soooooo fuck that?
I thought reforging didn't make the weapon ancient, isn't this even highlighted? Kadala and rare upgrades are the fastest way to get ancients, aren't they?
Oh okay. In that case, the only thing you really want from bounties is a Ring of Royal Grandeur from Act 1. Past that you don't really need to do bounties unless you run out of materials for cubing imo. Also, I'm speaking from a PC perspective and I don't know what differences if any are in the console version.
I'm not familiar with the Devil's set you're referring to but since you can make it I assume it's a blacksmithing recipe? The only recipe I can remember being worth anything would be Aughild's so if you want you can use that for a temporary replacement as its 2 and 3 piece bonuses are pretty legit. The Ashbringer is fine for now but eventually you'll want to get a weapon more build specific.
Anyway, what I would do is pick one of three monk sets to build (Inna's, Uliana's, SunWuko) and spend shards at Kadala until she coughs up enough armor pieces for the 6 piece bonus.
If you go Inna's you'll want to save either the boots or cubed armor slot for The Crudest Boots (boots). This will double the allies you have out increasing the 6pc bonus damage from 250% to 500%. Inna's offers the most flexible build paths since the 500% damage affects all your skills.
If you go Uliana's you're going to need Gungdo Gear (bracers) or a Madstone (spirit stone) to reliably make use of Uliana's 6 piece bonus (just 1, not both). You're also going to want to cube a Flow of Eternity (daibo) and dual wield Fist of Az'turrasq and Lion's Claw (fist weapons). The best way to get those (and any other weapon really) is to use kanai's cube recipe that upgrades a rare item to a legendary. You can spend shards at Kadala too but I'd advise against given how diluted the weapon pool is unless you really don't need anything else.
If you go SunWuko you're definitely going to want Kyoshiro's Soul (belt). It'll help you keep up Sweeping Winds while you're running around. I would run a Wave of Light build utilizing Tzo Krin's Gaze (Spirit Stone), Pinot's Pride (bracers), Kyoshiro's Blade (fist weapon) and Incense Torch of the Grand Temple (daibo). If you cube the Incense Torch, you can also wield a Vengeful Wind (fist weapon). With all that set up you play more as a ranged class since TKG allows you to case WoL at range.
There's a lot more depth to each of the builds but I think those would be good short term goals that would make T6 farmable. r/diablo3monks still has patch 2.3 builds for Inna's and Uliana's in the sidebar that should also be viable in 2.4
raekor, MotE and IK set dungeons mastered, only got wastes to go, got any tips for it ? The rend objective seems annoying
In about 700 hours of playing, with at least 400 hours playing as Wizard, I've never seen one Wand of Woh.
This thing does not exist.
In about 700 hours of playing, with at least 400 hours playing as Wizard, I've never seen one Wand of Woh.
This thing does not exist.
In about 700 hours of playing, with at least 400 hours playing as Wizard, I've never seen one Wand of Woh.
This thing does not exist.
I got 2 this season. Only weapon I've never gotten in my 1,000 hours is a Furnace.In about 700 hours of playing, with at least 400 hours playing as Wizard, I've never seen one Wand of Woh.
This thing does not exist.
Thanks for this. Here I was thinking IceyVeins only did WoW stuff. I really really like the breakdown and format of this. This is going to help greatly.Best compilation I've seen:
Invoker guide I've been using from that post:
I think the format of IcyVeins is way better than diablofans.
Hope that helps.
So I got my HC Barb to 70 and I got my free tier set for the season, I got Kanai's Cube, but I really have no idea what I should be doing. I read about set dungeons, is that what I should be working on? Or just rifting then greater rifting for better gear?
I really haven't played too much since vanilla, people keep using all this jargon and I really have no clue what to do, lol.
Also what's a good build for an "of the Earth" armor set?
Well reforging means you have to do bounties for mats, soooooo fuck that?
this goddamn 50m gold conquest bullshit.
I can only hope that I find that gold goblin dude.
this goddamn 50m gold conquest bullshit.
I can only hope that I find that gold goblin dude.
how is software auto picking up death's breaths and shit not bannable geez
get your shit together blizzard
gabynator is even still playing and topping paragon level charts after getting supposedly perm banned
what a joke
In about 700 hours of playing, with at least 400 hours playing as Wizard, I've never seen one Wand of Woh.
This thing does not exist.
yeah not sure why even though act 1 is still my favorite act.... I literally fucking HATE the spider area before that boss HATE it...bounty : kill queen araneae
fuck this boss
and fuck uber maghda
and fuck uber diablo
such fucking wastes of time holy shit
frenzy barb so good Kreygasm more single target dps than impale dh