Speculation tides us over.
And I'm excited
But I think one thing is confirmed. The story revolves around... "Why is a Digital Gate appearing in the real world"
Whatever the story is, that will be a question that needs an answer.
Still utterly annoyed that Hikari got no animation AT ALL in that PV though.
Wada Kouji's message ;_;
Yeah that was weird, everybody else at least moved.
Also gatomon looks better in this style of animation, agumon and gabumon still weird af.
Only 4months + to wait ;_;
What happened ?
Wada Kouji's message ;_;
Thye also tweeted a HQ pic of the awesome alphamon vs omnimon poster.
Holy shit the new animation style makes the increased detail much better. I actually like it now. Looks like there's going to be more talking in this one which is great.
I don't see the point in speculating over this lol.We don't evne know what's going to happen.It can be literally anything.
Thye also tweeted a HQ pic of the awesome alphamon vs omnimon poster.
Holy shit the new animation style makes the increased detail much better. I actually like it now. Looks like there's going to be more talking in this one which is great.
I don't see the point in speculating over this lol.We don't evne know what's going to happen.It can be literally anything.
Thye also tweeted a HQ pic of the awesome alphamon vs omnimon poster.
Thye also tweeted a HQ pic of the awesome alphamon vs omnimon poster.
Holy shit the new animation style makes the increased detail much better. I actually like it now. Looks like there's going to be more talking in this one which is great.
I don't see the point in speculating over this lol.We don't evne know what's going to happen.It can be literally anything.[/QUOTE]
always use :orig instead of :large for pic real resolution from twitter xD
[quote="Mr-Joker, post: 173743494"]What was his message?
[QUOTE]August 1st is a special day for Digimon Adventure.
I was looking forward to enjoying this day with everyone at DIGIMON ADVENTURE FES.2015, but I am sorry to announce the cancellation of my attendance.
I tried to do everything in my power to improve my physical condition, but I am sorry to say it is not enough for me to stand on stage and perform.
I apologize to everyone who looked forward to my performance.
It has been 16 years since Digimon Adventure first started in 1999.
I could have never imagined then, that I would be able to see a the grown up version of Taichi, Agumon, and the digimons.
So, inevitably, I was excited from the bottom of my heart when I first heard the news that a sequel, "Digimon Adventure tri." , was being produced.
I was more excited when I heard the main theme would be "Butter-Fly" again.
However, along with the excitement, I also faced the burden of thinking of how I would go about singing a song that was produced 16 years ago as my debut song. Should it reflect on who I am now, or should it be a revival of 16 years ago .
tri. is the sequel to Digimon Adventure, and Butter-Fly is once again, its main theme .
I remembered when Digimon Adventure first aired 16 years ago, and how excited I was when I heard "Butter-Fly" playing from the TV.
Then, I thought, I should bring back the same excitement.
Years have passed, and in the process of overcoming many things, my voice has changed, and it will definitely be difficult to make a complete revival of the song.
However, I went into recording with the strong intention of reviving the song.
I sincerely wish for this song to act as a continuation of the same excitement, fromDigimon Adventure into Digimon Adventure tri.
I will do my best to collaborate with the voice actors, music team, and the staff to make Digimon Adventure tri a piece that will continue to touch the hearts of the audience here, as well as to people all around the world.
Please give much love to "Digimon Adventure tri."
Gokigen na cho ninatte, kirameku kaze ninotte, itsuka .Minnna ni ainiikou.
Koji Wada
Oh, didn't know about that, I just copied the source from the tweet lol.always userig instead of :large for pic real resolution from twitter xD
At least we didn't have to hear the imposters talking in that PV, I guess.
I know I should probably just let it go, but I can't. Tri's mere existence makes me feel a mixture of sadness anger, like I'm just looking into a pit of despair and remembering that time Toei spent 9 months trolling me with thoughts of childhood nostalgia before kicking me in the balls.
At least we didn't have to hear the imposters talking in that PV, I guess.
I know I should probably just let it go, but I can't. Tri's mere existence makes me feel a mixture of sadness anger, like I'm just looking into a pit of despair and remembering that time Toei spent 9 months trolling me with thoughts of childhood nostalgia before kicking me in the balls.
At least we didn't have to hear the imposters talking in that PV, I guess.
I know I should probably just let it go, but I can't. Tri's mere existence makes me feel a mixture of sadness anger, like I'm just looking into a pit of despair and remembering that time Toei spent 9 months trolling me with thoughts of childhood nostalgia before kicking me in the balls.
- From the poster, Omegamon and Alphamon are fighting in the real world, and for some reason Yamato is sitting on Alphamon's staff :/
What dp ya'll think, new thread in OT for new news, or keep it in here?
What dp ya'll think, new thread in OT for new news, or keep it in here?
I am going to be on mobile for a while, but I have no problem doing one when I get to desktop. But if anyone wants to make a thread in OT, then please, go head.I think there should be a new thread. This is the biggest Tri news since May, and many aren't going to look in the Digimon OT for it.
Maybe ideally keep it here and then closer to release make a Tri OT?
My personal preference is to keep it in here. I'm usually the type that prefers one mega thread instead of a bunch of tiny ones and having to sub a bunchthe Jurassic World production/spoiler/OT/etc threads got to be too much :x
Maybe ideally keep it here and then closer to release make a Tri OT?
I am going to be on mobile for a while, but I have no problem doing one when I get to desktop. But if anyone wants to make a thread in OT, then please, go head.
I have no qualms either way on whatever folks in this thread agree with.
Sorry to go off topic on the trailer, I was reading some wiki and read some stuff about the Digimon Fusion manga...Is it considered canon since it's different from the awful show (my opinion,I know some liked it) - there's more cross season stuff apparently.
seems that it's canon to V-Tamer, seeing thatUlforceVeedramon is the same Veedramon that Taichi partners with
That's solved thenI just probably won't be following the individual topics asuch as the main ones.
So ummm...They're releasing an Agumon personal assistant app as well...Not sure how to feel about this.
Japanese, obviously:
Also another pic:
more in some september issue of a Japanese magazine
If any of these were mentioned previously, I must've missed them.
Regarding Next Order, there is one thing no one seems to notice. Machinedramons red eye. That has not been used in a while, and actually fits the original Digimon World design more. Since N.O seems to be even bigger call back to DW, this was nice touch. I even talked about original design for Machinedramon few pages earlier. Neat timing.![]()
might have to give it a read. Maybe V-Tamer to since its been like 10+ years since i read it.
His red eye doesn't appear in the games? I don't use him so I wouldn't know and I don't recall him making an appearance in any other seasons as an actual character(not a pawn or background character).DW1 ending/end game spoiler just in case that one person who hasn't finished the best game ever reading this thread but plans to playMachindramon was the final boss in DW1 as well, being controlled by Analogman ofc. There's also what happens in the back dimension. This together with the DW1 videos at the start of the trailer and the game be touted as a DW1 sequel rather than a Re:digitize sequel, makes me think he's coming back(I have no idea if Digimon car battle is canon since it made no sense to me as a child)..
It is so great.
seems that it's canon to V-Tamer, seeing thatUlforceVeedramon is the same Veedramon that Taichi partners with
No, Machinedramon doesnt have red eye anywhere else. Only in the early PS1 games he had red eye and even white head. In any other media Machinedramon has blank black eyes. Its a small detail sure, but I like red eyes on him.
And yes, while Redigitized was a modernizedDigimon World, Next Order seems to be to real continuation to DW.
Are the scanlations accurate?... There's only one or two groups that have translated it...
Oh, could've sworn he had red in his eyes in 01 or was it yellow.
I was interested in rewatching Adventure and Tamers, but it seems like Netflix was the only place with them subbed.And by the way, it seems that they took Digimon off Netflix. Digimon Fusion is the only one that appears right now![]()
I was interested in rewatching Adventure and Tamers, but it seems like Netflix was the only place with them subbed.
So I don't know if this was posted yet or not, but they released a trailer for the cosplay Digivice (which is honestly cooler than I thought it was going to be).
Now the interesting thing is that it also gives us a look at the Tri designs for Greymon, WarGreymon, and WereGarurumon.
Did the claws on the Dramon Killers always move? I could have sworn that they didn't...
Lol nope.They're claws that fit over his hand like a katar. Wouldn't make sense for them to move like that.
His shoulder horn things are more pronounced as well. Also the belt armour as well.
Edit- also those
Hmmm, I thought so. If you couldn't see his fists so clearly, it might have made more sense, but now it looks like he has to use telepathy to move them.
Greymon looks fat but menacing as we've already seen and WereGarurumon doesn't look too different, but he does seem "better" somehow.
The new designs look great! Not that the original shows had a good budget for quality. Only a handful of better animation quality for 02, even. Still, Dogimon is one of those series that can look fantastic on a higher budget. The poster, those new promo shots look great![]()
Yeah, the complicated designs and battles of Digimon really lends itself to a higher budget.
Having Hosoda on the job sure helpedI wasn't a big fan when I was younger on his simplistic (but more realistic) human designs, but it realllly grew on me as I got older and saw some of original works. The Digimon always looked amazing though, through his style.
The thing that makes me so hopeful (at least the animation part) about Tri is that it seems to be similar to that Hosoda aesthetic. The Kuwagamon fight looking like a callback to the Digimon Adventure Movie and similarly the Alphamon fight to Our War Game helps too.