More Fun To Compute
Yeah, but are there any loadouts that are not in the store?
No, only skins.
Yeah, but are there any loadouts that are not in the store?
Apparently Alienware sent me an email, but I haven't gotten one yet. Hopefully they are just backed up.
Is one of the skyhammer cards a timik47? Already got the m4 in founder's and I don't really use that because I prefer the timik47. Would be a shame to get another![]()
Apparently Alienware sent me an email, but I haven't gotten one yet. Hopefully they are just backed up.
So what's stopping people from creating multiple accounts to get keys? Maybe it's only 1 key per DB account?Alienware cases are up on the Arena site.
So what's stopping people from creating multiple accounts to get keys? Maybe it's only 1 key per DB account?
So what's stopping people from creating multiple accounts to get keys? Maybe it's only 1 key per DB account?
1 per account according to another post on this thread.
The Alienware keys only give Aura or Skyhammer? Boo
Has the meta changed much? Are Skyhammer and Bushwhacker still the best of their respective classes? Or has Sparks chimed in.
Phantom's release means that the most competitive characters are the ones who can survive the katana. Sawbones, Fragger, Bushwhacker, and Skyhammer are the best at the moment. I still think Fragger is better than Skyhammer on most maps (Chapel being a notable exception). Sparks is out of the running, especially with the changes to the revive mechanics.
Phantom's release means that the most competitive characters are the ones who can survive the katana. Sawbones, Fragger, Bushwhacker, and Skyhammer are the best at the moment. I still think Fragger is better than Skyhammer on most maps (Chapel being a notable exception). Sparks is out of the running, especially with the changes to the revive mechanics.
I was going to buy Bushwhacker this weekend, so just double checking.
Digging Nader during the free rotation. XP just for shooting grenades? Yes, please.
because previously proxy, aura, and fletcher were MASSIVELY overpowered
MASSIVELY overpowered
Adjusted view kick so the kick speed also scales up with the amount of incoming damage received
You could compensate for it before. Now you cannot, due to how quickly the punch occurs. People are absolutely correct about it.Why are people flipping shit now over the view kick when you are shot? All they did was adjust the speed of the kick, not the amount of kick. And people are saying they ruined the game by adding "aimpunch".
Here is what they did:
Much game breaker.
You could compensate for it before. Now you cannot, due to how quickly the punch occurs. People are absolutely correct about it.
It reduces skill ceiling. It gives a bonus to the person who shoots first. It makes it so mercs with focus have a huge advantage against one that doesnt. Fragger w/ K121/focus now wins 100% against Skyhammer who doesn't even have focus available.
When DirtyBomb got into Open Beta and with its first patches i personally thought Splash Damage learned from their mistakes. With the introduction of aimpunch I'm sadly proven otherwise. While many people are up and in arms about the introduction of the new merc Phantom, this cruicial balancing issue is slipping through the cracks of the community and is sadly not discussed enough.
So are people gonna be jerks over the credits boost this weekend? Played Bridge, 3vs6, other team refused to balance out and instead surrounded spawn with Phantom running through the middle. Afterward they congratulated themselves on how easy the game was. Ugh.
I want to see a game where shotguns are OP up to around 130 yards like in real life.Shotguns are OP in close range, as they should be.
People not understanding the current situation doesn't make them wrong for not enjoying the way it is.I've seen people say that they added view kick in the last patch, as if it didn't even exist before.
354 points (90% upvoted) <- shows that people don't even understand the change to rage about it in the first place
I won't comment on the skill ceiling thing, I'll need to play more this patch. I barely notice the difference between this patch and the last, personally. Fragger with a loadout designed to win gunfights sounds like it actually should win most fights against skyhammer who isn't. They've designed the game that way. That is the game this is believe it or not. This was discussed heavily during alpha. I'm not saying this change should remain on that basis, but just pointing out that an equally skilled fragger is meant to beat an equally skilled skyhammer in a straight up 1v1 fight.
People not understanding the current situation doesn't make them wrong for not enjoying the way it is.
Ah, the credits number is so uneven I figured it was tied to performance, but maybe it's match time?It shouldn't make much of a difference I think because whether you win or lose you get about the same credits. People will be people though and they don't want to be the one who changes from a winning team. That'll happen regardless of 2x credits unfortunately.
The least they could do is proper armour and health mitigation. Even with a sliver of armour bar left, if you run over a mine, you still take no health damage. That should be fixed. Or well, at least that's what other people are telling me about how the system currently works.After getting the credits to try out Phantom, I don't think he really has a place in this game. He's absurd in PUG matches and a slightly worse Fragger in competitive. He's not worthless in competitive, since he does have the Kek 10, but he does mostly what Fragger does. He's been really useful for defending objectives, but with the change to revives you see less of Sparks so he doesn't have an easy target to jump on (not that most good teams would have Sparks anywhere near the objective pre-nerf). On the other hand, against teams without good communication (every match almost with pugs) I can pretty easily steamroll them.
Which I guess explains the difficulty of balancing him. If it was just the PUG matches, removing the Kek-10 and shield would be fine. But those are the things that give him any value in competitive.
Lol, I've been dominating as a Silver Nader with SMG-9 all day. Jump into group spraying bullets to kill one guy then pressing f immediately after I go down for an easy triple kill.
Please, don't nerf. It's just too good.
P.S. Ran into two hackers today in competitive, always fun.
SD is really trying to get me to stop playing their game.
I just don't understand how they could think Phantom wouldn't absolutely ruin the balance and enjoyment of the game. Any games ive played since the update that had phantom in them, hes absolutely run away with the game. Like thousands of points higher than anyone else. Forget trying to repair objectives, defuse, or line up orbital strikes with Kira, the second you have to stand still or focus on something for 2 seconds.. "KNIFE TO SEE YOU".
It took a game I had been really enjoying and turned it into an absolute chore. I uninstalled it so I can go play something I do enjoy. The balance is the game is just fucked now
I kinda feel the same, the game became way less fun with Phantom in it.
I just won 5 Stopwatch games in a row.
Small sample size, but I had a Phantom on my team and the enemy team each time. Wasn't a factor at all.
Is it just me, or is the aim speed "off" on trying to actually get a grip on shooting people? Even going as low as the mouse speed/acceleration as I can, I still feel like the game's aiming isn't accurate.
I'm not quite following what you mean by aim speed, but I have heard that with UE3 you shouldn't go lower than 5 sensitivity since it gets buggy. I'm not sure how accurate that is with DB though tbh.
Say someone is standing in front of you. Your crosshair is directly on them. Now they A/D strafe one way. You try to follow. You're either going too fast/slow to match their movement to keep a bead on them. Aimspeed.