The completionist in me is at war with my common sense.
I can tell you which side is going to win, but you're not going to like it.
I haven't used them yet but Disney uploaded a Toy Box based on Frozen. I know it's not a full playset but it still may be fun?How are the characters from Frozen it? Still getting enjoyment out of them with no playset?
Also, what's this about the Power Discs and seeing what they are before you open them? Do you do that at the store with the demo unit, or are you taking them home, testing them, and then returning them? Are you... allowed to exchange them? At my TRU they keep the Power Discs right at the register to prevent people from stealing them I guess, they let you just swap them out if you find one you already have?
There's only six "worlds", and three of them come in the starter pack. Cars, The Lone Ranger, and Toy Story in Space are only available in their respective packs.
Disney thought it would be a grand idea to only allow characters from that world to play in there--no Cars in Monsters University, no Woody in The Lone Ranger, etc.
Mickey is one of the "Toy Box Only" characters. You can only play with them in the Toy Box, and the only "world" they have is a weak Adventure level like "collect x number of y for stars".
Each Toy Box Only character can unlock 2-6 toys in Character Chests that randomly spawn in prebuilt Toy Box worlds.
I highly recommend choosing the flat empty default Toy Box, adding some Large Terrain to the sides, and wait for the chests to spawn.
You can see a full list of Character Chest unlockables here.
The only benefit to characters like Jack Skellington, Ralph, Rapunzel, etc. is that they are fun to play around with...for a while. And the toys themselves look nice.
But outside of the Toy Box, they're literally worthless. No upgrades, no skills, nothing.
Basically we're all hoping that Disney Infinity 2 is more like Skylanders and allows switching between worlds.
Personally I'd love an overarching story where all the Disney villains gather together and overtake character worlds. Then you could have a squadron of Disney characters to summon at will.
How are the characters from Frozen it? Still getting enjoyment out of them with no playset?
I believe Target sells it for about $60.Is it still possible to get the full series 2 power disc set anywhere?
I believe Target sells it for about $60.
Just checked online, and they do sell it online and in stores but it's currently sold out online so YMMV for stores.
Anyone here try the PC version? Looks like you get all your characters if you log in with your account, but you can't use the base or thus, the figures, power ups, etc. It's free to download, and it appears to be the retail game, not the toybox-only thing from before.
Hey I don't own the Disney infinity starter pack or have any plans to own it in the near future but I am interested in buying the frozen Play set can you guys give me feedback regarding the quality of those figures.
They're ace but you have to be careful. I have friends who collect just the figures and don't even own the game, some of them are reeeeeally nice. But, again, be careful. Sometimes the paint jobs are kind of wonky (Dash's freckles, Vanellope's eyes, etc). I've been 'that guy' and looked at like 5-6 different figures before making my purchase before.![]()
Got my Sorcerer Mickey!
Next step is getting a full set of Series 2 Power Discs. If anyone has extras they'd be willing to let go of, let me know.
PM me if you want to do trading. I have several extras.
FINALLY finished my Race through Disney level which lets you race through seven different Disney environments. Maxed out my toy bar too. Does uploading send it to Disney for possible sharing? Cuz I want people to see this bad boy.
So apparently Disney announced that both Marvel and Star Wars properties will be joining Disney Infinity in the future. The article was worded kinda poorly and I couldn't tell if they meant added to the main game or getting their own versions of Infinity (aka Marvel Infinity, Star Wars Infinity, Disney Infinity... Jesus fuck I hope they don't do that but at the same time, it'd save me from having to buy any Star Wars shit.)
New thread for new news or does anyone care anymore?
I feel like they really fucked up the release of the Playsets to keep people playing until the next game because since Toy Story last year there is no new content other than a handful of characters that can only be used in Toy Box mode. Whoops.
link to the announcement? I cannot find anything online.
Marvel and Star Wars properties on Infinity make me kind of splitted: on one side I would like them to be separated games (I do not think Marvel, SW and Disney mixes that well) and on another side I do not want to invest that kind of money on another game (Skylanders and DI make my wallet cry already).
Here's two I found:
Also, I'm almost done with my S2 power disc collection. I'll admit that I enjoy the game and the Toy Box more than most, but I think they need to expand the capabilities of it more (more space, more triggers, more goals, more ways to reward the player, etc). They also NEED to release more play sets. Like, REALLY need to do that with DI2.
not sure if anyone still plays this, but the PC version is so much nicer than the console version, apart from not being MP obviously
Just runs more smoothly
Gave the PC version a try real quick after seeing this and it really does run better. I may goof around with the game again for awhile instead of just buying all the figures. Any idea if the physical power discs work for this version? I saw you can buy them digitally but considering I already have most of them I'm not going to repurchase.