Would that still roll if she was anti-interracial marriage or anti-education for non-white people or something like that? It's just an opinion, right?
One issue is denial of rights provided under the law, the other is the denial of licensing , because of the law/requirements needed to be licensed. Even if you were a gay man you could get married to a woman they arent going to ask if your gay. It's how the license requirements are met thats the issue, not something more basic that acknowledges the rules must apply to all.
This is the acknowledgement of a relationship two men or two woman are free to have *hmmm in most states anyway bet some still have laws against even having a relationship*.
The debate is should states/government promote gay marriage with a license , just permit it *basically what it is now* or prohibit it *see Russia*. There are obvious reasons why man and woman coupling are promoted in countries , they make more people to tax , families with strong parenthood and stable environments self govern, etc etc. Some would ask wtf would i license any other coupling for then. The state wants to promote the benefits of male and female coupling because, when in a stable , loving environment it benefits everyone that they bring into the society.
People can get married if they find someone to do the ceremony but the license from a government concerned with stability and money. Why is it needed for any other coupling of people? I would argue that a relationship between people regardless stabilizes them so instead of a lone person that cant find an opposite sex partner a same sex partner still would give benefit and warrant licensing for the good of stabilizing the most people possible. Maybe that relationship encourages them to achieve more and that helps them succeed and helps the economy or something. Or i get to tax them more, more money for the state Thats something that can be argued for changing the requirements of a license.
But calling a license a right then saying your denying RIGHTS .... There was no beginning of marriage in the US they just promoted it because of the obvious benefits and self government it provides. But if the relationship is not going to produce children or domesticate a male *see thats what a marriage does for men* why does it require a license? Especially when theres the freedom to have the relationship already. There's a bunch of reasons that can argue the license should be changed and a bunch of reasons to preserve the male female standard.
Polygamy has the same issue , people in my area just marry one lady then do their own ceremonies for extra wives.....not illegal just not licensed by the state. I think they are muslim so they are permitted to have more than one wife. They can have the wives but only one is recognized by the state. So its kinda the freedom *multiple wives, same sex, animals??* or falling in line situation *man and woman* we have with marriage.