Hello everyone

I bought the game when it came out since i was eagerly awaiting its release.
I was so pumped to play it ! Like everyone else i had to endure the error 37 and well i played for almost 6 days straight without sleeping a lot.
The game then was a chore and it was not very fun in the end so i quit 2 months after the release.
I said to myself "
Never again will blizzard recieve my hard earned money!"
Well here we are almost 4 years later and oh boy did the game change ! A friend bought me the expansion since i did not believe him how much the game changed.
Looting is so much fun in this game that i cannot believe it ! I am curretnly level 50 paragon and trying to get the season 5 set. I would love to hang around with some of you and try to loot aswell.
I am playing a wizard and hopefully i can loot with some of you since GAF is always a nice community
Battle tag