Banjo Tango
Anyone catch the Daily Show last night, with the clips of Cheney whining to CNBC (or CBS?) evening news about the New York Times running that "irresponsible" article about "9/11 Comission finds no Al-Qaeda / Iraq Ties"? There was one part where Cheney said, with absolute certainty that he never claimed a certain key piece of intelligence was "confirmed", while the reporter was like, "Umm..." And of course, the Daily Show subsequently played the clip that proved Cheney wrong.
I just can't believe that anyone would try to pull the whole "deny saying things we've said" strategy when they have them on fucking TAPE.
It seems to me that this kind of thing would destroy their image... but do people even care? I mean, is there some context to this that I'm just missing completely?
I just can't believe that anyone would try to pull the whole "deny saying things we've said" strategy when they have them on fucking TAPE.
It seems to me that this kind of thing would destroy their image... but do people even care? I mean, is there some context to this that I'm just missing completely?