Ep 1: Aha, the shipping triangle begins!! Also Takeru with another girl? Nononono

Nice to see them start with the humans first, and it feels very Hosoda with the drama. Also, flip phones: I'm dumb, I wondered why they were using older tech, when I remembered that this takes place last decade >_> I noticed hints of Taichi becoming an ambassador.. Hmmm... Also, I'm surprised he was so reluctant to call on Agumon to help fight.
Ep 2: OMG that fight scene!!! (And heh, Jurassic Park t-rex sound bites as part of Kuwagumon's roars

) Seeing Angemon off the bat with no restriction was amazing, and that Tailmon tag-team! Also, it's officially Biyomon, not Piyomon now? Also, the secret service has a very Hypnos feel to it^^
Ep 3: Jou has a girlfriend? Oh noooo my Joimi >_> Althought they were signs of Kouimi in there too... I guess we were right to look more into that cafe promo pic

Also, darn they still dubtitle Tailmon as Gatomon >_> Boo. Same with Digidestined instead of Chosen Children. The digital space thing is really neat though.
Ep 4: Return of the goggles! Also darn, the worldwide Chosen Children are still a thing >_> Well, at least they kept Omegamon's name or else Alphamon vs Omnimon would've been silly. Meikuumon is too cute! I need to know more about them! Return of Taito too
It's weird hearing quiet fights instead of hearing them yell out their attacks. Some grunts or roars would've worked though, my only nitpick.