Anybody want to run through some Bounties with me?
Just add me PSN: Fantatier

Just add me PSN: Fantatier
Anybody want to run through some Bounties with me?
Just add me PSN: Fantatier
game changerLegendary potions can now be salvaged and will yield a Forgotten Soul
Hopefully you don't have to jump through that many hoops for those wings.
Cause I can't see myself ever acquiring the set dungeon pair.
Aye. I hope they're reasonable to aquire. But looking at the set dungeon wings and the cosmic wings (need rare rainbow goblin + rare spawn in Whimseydale), I'd guess not.
Well now that they've capped the Firebird stacks maybe DHs will be wanted as DPS in groups.
Finish the story mode at least once.Just really started playing this for the first time a few hours ago. It's my first Diablo ever.
Any tips for someone new?
This will be first D3 season I will not be participating in.
I already have a lot on my plate and honestly they didn't add much in this patch. The last two seasons they added so much that I can't help but feel a little disappointed this time around.
I got my wizard to level 70 this morning. I have 3 pieces of the firebird set + rrog. Ooft, melting stuff like nobody's business. I also have a chest that reduces disintegrate cost by 50-odd % and a belt that reduces damage by 50% when above 90% of my primary resource, so face tanking stuff like a boss, too.
Up to torment 3 with a couple of hours of hitting 70. Good times!
Took me 3 hours +/- to clean my mails. Next season I really need to stick to 1 character and 1 set... is what I'd love to say, but then the season journey will force me in the other direction.
Maybe I should give it up on normal, destroy most stuff and just clean space.
Is there any information on what you need to do to unlock another stash tab in the next season?
(I assume that's something they are going to do every season now...)
Is there any information on what you need to do to unlock another stash tab in the next season?
(I assume that's something they are going to do every season now...)
Overwatch preorder wings are live:
Not bad, not bad.
Got on and took care of stash stuff and whatnot. Still not sure what class I want to play next season; I always have this problem and then I always wind up playing DH again lol. That said though I need to look into specifics since I haven't followed PTR/patch notes in the slightest but people seem to be saying not much in the way of changes this season so I may run Monk or Wiz this time for once. Those were the two classes I enjoyed the most after DH but haven't messed with them much post-RoS, and when I did I wasn't a big fan of their current iterations at that time (not a fan of support Monk, and I'm not doing numlock bullshit for optimal Wiz play).
Guess monks are actually in a pretty good place for this patch. Fast T10 builds with bells or rainment and the top leaderboard positions are generator builds, which I'm fond of.
Really? Have any links to the generator builds or videos? I was thinking about Monk, I think the generator builds are awesome.
Here's an example:
On PTR (non-season), the top spot's generator with 90 and runner up is Uliana's at 87.
The other classes are doing better all around though - around 95-100 in solo. (not sure how seasonal items will mix things up)
Didn't they get rid of seasonal items?
so what's being added to the next season to make people want to start all over again? Sorry; don't know where to look.
Some cosmetic stuff mostly? Maybe another stash tab? There doesn't seem to be any big features or huge shifts to any classes, just tinkering a bit to the numbers for some of the more lackluster builds. I'll probably play enough for the season journey stuff, but not much more than that.
Taking away the seasonal stuff really upsets me. There's not a lot of reason to want to play this new season unless you just.... feel like playing Diablo.
No new leg gem. like.... 1 new item? A terrible Mage ring? Just... damn
They had better have a secret expansion looming for October for S7 man, because this is some anemic nonsense.
They had better have a secret expansion looming for October for S7 man, because this is some anemic nonsense.
I think the slowdown is in preparation for announcing a new expansion at Blizzcon or some other gaming convention this summer.
i cant imagine they are planning for Diablo 4 being released before 2020. expansions have to be more profitable at this point anyway since they spent so much time on the existing game.
Honestly I don't mind a few slow seasons if they throw a bunch of big things into the mix every once in a while. I feel like you could even just have people pay for an entire other class or two, you might not even need a full blown expansion unless they're ready to basically add a whole lot of stuff in.i cant imagine they are planning for Diablo 4 being released before 2020. expansions have to be more profitable at this point anyway since they spent so much time on the existing game.
I find it ridiculous that this game is almost 4 years old and we still don't have a stash/inv auto-sort button
Job Description
Blizzard Entertainment is seeking an exceptionally skilled and passionate lighting artist to craft the mood and drama surrounding new characters and never-before-seen worlds in our next hit game!
Were looking for artists who demonstrate a strong understanding of how light, shadow, and color set the tone of an environment as well as guide the player. This position requires a creative and technically proficient approach to lighting based on gameplay, vision and conceptual illustrations. The ideal candidate shares our sensibilities and looks forward to the challenge of illuminating the dark medieval worlds of Diablo!
I just stumbled over a pack of those little loot goblins that usually scatter in different directions, while I had a conduit pylon active. It was glorious! I think I peed a bit.
Welp looks like Energy Twister Wizard is still king of the 4 man GRs just like last season, except that they use Tal Rasha instead of Delsere now. What a rocking change to the GR meta.
I'm still gonna play on day 1 of season at least till I complete all of the Season Journeys, but the main draw of the next patch for me isn't the changes but the cosmetic items. Dunno why but I'm a sucker for collecting those.
I'm still gonna play on day 1 of season at least till I complete all of the Season Journeys, but the main draw of the next patch for me isn't the changes but the cosmetic items. Dunno why but I'm a sucker for collecting those.