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Digimon Community Thread |OT| For all the Digidestined on GAF

had the same goddamn voice actress too

stuart's already said it

It made for a sort of funny moment when the kids asked her to work a camera to distract her and she didn't know how to use it.

And don't forget Davis is Takato's cousin.

But the one voice actor carry-over that threw me off the most in the dub was Lucemon having Izzy's voice actress in Frontier. I couldn't take him seriously at all.
I love that in Cyber Sleuth, we have Imperialdramon: Dragon Mode with the ability to mode change into Fighter Mode.

Still sad that they never included Burst Mode of the Savers Digimon :(. If they did, I'd have ShineGreymon BM and MirageGaogamon BM now.

Yeah, I would have liked Burst Modes for the Savers Digimon, as well as Dukemon Crimson Mode and Beelzebumon Blast Mode. It's a shame we didn't get more mode changes.
Yeah, I would have liked Burst Modes for the Savers Digimon, as well as Dukemon Crimson Mode and Beelzebumon Blast Mode. It's a shame we didn't get more mode changes.

It would be cool if they allowed mode changes outside of the Digi-Lab too. Maybe even a once-per-battle change allowed thing.


Yeah, I would have liked Burst Modes for the Savers Digimon, as well as Dukemon Crimson Mode and Beelzebumon Blast Mode. It's a shame we didn't get more mode changes.

Indeed but it'd be a great template to work off of after Next Order (assuming they do another Story game of course).

Hell, a CS2 with more
stuff in the Digital World
would be awesome.

I loved seeing all the Japanese places though, Nakano, Ueno, Asakusa, even Odaiba (though we didn't get to see much of Odaiba but we got to see a little at least). When in Japan, I'll take a look and see how close places are to in the game. :D
Indeed but it'd be a great template to work off of after Next Order (assuming they do another Story game of course).

Hell, a CS2 with more
stuff in the Digital World
would be awesome.

I loved seeing all the Japanese places though, Nakano, Ueno, Asakusa, even Odaiba (though we didn't get to see much of Odaiba but we got to see a little at least). When in Japan, I'll take a look and see how close places are to in the game. :D

One of the things I wished they did in Cyber Sleuth was
explore the Digital World more. From a budget standpoint, it makes sense why they didn't, but I still would have liked to see it. I also would have liked more Eden stuff.

Wait, what?

They had the same voice actor. (Correct me if I'm wrong, I haven't watched the dub for awhile.)


One of the things I wished they did in Cyber Sleuth was
explore the Digital World more. From a budget standpoint, it makes sense why they didn't, but I still would have liked to see it. I also would have liked more Eden stuff.

Aye, I'm not at Chapter 20 yet so I'm speaking from what I've seen in previous chapters but the Digital World looks pretty when we do get to see it plus the music is great. So yeah, would be nice to see a CS2 with more Digital World stuff.

Also the music in the big chapter 19 dungeon aka the training dungeon of awesome is fantastic. Love the music.

Speaking of, I also found a PlatinumNumemon in the dungeon. Dropped the USB that gives extra EXP.

So now I have Mega/SaintGargomon with 2 EXP USBs equipped and two PlatinumNumemon with two Yen USBs equipped.

Battles are now regularly 10kish Yen and 30+k EXP.

Sooooo goood. Plenty of stuff to exploit for the English release on PS4 :D
Indeed but it'd be a great template to work off of after Next Order (assuming they do another Story game of course).

Hell, a CS2 with more
stuff in the Digital World
would be awesome.

I loved seeing all the Japanese places though, Nakano, Ueno, Asakusa, even Odaiba (though we didn't get to see much of Odaiba but we got to see a little at least). When in Japan, I'll take a look and see how close places are to in the game. :D

Yeah, I hope that they do another Story game, and that we get not only some more mode changes, but a lot more armor Digimon and some X-Antibodies. (And also just a lot more Digimon in general)

And I would also love to see
a lot more of the Digital World in a prospective Cyber Sleuth sequel. There's a lot of material there to explore, so that would be really fun. Especially if we could have a fully explorable Digital World while also keeping all of the Tokyo locations, too.

I really hope that they're planning to alternate Story and World in alternating years, because I think that would be a lot of fun.


I really hope that they're planning to alternate Story and World in alternating years, because I think that would be a lot of fun.

Unless they are going to end the series (games wise at least) or are going to make another anime game adaption like Adventure PSP then I think alternating the Story and World games is in their best interests.

After all CS and the latest Worlds games have shown to be the most successful and most well received Digimon games. So instead of trying to reinvent the gameplay every game, I think building on CS/World and their mechanics would be for the best.


Don't know if this has been posted yet:

The Adventure Tri Twitter has posted that there will be an advance screening on October 23rd and NicoNico will have a special broadcast on the 25th (no idea if that means Tri will be on NicoNico).

Maybe someone with better Japanese skills can get a more accurate translation.

Details will be announced on the official website.

Edit: Bokutachi's got it.

10/23: Advanced premiere
10/25: Nico Nico live broadcast.

I wonder how much it will cost.

It was also at the very end of the PVs.

Also in Cyber Sleuth news.
Final Royal Knight quest...

I took Alphamon + Dukemon down but Omegamon....

used some move that upped his stats twice.

Used Grey Sword

Over and over

wiped out every single one of my Digimon before I could even move again. In one shot each. Even my toughest digimon (BWarGreymon) couldn't survive it.

It was like an enrage timer in an MMO Boss.

It was also at the very end of the PVs.

Also in Cyber Sleuth news.
Final Royal Knight quest...

I took Alphamon + Dukemon down but Omegamon....

used some move that upped his stats twice.

Used Grey Sword

Over and over

wiped out every single one of my Digimon before I could even move again. In one shot each. Even my toughest digimon (BWarGreymon) couldn't survive it.

It was like an enrage timer in an MMO Boss.


Ha, that teaches me that I should always watch til the end of the trailer for random news.

Yeah, I wasn't kidding when I said Cyber Sleuth has pretty crazy side quest bosses.
I think I had to take them down in a certain order before I could beat them. I want to say I saved Dukemon for last, but I can't remember. The first time I left Alphamon for last and was curbstomped, lol.


Ha, that teaches me that I should always watch til the end of the trailer for random news.

Yeah, I wasn't kidding when I said Cyber Sleuth has pretty crazy side quest bosses.
I think I had to take them down in a certain order before I could beat them. I want to say I saved Dukemon for last, but I can't remember. The first time I left Alphamon for last and was curbstomped, lol.

I took Dukemon down first and then Omegamon. First time I left Omegamon til last and that was what happened (above) XD.

Btw I'm also using Lilithmon now, level 99, trained in only Intellect and she is a freaking GLASS CANNON. She is easy to kill but her Phantom Pain attack kills things so quickly. Hell with PlatinumNumemon having Character Reverse (which inflicts bug), even Vaccine digimon get killed very quickly.

Almost every
Royal Knight that was a Data Digimon (like Duftmon) died quickly to it and any Vaccine Digimon like Alphamon and Omegamon, I just used PlatNumemon's character reverse to inflict Bug and then used my Glass Cannon to kill them.

Also UlforceVeedramon is helpful. Sometimes I used him first since his support skill allows me to always go first and then I use Plat to inflict Bug, once Bug was on the Digimon I wanted them on, I would switch Ulforce for Lilithmon and that was that :D

Some good tips for me to remember when the PS4 version comes out :D
I took Dukemon down first and then Omegamon. First time I left Omegamon til last and that was what happened (above) XD.

Btw I'm also using Lilithmon now, level 99, trained in only Intellect and she is a freaking GLASS CANNON. She is easy to kill but her Phantom Pain attack kills things so quickly. Hell with PlatinumNumemon having Character Reverse (which inflicts bug), even Vaccine digimon get killed very quickly.

Almost every
Royal Knight that was a Data Digimon (like Duftmon) died quickly to it and any Vaccine Digimon like Alphamon and Omegamon, I just used PlatNumemon's character reverse to inflict Bug and then used my Glass Cannon to kill them.

Also UlforceVeedramon is helpful. Sometimes I used him first since his support skill allows me to always go first and then I use Plat to inflict Bug, once Bug was on the Digimon I wanted them on, I would switch Ulforce for Lilithmon and that was that :D

Some good tips for me to remember when the PS4 version comes out :D

Yeah, UlforceV-dramon is super useful. I would pretty much always have him in my starting party so that I could have everyone attack first and set the battle up on my terms. It was especially useful for using everyone's buffs right from the start. That helped me a lot in some of those Demon Lord battles.


Yeah, UlforceV-dramon is super useful. I would pretty much always have him in my starting party so that I could have everyone attack first and set the battle up on my terms. It was especially useful for using everyone's buffs right from the start. That helped me a lot in some of those Demon Lord battles.

I foresee needing to use him for the DLC requests as well.

Almost completed the game, just gotten to
Akemi in the core and went back to find Victory Uchida back in Odaiba then went back to Akemi. Will beat the game tomorrow.

The music in the final areas is fantastic as well. I am loving it. <3


Ok so I've beaten Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth. Fantastic game, really loved the story and the gameplay was pretty sweet. (love that they built on from the Adventure PSP battle system). Can't wait til it's out in English on PS4 :D.

I have some very small complaints, Spoilerish so:

Not seeing Fey again after she helps us save Yuuko
Not seeing much of the Digital World (looks beautiful what we do see though)
The smallish areas in the real world (though I understand it's a budget and probably a platform limitation)
Some stuff I wish was in isn't, ie more armour digivolutions, burst modes, etc. Most of my favourite Digimon were in so I can't complain too much.

The music in the game is just top fucking notch and the graphics are very nice and charming, I love the female character design along with her expressions in cutscenes even though she is mostly mute. Her expressions really make some scenes, both emotional and joyful ones.

The Digimon are all beautiful done I think though, even though there is just 240, they are all really well done and look pretty damned good.

The 'real' final dungeon (aka the one with random encounters, not the one after it :p ) is really good as well, music is especially good there and it just feels like a good long final dungeon to me.

I really recommend this to anyone thinking of getting the English release. If you're a Digimon fan or just a JRPG fan wanting a good JRPG, get it.

-------- impressions over ------

Now I've beaten the final
Royal Knights quest. ImperialdramonPM. Tha Omega Blade attack is brutal. I ended up using Lilithmon, UlforceVeedramon and Jesmon to win. I just kept reviving the first two over and over, using Lilithmon's Phantom Pain attack to whittle away at the two I could attack and then once the final ImperialdramonPM was on his own, I had Jesmon use his skill that makes him invulnerable. And once ImperialdramonPM had used his Omega Blade 5 times and then hurt himself, I finished him off. What a fight. I also now have ImperialdramonPM in my party haha :D.

I also did the first of the
7 Demon Lords DLC sidequests, the first one being Daemon. I used Lilithmon, Ophanimon (with boosted INT from items and bonus stats) and UlforceVeedramon. I used Ulforce's Mental Charge Field to boost our Int along with his SPD boost skill and I used Ophanimon to heal and attack occassionally while Lilithmon took most of Daemon's HP away with Phantom Pain. He had a lot of HP but he was easy enough.

I am dreading the rest of the Demon Lords haha.
Ok so I've beaten Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth. Fantastic game, really loved the story and the gameplay was pretty sweet. (love that they built on from the Adventure PSP battle system). Can't wait til it's out in English on PS4 :D.

I have some very small complaints, Spoilerish so:

Not seeing Fey again after she helps us save Yuuko
Not seeing much of the Digital World (looks beautiful what we do see though)
The smallish areas in the real world (though I understand it's a budget and probably a platform limitation)
Some stuff I wish was in isn't, ie more armour digivolutions, burst modes, etc. Most of my favourite Digimon were in so I can't complain too much.

I agree with most of these.
I expected Fei to play a bigger role after helping us to rescue Yuuko, but instead she just disappears without a trace. I was pretty disappointed with that. I feel like there was a lot of potential there. She was really the one character who I felt got shafted a bit in the main story. Pretty much everyone else had a lot of really good moments (I think Cyber Sleuth does better than just about any other Digimon story in any medium at this).

I also would have liked to see more of the Digital World. The final chapter was great. If they do make a sequel, I really hope we get to see a lot of the digital world in it.

The other shortcoming I felt was that it was too easy. Some of the late game sidequests were challenging, but the main story was pretty much a walk in the park. I wish there had been some more challenging fights prior to unlocking the endgame quests.

The music in the game is just top fucking notch and the graphics are very nice and charming, I love the female character design along with her expressions in cutscenes even though she is mostly mute. Her expressions really make some scenes, both emotional and joyful ones.

The Digimon are all beautiful done I think though, even though there is just 240, they are all really well done and look pretty damned good.

Yeah, the music is incredible in Cyber Sleuth. It has a really strong soundtrack. And the female MC did have some wonderful expressions. Even though she didn't talk much, I felt like she still had a pretty strong character, to the point where I could say "Yeah, that's what she's like". That's difficult to do with a (mostly) silent protagonist.

I think Cyber Sleuth had a really strong story in general. Pretty much everything from
the moment that you find out Rie is LordKnightmon
on was incredible. Before that it was still an enjoyable story with some good characters, but from that point on it became a story on par with the very best Digimon stories for me (stuff like Adventure, Tamers and Savers). Nokia was really awesome in my opinion.


Unconfirmed Member
Metalgarurumon came in today and he is awesome.... even the box art is great! Can't wait for Wargreymon to show up from Crunchyroll, whenever that'll be :/


The other shortcoming I felt was that it was too easy. Some of the late game sidequests were challenging, but the main story was pretty much a walk in the park. I wish there had been some more challenging fights prior to unlocking the endgame quests.

The PS4 is adding a difficulty level so that may help with things. Hell I'll be starting it on the highest difficulty :D

I think Cyber Sleuth had a really strong story in general. Pretty much everything from
the moment that you find out Rie is LordKnightmon
on was incredible. Before that it was still an enjoyable story with some good characters, but from that point on it became a story on par with the very best Digimon stories for me (stuff like Adventure, Tamers and Savers). Nokia was really awesome in my opinion.

That twist was great but one of the biggest twists in the game to me was
Alphamon being Kyoko. That and finding out what happened 8 year in the Digital World. Those two were two of the best parts of the story to me. Seriously though, I did NOT see Kyoko being Alphamon coming at all.

It really is on par with the very best of the Digimon stories to me as well. I loved it.

Metalgarurumon came in today and he is awesome.... even the box art is great! Can't wait for Wargreymon to show up from Crunchyroll, whenever that'll be :/

Take a pic? :D
Ok so I've beaten Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth. Fantastic game, really loved the story and the gameplay was pretty sweet. (love that they built on from the Adventure PSP battle system). Can't wait til it's out in English on PS4 :D.

I have some very small complaints, Spoilerish so:

Not seeing Fey again after she helps us save Yuuko
Not seeing much of the Digital World (looks beautiful what we do see though)
The smallish areas in the real world (though I understand it's a budget and probably a platform limitation)
Some stuff I wish was in isn't, ie more armour digivolutions, burst modes, etc. Most of my favourite Digimon were in so I can't complain too much.

The music in the game is just top fucking notch and the graphics are very nice and charming, I love the female character design along with her expressions in cutscenes even though she is mostly mute. Her expressions really make some scenes, both emotional and joyful ones.

The Digimon are all beautiful done I think though, even though there is just 240, they are all really well done and look pretty damned good.

The 'real' final dungeon (aka the one with random encounters, not the one after it :p ) is really good as well, music is especially good there and it just feels like a good long final dungeon to me.

I really recommend this to anyone thinking of getting the English release. If you're a Digimon fan or just a JRPG fan wanting a good JRPG, get it.

Yay! :D

I agree with your complaints. It felt like they went just as far as their budget allowed, which is disappointing because with just little more I feel the world would have been near perfect. More Digimon would be awesome for the next Story game.

Music, characters, story, Digimon, all top notch. I feel like the most accurate praise I could give the story is it felt like playing though a good season of Digimon, something other Digimon games I've played didn't capture. Makes the "Digimon Story" title pretty accurate. Like Kuwabara said, there is a point you reach in the main story where everything gets really awesome, the second half is great.

The end of the game was so bittersweet too. Classic Digimon ending. I felt that it was cool how they gave you a stake in Alphamon, so even if you got over your party Digimon leaving, you'd still be sad about her. And of course leaving the GOAT Agumon and Gabumon behind.

Evolving and devolving is too much fun. I'm that weirdo that spends a lot of time fusing in SMT games, so this sort of tapped into that.

Main character should have been voiced. There are some moments that could have been way better if he/she was and the fact they already have a defined personality makes it feel like a waste of opportunity. Like you said though, the expressions are well-done.

Dropping Fei was pretty weird, and I remember wondering where she was at the end of the game. Someone dropped the ball there.

Gameplay, of course, is hampered by the braindead easy main quests. Hopefully the English version allowing you to change difficulty fixes that a bit, though I doubt anything will come close to the late-game sidequest and DLC boss battles. Those show the potential of the gameplay and I would like future games to have more main boss fights like that.


Good luck with the Demon Lords, lol.
That twist was great but one of the biggest twists in the game to me was
Alphamon being Kyoko. That and finding out what happened 8 year in the Digital World. Those two were two of the best parts of the story to me. Seriously though, I did NOT see Kyoko being Alphamon coming at all.

It really is on par with the very best of the Digimon stories to me as well. I loved it.

I really wish I hadn't gotten spoiled on that.
I was just looking at Alphamon's page on Wikimon, and then in big bold letters I saw "Kuremi Kyoko" under the "evolves from" section. I was so mad. Especially since I was past the LordKnightmon reveal, so I could basically put the pieces together on that one. Still, even getting spoiled on it, the moment when she transforms was just such an amazing moment. It was up there with the first appearance of Omegamon in terms of just how giddy the scenes made me.

The reveal about 8 years ago was definitely something I didn't see coming, though. That was a really good moment.


Haha, nice to see we all have similar complaints and praises. Such a good game :D

Btw I found out very late in that we could change the Digimon's names and give them nicknames. I am one of those that tend to keep Pokemon/Digimon names in the games (unless we HAVE to name them like in Digimon World 1 where I end up calling my Digimon Star haha) but it's nice to know that we have the option.

Also the CGI scenes while low-ish budget were still pretty damned sweet.

But yeah, felt like a good season of Digimon really.
Metalgarurumon came in today and he is awesome.... even the box art is great! Can't wait for Wargreymon to show up from Crunchyroll, whenever that'll be :/

I'm going to get him, so I'm glad to hear he's cool. :3

I really wish I hadn't gotten spoiled on that.
I was just looking at Alphamon's page on Wikimon, and then in big bold letters I saw "Kuremi Kyoko" under the "evolves from" section. I was so mad. Especially since I was past the LordKnightmon reveal, so I could basically put the pieces together on that one. Still, even getting spoiled on it, the moment when she transforms was just such an amazing moment. It was up there with the first appearance of Omegamon in terms of just how giddy the scenes made me.

The reveal about 8 years ago was definitely something I didn't see coming, though. That was a really good moment.

I actually figured it out after
LordKnightmon's reveal, but that was because I was looking for it and I saw the picture of her car again. Digimon in Disguise(TM)


Sucks it was spoiled for you though. It was one of my favorite parts.
It also made me like Alphamon, who I just saw as an off-brand Omegamon up til that point.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Maybe it's just me but I never liked any of the royal knights outside maybe of Omegamon, and mostly because he's consistently shown to be the "good" among them and doesn't look generic or really flat out weird (ahahahaha that stupid blue dragon pretending to be a knight by wearing silly tacky gold armor).
I'll try maybe tomorrow and get some shots in. I also plan on doing some shoots when I get in all my GEM figures :)

Oh, also Toywiz has ChaosDukemon up for pre-order: http://www.toywiz.com/figuartchaosdukemon.html
Usually they price up more popular goods, but for Digimon, they seem appropriately priced. He's still not up on Amazon (well he is, but through a high-priced 3rd party...)

I plan on limiting myself to buying my favorites (and WarGreymon :p). Otherwise, I'd probably go for ChaosDukemon. Purple looks good on a knight.

Maybe it's just me but I never liked any of the royal knights outside maybe of Omegamon, and mostly because he's consistently shown to be the "good" among them and doesn't look generic or really flat out weird (ahahahaha that stupid blue dragon pretending to be a knight by wearing silly tacky gold armor).

I don't know man, he was a pretty big asshole in the X-Evolution movie (though, to be fair, that movie was pretty weird). Thinking about it, I am actually surprised how many of the Royal Knights I like. A few of them are "meh to eh" design-wise and Magnamon seems like he'd be too weak, but other than that, I'm pretty okay with them.
Just call me Paper Sparrow, the double-poster:

New character up on the Digimon World: Next Order website. Himari and her Plotmon partner, Rikka.


They also have story/theme stuff up and the TGS trailer. I'm sure a translation will be up soon enough.


Just call me Paper Sparrow, the double-poster:

New character up on the Digimon World: Next Order website. Himari and her Plotmon partner, Rikka.


They also have story/theme stuff up and the TGS trailer. I'm sure a translation will be up soon enough.

Oh, she's the one from the recent scans. She's cute, nice design. Pretty purple looking. Plotmon is an odd choice but not complaining. I like Plotmon.
Oh, she's the one from the recent scans. She's cute, nice design. Pretty purple looking. Plotmon is an odd choice but not complaining. I like Plotmon.

Yeah, if you have been following the recent scans, there is nothing new here, I think. Maybe the theme page, but that just seems to talk about the evolution of the World games.

Considering we got Angewomon as a main partner Digimon in the last World game, Plotmon feels a bit redundant, though it's cool that it's not Tailmon. I'm guessing Holydramon will be her Ultimate.


Yeah, if you have been following the recent scans, there is nothing new here, I think. Maybe the theme page, but that just seems to talk about the evolution of the World games.

Considering we got Angewomon as a main partner Digimon in the last World game, Plotmon feels a bit redundant, though it's cool that it's not Tailmon. I'm guessing Holydramon will be her Ultimate.

pls no :(

But yeah, nothing new but it's still better than scans I say :p
Turns out her character and the story translation are different from the magazine text, color me surprised.

Here's the translation.

They are going in hard for that Digimon World 1 nostalgia. I don't remember Re: Digitize citing it this much (though admittedly, I wasn't following Digimon news then). Maybe because this game is skewing a bit older?

And Himari is channeling Hikari with that strong-willed, putting others first business.
Yeah, they're definitely going heavy for the Digimon World 1 stuff.

But everything is sounding great so far. I'm really excited for this game (especially as I've been playing through Re:Digitize again lately, and all the improvements for Next Order sound awesome).
Maybe it's just me but I never liked any of the royal knights outside maybe of Omegamon, and mostly because he's consistently shown to be the "good" among them and doesn't look generic or really flat out weird (ahahahaha that stupid blue dragon pretending to be a knight by wearing silly tacky gold armor).

I like Examon, though he should belong in something greater than the royal knights
Yeah, they're definitely going heavy for the Digimon World 1 stuff.

But everything is sounding great so far. I'm really excited for this game (especially as I've been playing through Re:Digitize again lately, and all the improvements for Next Order sound awesome).

The Digimon having a relationship with each other and that affecting how they fight really intrigues me. That, seemingly improved raising mechanics, and the promise of a lot more Digimon are getting me excited.

I like Examon, though he should belong in something greater than the royal knights

I like the irony of a "classic dragon" being in a group of knights. He and Sleipmon add a bit of variety.
The Digimon having a relationship with each other and that affecting how they fight really intrigues me. That, seemingly improved raising mechanics, and the promise of a lot more Digimon are getting me excited.

Yeah, that's something that I really hope they can make work. I'd love it if the relationship between your Digimon had a really big effect on things. It'd be really neat to see two Digimon who get along cooperating a lot in battle, while if they don't like each other, maybe one of them just sort of stands around while the other is getting wailed on.

It'd also be cool if this had an effect on other things. Like, say if, two Digimon didn't like each other, then maybe one gets happy when you scold the other, because you're proving them right, but if they're good friends then both lose happiness when either is scolded because they don't like seeing their friend get yelled at.

It'd be awesome if they could pull something like that off.
Yeah, that's something that I really hope they can make work. I'd love it if the relationship between your Digimon had a really big effect on things. It'd be really neat to see two Digimon who get along cooperating a lot in battle, while if they don't like each other, maybe one of them just sort of stands around while the other is getting wailed on.

It'd also be cool if this had an effect on other things. Like, say if, two Digimon didn't like each other, then maybe one gets happy when you scold the other, because you're proving them right, but if they're good friends then both lose happiness when either is scolded because they don't like seeing their friend get yelled at.

It'd be awesome if they could pull something like that off.

Don't give me too much hope man, I'm trying to temper my expectations! It's exciting how far they can take this idea. Imagine after one of your Digimon passing, if the other one was a close friend, they also die from a broken heart...


In related news, I don't think we've had these pictures in non-scan form yet:

The second Agumon looks maniacal, not angry, lol. And I would have preferred yellow eyelids for Gabumon, but that's really nit-picky.
Don't give me too much hope man, I'm trying to temper my expectations! It's exciting how far they can take this idea. Imagine after one of your Digimon passing, if the other one was a close friend, they also die from a broken heart...


In related news, I don't think we've had these pictures in non-scan form yet:

The second Agumon looks maniacal, not angry, lol. And I would have preferred yellow eyelids for Gabumon, but that's really nit-picky.

Yeah, I keep trying to temper my expectations, but then I'll have like 10 crazy ideas and start thinking about how awesome it would be if they did that, and my expectations get crazier and crazier.

Those pictures look really adorable. This game is going to have a lot of charm, and I love how expressive they're making the Digimon look.


New character up on the Digimon World: Next Order website. Himari and her Plotmon partner, Rikka.


I hate that we can't play as her instead of the protagonists , her design is much more appealing in my eyes.

I wish the game had customization to allow a similiar appearance or to at least change the character outfits but they seem content with premade characters. Not that it is a problem but sucks not wanting to look at your character for long periods of time.
The new character designs are awful. Gimme Nakatsuru's stuff again, please.

While it would have been cool if they got him, I remember Nakatsuru's older characters suffering from a bit of genericness as well. They probably wouldn't look as bland, though.

Really, I'm just happy the Digimon look great.

I hate that we can't play as her instead of the protagonists , her design is much more appealing in my eyes.

I wish the game had customization to allow a similiar appearance or to at least change the character outfits but they seem content with premade characters. Not that it is a problem but sucks not wanting to look at your character for long periods of time.

The main characters in the newer games try to tread the line between being an actual character while still trying to be somewhat of a blank slate, so you don't get either. It would be nice if they would just go all the way in one direction.
Finished up Re:Digitize.

I had a lot of fun with it. Playing it definitely has me excited for Next Order next year.

It's just a shame that the 3DS region lock means I'd have so many hoops to jump through if I wanted to try and place Decode, because that game looks excellent.
Finished up Re:Digitize.

I had a lot of fun with it. Playing it definitely has me excited for Next Order next year.

It's just a shame that the 3DS region lock means I'd have so many hoops to jump through if I wanted to try and place Decode, because that game looks excellent.

Next Order and the region-lock means I'll probably never play Decode, which is too bad because it apparently addresses a lot of the complaints of the original.

It also introduces Rina, who was a pretty fun character in Cyber Sleuth. I would have wanted to see what she was about. And it's pretty crazy to think V-mon wasn't in the PSP version. Dude should have a guaranteed spot in every Digimon game at this point

Gah, if they wanted to show off popular Digimon, why didn't they go with V-mon/Wormmon for Next Order instead of Agumon and Gabumon for the 50th time? (I say this as a person who has Gabumon as one of her favs.) Omegamon is almost, dare I say, becoming overused.


Gah, if they wanted to show off popular Digimon, why didn't they go with V-mon/Wormmon for Next Order instead of Agumon and Gabumon

Nostalgia considering they are targeting Digimon World 1 fans even harder this time. (which Agu and Gabu were the two only starters in that game)
Next Order and the region-lock means I'll probably never play Decode, which is too bad because it apparently addresses a lot of the complaints of the original.

It also introduces Rina, who was a pretty fun character in Cyber Sleuth. I would have wanted to see what she was about. And it's pretty crazy to think V-mon wasn't in the PSP version. Dude should have a guaranteed spot in every Digimon game at this point

Gah, if they wanted to show off popular Digimon, why didn't they go with V-mon/Wormmon for Next Order instead of Agumon and Gabumon for the 50th time? (I say this as a person who has Gabumon as one of her favs.) Omegamon is almost, dare I say, becoming overused.

Yeah, I'm not sure if I'll get around to Decode or not, but it looks so good, so I feel like maybe I'll try one of these days. But Next Order is so close.

Aside from World 1 nostalgia, I think that V-mon/Wormmon probably also wouldn't be picked given that 02 isn't the most fondly remembered series. You rarely see anything leaning too heavily on 02 nostalgia. If they were going to go for something other than Agumon/Gabumon for the 50th time, I feel like Guilmon/Terriermon would be more likely.

I do wish that we got some different starters. Cyber Sleuth went a little more left field with its choices, so it's a shame to see Next Order just being like "here's those Digimon you remember from Adventure" again. We need a good long rest from Agumon being the default starter after this.
Nostalgia considering they are targeting Digimon World 1 fans even harder this time. (which Agu and Gabu were the two only starters in that game)

Sure, but they've been nostalgia pandering with the World games for a while now. Even if they didn't push it as hard, Re: Digitize tread that ground pretty thoroughly. I just wish they'd give us a little more diversity in the starting lineup. :/

Yeah, I'm not sure if I'll get around to Decode or not, but it looks so good, so I feel like maybe I'll try one of these days. But Next Order is so close.

Aside from World 1 nostalgia, I think that V-mon/Wormmon probably also wouldn't be picked given that 02 isn't the most fondly remembered series. You rarely see anything leaning too heavily on 02 nostalgia. If they were going to go for something other than Agumon/Gabumon for the 50th time, I feel like Guilmon/Terriermon would be more likely.

I do wish that we got some different starters. Cyber Sleuth went a little more left field with its choices, so it's a shame to see Next Order just being like "here's those Digimon you remember from Adventure" again. We need a good long rest from Agumon being the default starter after this.

02 is remembered pretty fondly by tons of people. It's mostly people like us who hate it. :p There are those who rank it over Adventure, believe it or not. Crazy stuff.

And I chose V-mon/Wormmon because it seems they want to go for a jogress angle. Guilmon and Terriermon don't have that.


02 is remembered pretty fondly by tons of people. It's mostly people like us who hate it. :p There are those who rank it over Adventure, believe it or not. Crazy stuff.

And I chose V-mon/Wormmon because it seems they want to go for a jogress angle. Guilmon and Terriermon don't have that.

I can't really fault them for going for Agumon every time so much. He IS the mascot, after all. But I do echo the sentiment to at least toss in V-mon, more, too. If nobody else from the 02 era gets onto a roster, V-mon usually clinches it easily.
I can't really fault them for going for Agumon every time so much. He IS the mascot, after all. But I do echo the sentiment to at least toss in V-mon, more, too. If nobody else from the 02 era gets onto a roster, V-mon usually clinches it easily.

It's not just Agumon really, they've been focusing a lot on the Digimon from Adventure for the past few years (because of the anniversary and Tri, I suppose). It would be nice to see the Digimon from other seasons or just ones that were never main characters at all get their time to shine. (Cyber Sleuth handled that nicely, I think.)

What would be really cool is if they designed new Digimon starters for these games, like Dawn and Dusk, but now I'm just day-dreaming.
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