Sid Of Bee
It never ran wce
You're not well versed in classic gaming I see.

It never ran wce
Never used itThe Best Trojan
Never used it
At least they're not talking about cummiesThis thread took a rather weird turn....
Windows CE - Sega Retro
Great contributionAt least they're not talking about cummies![]()
Get used to itGreat contribution
It has equal or greater value then some of the posts lately.Great contribution
Let's blame EA. LOLNo, EA did.
By the time Dreamcast had come out Sega had shit all over its fanbase with garbage add ons and consoles like the 32x, Sega CD and the Saturn. The Dreamcast was a fantastically designed console but like I said, too little too late. By that point most people could care less about the Dreamcast. Especially with the ps2 juggernaut so close to release.
Dreamcast ran Windows CE. Sega Rally was developed on it. The DC mostly had games "coded to the metal" for performance, but Microsoft joined them and supported Sega because they wanted to get in the console space. Even after Sega relinquished their hardware business DUE TO THE IMMINENT SUCCESS of the PS2, Microsoft invested and secured many Sega games, particularly Dreamcast sequels.
I believe in an alternate universe where the Xbox brand is really Sega part 2.
There is no point in even trying to debate with someone like you, How I doubt ever had any of the systems you call garbage and is just looking to flamebait
Sure it managed to at least have a bit more decent games than the 32x and Sega CD but when compared to the PS1 it was a joke.
Even standing next to the N64 it was a joke.
It was designed around 2d gaming when the rest of the world was moving on to 3d
Even Sega's original ip's like Panzer Dragoon were weak compared to the competition.
The 32x? Like what....3 or 4 games even worth purchasing? Fuckin garbage.
Rarely read so much shit in a single post honestly.The Sega CD was shit.
And you ended up being part of the community you really deservedI ended up trading my Saturn to a friend for his PS1
Hope you mean it.Sorry bro
Rarely read so much shit in a single post honestly.
Hope you mean it.
Saturn was designed to handle 3D just as much as it was designed to handle 2D. It had the necessary hardware elements to achieve both, it was not designed "primarily" for 2D. The way it achieves its graphics is different than PS1 as two display processors are necessary, and the primitive for 3D was rectangles instead of triangles (they made a choice, it was not the one that was kept for the future, but it was still an early age for 3D).You could attempt to form a cohesive rebuttal if you'd like. I am honestly interested in how you think an on rails shooter that can be finished in a few hours like Panzer can hold a candle to the first party offerings from Nintendo and Sega at the time. Also interested in hearing about these other 32x games you feel were good enough to make my point invalid.
Everyone knows by now the Saturn architecture wasnt designed to handle 3d as easily as the N64 and PS1, so what was it about my quoted comment that could be considered "shit"?
Saturn was designed to handle 3D just as much as it was designed to handle 2D. It had the necessary hardware elements to achieve both, it was not designed "primarily" for 2D. The way it achieves its graphics is different than PS1 as two display processors are necessary, and the primitive for 3D was rectangles instead of triangles (they made a choice, it was not the one that was kept for the future, but it was still an early age for 3D).
Rather than making a console exclusively designed for 3D (and forcing every developer to go the 3D route like Sony and N64 did), Sega decided to have hardware for 2D as well. I think it was a logical decision back then, while the world was transitioning from 2D to 3D to offer both possibilities. PS1 despite being not made for 2D still had a lot of developers circumventing the design to achieve 2D anyway, which is much worse in my opinion.
The 32X has clearly more than 3/4 good games. I bought one back then and never regretting it, and still play it every once in a while. Just as the Sega-CD is not shit, but actually a pretty awesome machine with great games. And finally, the Saturn is definitely at the same level as PS1 and N64, and has many very impressive games you can't dream of having on the other consoles. Games that use the strengths of the console. Funny that you talk about Panzer Dragoon as this is one game you can't make on the other consoles as they can't handle the infinite planes like the Saturn.
Overall, your post is full of hate, bad faith and ignorance. All of this is unnecessary here.
Haha what is this? Bro I'm 37, I grew up with all these systems. As a 10 year old in the early 90s I was a prime candidate for Segas edgelord advertising and marketing. And it worked. The Genesis was an awesome machine. The Sega CD was shit. Sorry bro, a random smattering of decent games doesn't negate the high amount of shit on that overpriced addon. It was shit. I had a Sega CD well after launch, when it had "established" (if you could even call it that) a bit of games. And guess what, it was terrible and nowhere near worth the $300 it cost.
The 32x? I can't honestly believe you are attempting to defend the 32x. Are you? I got a 32x a few months after launch, it still remains as probably the worst videogame related purchase I have ever made. I had saved for half of the cost with a paper route and my parents covered the other half. And guess what, I still felt ripped off. Like what....3 or 4 games even worth purchasing? Fuckin garbage.
And the Saturn...woo boy the Saturn. I know it has its little legion of hardcore fans and all that, but when you put it into the perspective during that time it was an utter disappointment. Sure it managed to at least have a bit more decent games than the 32x and Sega CD but when compared to the PS1 it was a joke. Even standing next to the N64 it was a joke. At that point in time the majority of Sega's in house releases were bullshit ports of arcade games. Arcade games that were meant to be played for 10 or 15 minutes. So you've got these ports that are padded out with nonsense but in the end they are just arcade games. Thankfully there were a handful 3rd party devs who picked up Segas embarrassing slack but it just wasnt enough. Even Sega's original ip's like Panzer Dragoon were weak compared to the competition. I ended up trading my Saturn to a friend for his PS1 cause he was one of those fuckin Sega weebs back in the day. He was irritated his parents bought him a PS1 instead of a Saturn cause it was $100 cheaper. And guess what? 6 months later he let me know how much he hated the Saturn and regretted the trade (I ended up swapping the systems back with him and selling the Saturn).
Sega had games like Panzer Dragoon, Daytona USA, Virtua Cop, Virtua Fighter
Nintendo had Mario 64, Ocarina of Time, Wave Race 64, Smash Bros
Sony had Gran Turismo, Destruction Derby, Crash Bandicoot, Syphon Filter, Spyro
The Saturn was a design nightmare. Even the ports from the other systems were mediocre. It was designed around 2d gaming when the rest of the world was moving on to 3d, it cost more etc etc i could go on and on. While it was better than the previous two abominations it was still a complete and utter let down when compared to what else was happening at the time. The thing was on sale for what? 3 or 4 years before Sega unceremoniously dumped it?
Their main strategy for the Dreamcast was "release it before the competitors to try and gain a foothold" which failed spectacularly in the end.
I get it, you appear to be some uber Sega fanboy so it is hard to hear but the truth is, after the Genesis Sega was an absolute shitshow cavalcade of disappointment punctuated by the odd show of brilliance. I lived through that era. I owned all the systems in question (Genesis/Sega CD, 32x, Saturn, Dreamcast). I am well versed in what happened as I went through it all.
It was incredibly disheartening to see Sega fall the way they did but they have absolutely no one to blame but themselves. Poor management. Shit decisions. Lame games. The Dreamcast is the one that hurts the most because the hardware was fantastic and really forward thinking BUT, and here is where we circle back to your biggest point of contention despite it being true, it was too little too late. By then people were sick of Sega's shit and had moved on to the vastly superior options available.
But hey, you can choose to assume that I have zero first hand experience on any of this if it helps you feel better I guess. I dont understand fanboyism, I just assume the people who get all crazy defensive about their piece of plastic are children or something I dunno. I have enough going on in my life that I dont need to add on "defending my videogame console to the death online" to my resume. What I can do however is lay out my personal experiences with these devices, like i have here. For the most part post Genesis Sega was shit bro sorry.
Rather than making a console exclusively designed for 3D (and forcing every developer to go the 3D route like Sony and N64 did), Sega decided to have hardware for 2D as well. I think it was a logical decision back then, while the world was transitioning from 2D to 3D to offer both possibilities. PS1 despite being not made for 2D still had a lot of developers circumventing the design to achieve 2D anyway, which is much worse in my opinion.
Yes, same thing happened with Megaman games and Capcom threatened to not release Resident Evil 2.It wasn’t just the design they were circumventing, but SCEA as well who had the ”no 2D rule“ for publishers.
Hell most people don’t know that SCEA rejected Castlevania: SOTN in the US. If Konami didn’t hold the US release of MGS hostage over it, we never would’ve played SOTN here.
Tom Kalinske, the man responsible for making Sega as a big brand in console market, was being snubbed by Sega of Japan superiors over the Saturn planning for the west, the console was released at surprise in E3 95 without the knowledge of many retailers and developers, and that's because the original inteded date was in September 2, 1995 (Saturnday), this led to major retailers boycott as they didn't receive the console, and Kalinske would leave the company in a matter of months.
Haha what is this? Bro I'm 37, I grew up with all these systems. As a 10 year old in the early 90s I was a prime candidate for Segas edgelord advertising and marketing. And it worked. The Genesis was an awesome machine. The Sega CD was shit. Sorry bro, a random smattering of decent games doesn't negate the high amount of shit on that overpriced addon. It was shit. I had a Sega CD well after launch, when it had "established" (if you could even call it that) a bit of games. And guess what, it was terrible and nowhere near worth the $300 it cost.
The 32x? I can't honestly believe you are attempting to defend the 32x. Are you? I got a 32x a few months after launch, it still remains as probably the worst videogame related purchase I have ever made. I had saved for half of the cost with a paper route and my parents covered the other half. And guess what, I still felt ripped off. Like what....3 or 4 games even worth purchasing? Fuckin garbage.
And the Saturn...woo boy the Saturn. I know it has its little legion of hardcore fans and all that, but when you put it into the perspective during that time it was an utter disappointment. Sure it managed to at least have a bit more decent games than the 32x and Sega CD but when compared to the PS1 it was a joke. Even standing next to the N64 it was a joke. At that point in time the majority of Sega's in house releases were bullshit ports of arcade games. Arcade games that were meant to be played for 10 or 15 minutes. So you've got these ports that are padded out with nonsense but in the end they are just arcade games. Thankfully there were a handful 3rd party devs who picked up Segas embarrassing slack but it just wasnt enough. Even Sega's original ip's like Panzer Dragoon were weak compared to the competition. I ended up trading my Saturn to a friend for his PS1 cause he was one of those fuckin Sega weebs back in the day. He was irritated his parents bought him a PS1 instead of a Saturn cause it was $100 cheaper. And guess what? 6 months later he let me know how much he hated the Saturn and regretted the trade (I ended up swapping the systems back with him and selling the Saturn).
Sega had games like Panzer Dragoon, Daytona USA, Virtua Cop, Virtua Fighter
Nintendo had Mario 64, Ocarina of Time, Wave Race 64, Smash Bros
Sony had Gran Turismo, Destruction Derby, Crash Bandicoot, Syphon Filter, Spyro
The Saturn was a design nightmare. Even the ports from the other systems were mediocre. It was designed around 2d gaming when the rest of the world was moving on to 3d, it cost more etc etc i could go on and on. While it was better than the previous two abominations it was still a complete and utter let down when compared to what else was happening at the time. The thing was on sale for what? 3 or 4 years before Sega unceremoniously dumped it?
Their main strategy for the Dreamcast was "release it before the competitors to try and gain a foothold" which failed spectacularly in the end.
I get it, you appear to be some uber Sega fanboy so it is hard to hear but the truth is, after the Genesis Sega was an absolute shitshow cavalcade of disappointment punctuated by the odd show of brilliance. I lived through that era. I owned all the systems in question (Genesis/Sega CD, 32x, Saturn, Dreamcast). I am well versed in what happened as I went through it all.
It was incredibly disheartening to see Sega fall the way they did but they have absolutely no one to blame but themselves. Poor management. Shit decisions. Lame games. The Dreamcast is the one that hurts the most because the hardware was fantastic and really forward thinking BUT, and here is where we circle back to your biggest point of contention despite it being true, it was too little too late. By then people were sick of Sega's shit and had moved on to the vastly superior options available.
But hey, you can choose to assume that I have zero first hand experience on any of this if it helps you feel better I guess. I dont understand fanboyism, I just assume the people who get all crazy defensive about their piece of plastic are children or something I dunno. I have enough going on in my life that I dont need to add on "defending my videogame console to the death online" to my resume. What I can do however is lay out my personal experiences with these devices, like i have here. For the most part post Genesis Sega was shit bro sorry.
What utter rubbish. You do know that SEGA America set up the Away Team in 93 for Saturn development and in fact, SEGA America was the 1st to show off the console in the CES of January of 1994. BTW Tom didn't make SEGA, Yu Suzuki and Sonic did far more and actually SEGA Europe did far better than either SEGA Japan or America with the Mega Drive being number one in Europe and selling double that of the Snes in Europe.
BTW Tom didn't make SEGA, Yu Suzuki and Sonic did far more and actually SEGA Europe did far better than either SEGA Japan or America with the Mega Drive being number one in Europe and selling double that of the Snes in Europe.
Lolwut, no I didn't know about CES, what I've said was the release date, not the reveal, Saturn was meant to be released on September 2,1995 with +15 (IIRC) software from first and third party available, but then SoJ forced the console to be released as a surprise at E3 95 in May and it only had three games.
I don't know what was with the Away Team, but that doesn't mean shit couldn't have happened in a span or 1 year and months, the console hardware was designed for 2D while the 3D was an aftertought.
Tom and the guys made a strong marketing for the console and friendly policies for developers that allowed them to get plenty of third party support and uncensored games like Mortal Kombat, Sonic was also one the key reasons of its sucess by also being included in new console units. In Europe, the Master System was a reasonable sucess, and Sega made a stronger presence and support from European developers with Genesis/Mega Drive as they decided to buy the operations from Virgin in 1991, who sold the previous console.
Sega and MS had a partnership. The original Xbox was going to be the Dreamcast 2. Sega’s arcade board, The Chihiro, is literally Xbox hardware. Sega’s Xbox arcade hardware had great games like Outrun, House of the Dead III, crazy taxi high roller, Virtua Cop 3, etc.
All you Xbox haters are just ragging on the Dreamcast 2. Sega also gave Xbox exclusives like Panzer Dragoon Orta and more. Looks like it’s time to accept fate and join the true Sega successor, Xbox.
The Sega arcade board still Even has an Xbox AV out, lol.
The Sega CD also came out in the US in 1992, which basically made it a "mid-cycle" thing, not unlike the PS4 Pro or whatever
The amount of times Sega of Japan tried to get in the way and meddle, sometimes almost outright sabotage, with Sega of America is frustrating to read.
I can't really compare factually, however I can definitely confirm that Sega in Europe was very good. Master System, Game Gear, MegaDrive all had great success here, and great support. Many games translated in several languages, including Landstalker, Soleil, Story of Thor, Light Crusader. All awesome adventure games. Nintendo was extremely lacking on this point, with Squarebeing absent and only a handful of Enix games making it here, which made the MegaDrive a great console for adventure games.SEGA Europe did far better than either SEGA Japan or America with the Mega Drive being number one in Europe and selling double that of the Snes in Europe.
Lolwut, no I didn't know about CES, what I've said was the release date, not the reveal, Saturn was meant to be released on September 2,1995 with +15 (IIRC) software from first and third party available, but then SoJ forced the console to be released as a surprise at E3 95 in May and it only had three games.
Tom and the guys made a strong marketing for the console and friendly policies for developers that allowed them to get plenty of third party support and uncensored games like Mortal Kombat, Sonic was also one the key reasons of its sucess by also being included in new console unit
I can't really compare factually, however I can definitely confirm that Sega in Europe was very good.
I don't think you can dismiss SoA's role in making the Genesis as successful as it was; SEGA of Europe did a very good job for MegaDrive in that market but the console market in Europe was smaller than both NA's and Japan's.
Also while MegaDrive outsold SNES in Europe overall there were some European countries where SNES outsold MegaDrive, and MegaDrive/SNES was a closer battle than Master System/NES in the European market so I kind of have a hard time believing MegaDrive outsold SNES over 2:1 in Europe as a whole.
Ironically, this thread transformed I to something great.Who would have thought that a drunken Friday night shitpost fromMiyazakiHatesKojima
MiyazakiHatesKojima would have resulted in such an interesting conversation
Sega Europe always was pretty great, they were definitely limited as they did not have full power to decide