AgentOtaku said:People do know about tapping the dpad twice flips the camera quicker right?
Sorry to bring it up, but don't remeber it being mentioned and it feels better than constantly hitting the awkardly placed C-button
JohngPR said:One thing I'm really disappointed with is the lack of voice acting. It would have been awesome to hear Mickey mouth actually voice his lines during the cutscenes! They are pretty damn cool and would have added a lot to it IMO, especially considering that the subtitles go pretty fast, guaranteeing that my 8 year old son might not be able to keep up with it. All you get is Rare like sounds that emote what they are feeling.
AgentOtaku said:Played for about 30 minutes
but the inspired bits are there.
About the camera:
People do know about tapping the dpad twice flips the camera quicker right?
Sorry to bring it up, but don't remeber it being mentioned and it feels better than constantly hitting the awkardly placed C-button
TheDrowningMan said:I'm liking this more and more as I progress - the camera issue has been almost extinguished through familiarity now, although I have to concede that it shouldn't need the amount of user control it does.
It's full of great moments and some of the choices to be made are really forcing me to deliberate.
gamingeek said:In the 11 hours I have played maybe 10 minutes of that was the camera annoying me or causing me to die. If you came through the N64 and PS era of 3D platformers the camera really shouldn't be that much of a problem to overcome IMO.
gamingeek said:In the 11 hours I have played maybe 10 minutes of that was the camera annoying me or causing me to die. If you came through the N64 and PS era of 3D platformers the camera really shouldn't be that much of a problem to overcome IMO.
TheDrowningMan said:I agree with that. I can see that it's problematic, that better is expected nowadays, but I think it's a great shame some have seen it as reason enough to toss the game aside and not bother going any further (I've seen mention of it being hard to paint - well, surely you cannot be going into first person mode using the 1 button, then!). There's an excellent game in there, and you don't have to dig especially deep to find it.
gamingeek said:In the 11 hours I have played maybe 10 minutes of that was the camera annoying me or causing me to die. If you came through the N64 and PS era of 3D platformers the camera really shouldn't be that much of a problem to overcome IMO.
MYE said:Fuck the lukewarm reception its getting here, this game is AWESOME![]()
Seriously, so far i'm loving it more than i probably should. This game is overloading with charm and personality. Been playing non-stop since i got home from work and had to stop because of a massive headache i have right now :lol
If it doesnt suddenly go to shit afterthere is NO WAY in hell this is a below 8.0 game as far as i'm concerned.Mean Street
And i almost cancelled my pre-order because of this thread........
Wizpig said:I need help finding the fourth Phone boxnear Mickey's and Clarabelle's house. :/
edit. and i don't understand why the music sometimes skips/hiccups during battles. the battle music, that is.
Rez said:I can't bring myself to play this anymore.
Luckily I have DK Returns (World 3), Kirby (Last World) and Sonic Colours (untouched) waiting for me.
Extremely disappointed. So many glaring issues, the most obvious of which are directly related to player movement and interaction with the world (god awful pointer, super-slow camera that can't be inverted on any axis, centre button that just doesn't work the majority of the time, a shake that doesn't work with anywhere near the precision of Galaxy or DK) and the most awful of which are related to the quest design (unbearably tedious, repetitive fetch quest design, annoying pause for a few seconds before the A button appears to interact and a fade to black before the character interacts with anything).
Mediocre in nearly every respect. The first hour or so had so much potential. I was one of the people singing this game's praises. Now, I'm done.
apana said:Were you a big fan of Banjo Kazooie and Mario 64. Is the game anywhere near that quality?
apana said:I still find both of those games to be incredibly fun. Are you having a lot of technical/control issues?
i really got this vibe from all the post release footage, giant bomb's quick look in particular. i'm really disappointed, too. i know i haven't played it but i think it's fair to say i know i won't enjoy it very much.Rez said:I can't bring myself to play this anymore.
Luckily I have DK Returns (World 3), Kirby (Last World) and Sonic Colours (untouched) waiting for me.
Extremely disappointed. So many glaring issues, the most obvious of which are directly related to player movement and interaction with the world (god awful pointer, super-slow camera that can't be inverted on any axis, centre button that just doesn't work the majority of the time, a shake that doesn't work with anywhere near the precision of Galaxy or DK) and the most awful of which are related to the quest design (unbearably tedious, repetitive fetch quest design, annoying pause for a few seconds before the A button appears to interact and a fade to black before the character interacts with anything).
Mediocre in nearly every respect. The first hour or so had so much potential. I was one of the people singing this game's praises. Now, I'm done.
MYE said:
MYE said:
Hard to argue with these science and facts.Kandinsky said:I cannot believe how wrong gaf is about this game:lol
LevityNYC said:Anyone else have the Mickey figure be broken on arrival? Both of his ears were broken when it arrived today from Amazon.
Rez said:I can't bring myself to play this anymore.
Extremely disappointed. So many glaring issues, the most obvious of which are directly related to player movement and interaction with the world (god awful pointer, super-slow camera that can't be inverted on any axis, centre button that just doesn't work the majority of the time, a shake that doesn't work with anywhere near the precision of Galaxy or DK) and the most awful of which are related to the quest design (unbearably tedious, repetitive fetch quest design, annoying pause for a few seconds before the A button appears to interact and a fade to black before the character interacts with anything).
Mediocre in nearly every respect. The first hour or so had so much potential. I was one of the people singing this game's praises. Now, I'm done.
Eteric Rice said:Mine's nose was broke. But luckily I could stick it back in.
Unless the nose is supposed to be off. /shrugs.
LevityNYC said:What is up with the pointer?
The cursor movement isn't smooth. Its the first thing I noticed even when selecting a new game. At first I thought my sensor bar was acting up, but its not. The cursor is just kinda stiff, if that makes any sense. If you played Mario Galaxy you saw how smooth it should be. Its just odd, but you get used to it.
I am still enjoying the game, but the cursor thing is just weird.