The top solo Wiz build is DMO Energy Twister/Disintegrate? Anyone got a good guide?
The top solo Wiz build is DMO Energy Twister/Disintegrate? Anyone got a good guide?
Thanks guys. Been running DMO Arcane Orbit but have not been pushing much GRs.
lolCrusader too stronk. And to think 70 was my original goal for the season.
I feel like I finally beat the game with a Demon Hunter.
Yang Recurve+Multishot quiver(x2 damage below 60%)+Marauders, and everything dies in seconds.
All I need to find is a good amulet, and I feel like I'll be done.(My current Rare amulet is beast though, 85% crit damage, 10% crit chance, Dexterity, 100 damage), all the legendary amulets I've found are woefully worse.
I feel like I finally beat the game with a Demon Hunter.
Yang Recurve+Multishot quiver(x2 damage below 60%)+Marauders, and everything dies in seconds.
All I need to find is a good amulet, and I feel like I'll be done.(My current Rare amulet is beast though, 85% crit damage, 10% crit chance, Dexterity, 100 damage), all the legendary amulets I've found are woefully worse.
nah you're far from it
Best amulets have 100%CHD/10%CHC/socket and then either 1000 stat or 20% elemental damage. Cherry on top being 7% damage reduction or 40% control reduction
I feel like I finally beat the game with a Demon Hunter.
Yang Recurve+Multishot quiver(x2 damage below 60%)+Marauders, and everything dies in seconds.
All I need to find is a good amulet, and I feel like I'll be done.(My current Rare amulet is beast though, 85% crit damage, 10% crit chance, Dexterity, 100 damage), all the legendary amulets I've found are woefully worse.
Anyone care to give me some tips on where to go with this build? Should I be running with a shield?
What's the average amount of legendary drops and set drops on TX? When you kill the Guardian that is.
Wait, how high can you go in terms of difficulty/greater rifts?
nah you're far from it
Best amulets have 100%CHD/10%CHC/socket and then either 1000 stat or 20% elemental damage. Cherry on top being 7% damage reduction or 40% control reduction
Multishot with M6 is far below multishot with UE. M6 is really a Cluster Arrow set.
Yeah there is no guaranteed drops on regular rift guardians. I'd say I average about 2-3 souls per guardian (leg drops + soul drops) on TX. Usually 2-3 leg drops per run but some can be more or less.
Somewhere around 110 leg drops per hr on TX rift runs for me
I can do viii without problem, ix generally well but have to be careful in what I step in lol
They go higher? I think amulet is the hardest thing to find since my rare one is so good
Im actually running a mix set, doing M4 and Natalya 2 because theyre both incomplete :X But everything melts so faaast
Got a Jesus amulet last night. Feeling like a threat.
Damn. How long does it take you to do each run? Are you doing it solo?
Got a Jesus amulet last night. Feeling like a threat.
A couple people I know IRL play Diablo and they never make it past like T5. They just keep making new characters. It pains me to see their progress or lack of itIt's fun reading what casual people write sometimes lol. Not even a full six set but love how things melt? Not even running tx? Not worried about no socket in his sick rare ammy? Glad to see you enjoying the game though lol. Probably enjoying the game more than me raging at sorry mob types in GR75 plus.
It's fun reading what casual people write sometimes lol. Not even a full six set but love how things melt? Not even running tx? Not worried about no socket in his sick rare ammy? Glad to see you enjoying the game though lol. Probably enjoying the game more than me raging at sorry mob types in GR75 plus.
You are the worst
TX run is like 2-3 min depending on the rift.
Yea, 2-3 mins is pretty normal, sub 2 in a really good rift. I've been running 75s in like 7-9 depending on mobs and density, but I had one godly rift that was only 5mins lol. Get like 10+ legs each rift too.
Ok what am I missing about getting the Kanai cube.
I enter in Adventure Mode. Hard. Do I need to play normal?
I talk to Zoltan Kulle.
I don't get any indicators on my map or anything
If I run all the way to the Throne Room no even is triggered.
Do I need to do something else? Reach lv70 (currently 69)? Do another quest first?
75 in 7-9 is really good. I do 75 with my DMO in about 9-11
I've gotten my 63's to a consistent 2.5min though so I've just been running that to get 3 gems up to 63s then step up through 68 to get the gems to 69 before I switch to DMO. I've been mainly augmenting my tal/fb gear which is holding back my DMO wiz but I figure the faster/stronger I get with tal/wow the faster I'll be able to farm and gear up my DMO.
Yeah the cube is on the 2nd floor too at the very north of the map. You'll see like an altar with the cube on it.[/quote]Make sure you're going to the right room maybe? The cube is not in the main throne room, its in a different room all by itself.
I've finally enchanted something now that o got that doombringer, gonna try and get my gems up to 75 at least, got one at 70 and a couple more on the 60s. I really wanna start playing Digimon though![]()
75 in 7-9 is really good. I do 75 with my DMO in about 9-11
I've gotten my 63's to a consistent 2.5min though so I've just been running that to get 3 gems up to 63s then step up through 68 to get the gems to 69 before I switch to DMO. I've been mainly augmenting my tal/fb gear which is holding back my DMO wiz but I figure the faster/stronger I get with tal/wow the faster I'll be able to farm and gear up my DMO.
I gots a Band of Might and it's even ancient, lets farm 80ssss.
I gots a Band of Might and it's even ancient, lets farm 80ssss.
Make sure you're going to the right room maybe? The cube is not in the main throne room, its in a different room all by itself.
I would do 80 farms, there a support sader build yea? Pop them orbs. Hell, you can spawn a billion orbs even with the normal LoN build if you just change your law.
Oh the Wiki said "The cube is obtained from the Kanai's Throneroom located on level two of the Ruins of Sescheron in Act Three"
But I will search more.
I think support Sader builds are more about damage mitigation and healing rather than orbs, a Barb is more than enough for orb generation. WDs are for damage boosting and Monk are also for mitigation and healing. Monks do it better than Crusaders tho.
I forget how the rooms are actually named, but there's a room with the guy on the throne, and a room in a different place that actually has the cube. It's usually in the upper right area of the map I believe so look there.
Yeah a monk is huge for 85+ but I think if we're doing just 80's we should be ok. Having a WD for the BBV would be nice though
I think support Sader builds are more about damage mitigation and healing rather than orbs, a Barb is more than enough for orb generation. WDs are for damage boosting and Monk are also for mitigation and healing. Monks do it better than Crusaders tho.
Yeah found the room now. Not the room named in the Wiki. Thanks =)
Yea, there isn't much for sader sorry this season, unless we just ran 2 dps, which we prob could for 80 at least. I could try hearing out a support DH though, there's some potential there at least with mitigation and damage increases. Or I could just roll a WD and kadala all the gear lol. Dunno what they even need, prob an SMK or some shit.
NP, glad I could help
I think as long as you bring defense globes and maybe dps buff it should be all good.Yea, there isn't much for sader sorry this season, unless we just ran 2 dps, which we prob could for 80 at least. I could try hearing out a support DH though, there's some potential there at least with mitigation and damage increases. Or I could just roll a WD and kadala all the gear lol. Dunno what they even need, prob an SMK or some shit.
I think as long as you bring defense globes and maybe dps buff it should be all good.
Dual DPS would probably work too. 80 is low enough where we could probably do anything we want
The thing I'm noticing from looking at all the top groups on the leaderboard is that the support builds don't really need a specific build. It's pretty much all about how strong the DMO Wizard is lol. Barbs, WDs and Monks all just need a few specific skills and then it's just ways to have infinite resource generation and damage reduction. For example Barbs have WW and HoTA support builds but both of them are at the top of the leaderboards, but the reason Barbs are around is because they have a lot of skills that generate globes and Ignore Pain.
I think as long as you bring defense globes and maybe dps buff it should be all good.
Dual DPS would probably work too. 80 is low enough where we could probably do anything we want
Is there anything more fun than using the Arachyr's + Manajuma's sets? On Torment 1-7 all I need is a cubed Wormwood and Quetzalcoatl and everything on the screen dies as I run past. Hilarious and amazing for bounties and leveling gems to 25 super quick.
In other news, I still haven't found a Guilded Baron on T10, so tonight I'm gonna do the Ruins of Corvus method. Last night I leveled up my Boon to 29 so that should hopefully be enough.
I'm pretty much in the same boat. Need ancient gloves and helm especially, for the large vit boost.