:/ I could've sworn I had done it in the past (along with a few others at the time) but many people have been coming around saying that you can't. I guess we were all just mistaken and you really can only have just the one.
That's . . . hmmm. Well, whatever. That would have been too haxx anyway. I guess I'll be ready to patch sooner than expected at least. xD
Have you heard anything about what Heart's Shadow can do?
E: No luck googling. I'm starting to think a better question would be if anyone's even gotten one on an item before. xD
Maybe something to do with Heart Cannon. Wild guess though. never seen one myself.
Where were you getting the other 1B hp from, scy?
And, if I'm doing it right, monsters hp caps at a much, much lower number, even with four fused together. -______-
And, if I'm doing it right, monsters hp caps at a much, much lower number, even with four fused together. -______-
HP * Aptitude * WeaponInnocent * Rarity Multiplier * Blight House
(99,999,999 * 2) * (300%) * (600%) * (1.3) * (1.1) = 5.1B.
400M for base HP + two Trapezohedrons is around +500-550M HP (0 to 6 bills) so we're at 5.6B with 5.7ish possible with Muscles instead.
After that, you can stack Leader bonuses and General Advisor, though I'm actually not sure where those stack now that I'm explaining out the process; that is, are they part of that 399,999,996 pre-equipment cap or not.
Use a captured Land of Carnage monster with Gimmick Body + Vortex for your Magichange weapons. With Beast Lab and a Magichange Lover involved, you only need to have 182M HP. As a bonus, you'll have 99,999,999 in all stats without even trying!
I meant for general use, not for when using them as magichange weapons. As in, humans can max at 6B+ hp with all things considered, but monsters can't. I think I was getting around 1.5B, but I'm not as careful with the math as you are, still, it wouldn't be more than 2B likely.
There are a LOT of crazy things you can do, though. Between Magichange and Fusions and Geo Boxing, my brain is getting filled up with "Da fuck?!" moments all the time. Is there a good place to start to get a really good overall feel for the game and the mechanics of everything?
I AM curious about Geo Blocks and priority of destruction, though. If you, for example, throw a prinny between two of them (a red and blue) and the ground is green...What color does it become first? I know it's trivial, but 1-1 was a Geo Block puzzle and I spent forever trying to solve it (I was doing it ALL wrong) because I couldn't figure out the change priority. Again, I learned that this didn't matter once I learned how to do it correctly.
Also, how do I level up my party members? I feel like a few of them are leveling a lot faster than others, but I try and use everyone equally. I'm sure there's effective ways to power level later, but I'm gathering that early game, you have to plan better when trying to level...I think...
So I got this with my PS3 for Christmas. Sorry for the necro-bump, but I figured this would be the best place to start.
I'm only a few levels into Episode 1, but I'm already feeling pretty overwhelmed. I've never played a Disgaea game (or really any SRPG...No, not even FFT or anything like it), so I was hoping this would introduce me to the genre and get me more interested. So far, I enjoy it. It's really fun, the dialogue is corny yet enjoyable, and I've not felt like I need to be a hardcore mega strategy gamer to succeed (yet).
There are a LOT of crazy things you can do, though. Between Magichange and Fusions and Geo Boxing, my brain is getting filled up with "Da fuck?!" moments all the time. Is there a good place to start to get a really good overall feel for the game and the mechanics of everything?
I realize I could just keep on playing and learn as I go, which I intended to do initially. But with all the things there are to learn and do and manipulate in this game, some sort of base direction would be REALLY beneficial I feel.![]()
haha i remembered feeling a bit overwhelmed too when i first started the game (D4 is my first Disgaea too). It really boggles my mind when i realise there's always at least 1000 ways to clear each level.
My tip would be to proceed at your own pace and focus on stuff you find useful. I know i could never make full use of all the mechanics in the first few chapters. Planning evil areas and minister effects used to give me huge headaches (that's the part of the fun though)
Props to scy for the helpful explanations, i've learnt quite a few things today.
I am one trophy away from the platinum, and holy mother of god am I starting to get burned out. Currently have 230 hours logged. I really want to push this last trophy out just to finish it off, hopefully I can stick through it. Luckily I've got the worst trophies out of the way, but man it's really starting to feel like a chore.
Targeting as far as enemies and AOE goes only happens in the order you input your attacks. all targets receive damage/health at the same time. just the geo panel explosion has a priority which spreads out in the pattern posted above.
Im at the middle of ep2, but some of the new stuffs are overwhelming, like the item world, which I never played a lot in D3, so I don't know shit about pirates and subdue specialists.
Why sometimes when i call the senators for something, there are senators from other worlds (online people), is it random?
And I dont like the limit to make new characters.. they didn't explain that if I used an evil symbol and if the red block of the symbol would be above a character, he just dies... lost a good caster like that.
Can I remove the default evil symbol? the one that doesnt do shit... forgot the name...
Huh? The only way to remove a character permanently is to manually select the delete option.
I finally got the platinum a few weeks ago. Some of the last few items, those R34 snacks in particular, were a pain in the ass. I remember looking at the trophy list when it first came out and thinking it wouldn't be as bad as D3's, but between the snacks, the pirate ship parts and weapons holy shit was I wrong. Still, despite the grind at the end this had to be my favorite game this year.
I think my final time was around 180 hours or so, probably with an additional 30 hours of reloading not accounted for.
When they explain what the evil symbol are, I had all my land slot full, and I used the one that is like a "+" which the center block is red, so I used it and since all the slot were full the caster that was at the middle just dissapeared, I can no longer see it on my character list.
Yeah, that character should be in the Support Group due to having no space for them anymore.
They receive it at the same time, as far as how it's displayed, but there's a priority still. Unless it's been changed, anyway. It's typically only relevant for Triple EXP and simultaneous Geo Block kills, though, so I never really tested it ever again after finding it in Disgaea 1 so it might have been removed, I guess.
Well, i did it. Today i got the platinum trophy. This was my first ever Disgaea game, and definitely wont be my last. Although i will say, after about 170ish hours finishing up those last few trophies was pretty grueling. My final playtime was about 240 hours.
Loved the game up until the last 50-60 hours or so, but i have to say, im glad to put this behind me.
Wow congrats! I wonder when will i ever get that elusive platinum![]()
Do yourself a favor. For the Special Stalker trophy, forget about the old combat trainer and look for a custom map by User: Widget624, Strength: 4,200,429. I actually managed to collect 9/12 of them on my own until I realized that there's both a t7 and a t8 trainer, and which one you get randomly shows up with the t7 trainer having about a 2x chance of showing up as the t8 trainer. What this means is that even though the trainer is already rare enough, once you do find him you're more likely to get the t7 trainer. So after you max out all the t7 skills, you end up finding a t7 trainer again who won't teach you anything!
That pissed me off, and I found this user Widget624.
For the Pimp My Ship trophy, you can also save yourself some trouble by using this spreadsheet.
For the Items Roadshow trophy, ironically the very last item I ended up getting was one of the serums that the cat in the IW tower jumping room sells. So another word of advice: Every single time you see that room, go up to him and buy anything with a New icon on it. He doesn't sell everything every time, and the room is not very common anyway, so I ended up having to spend 3 hours just going through IW trying to get that room to show up and for him to be carrying the last item I needed.
Just picked it today and its patching now
Haven't touched this game since October myself; I just restored my PS3 after having to buy a new console, and did not back up the 1.12 patch I had. I did not have to download it or 1.13, just 1.14.Man. I put my Disgaea 4 playthrough on hold about a month ago because I didn't feel like messing with that 1 GB patch (and the background downloading options for PS3 seem to be so screwed up anyway). Now there's another GB patch? Please don't tell me I have to download both 1.12 and 1.13.