Minnie has a secret wand. As far as I know there are secret wands for Alice, Cinderella, Aladdin, Mickey, Minnie, Donald, and Goofy. The character wands have their own unique magic

attack. I'm not sure if Pirates has a secret wand but I hope so because I like the special attack for them. I haven't finished the Pirates DLC yet so I'm not sure if a recipe exists. So far I've gotten Alice, Aladdin, Mickey, and Minnie. Minnie's is probably the easiest.
Even if your café has an 8 combo w/ 1 being secret, getting a medal is still seemingly random. I personally have not been able to get a medal for anything less than 2 secret combos so it may just increase your odds the more exclamation marks you have.
Some other observations I and others have made:
- When a character is ready to give you a medal, an exclamation mark will appear over their head so you'll know if you get one before you talk to them.
- Characters seem to appear with certain other characters when they give you a medal. Mickey appears with Minnie. Minnie appears with Mickey. Alice appears with Cheshire Cat and White Rabbit. Aladdin appears in his prince outfit with Jasmine. I had the two show up before but he was wearing his street garb and I didn't get the medal.
- This just may be a pure coincidence, but each time I got a medal from someone, that character was visiting Castleton at that time. I probably held around 15 parties with a secret combo of 3 for Alice and I was getting every other Wonderland character visiting except her. The next time she was in town, I got a medal first try (it probably won't be first try though).
- Don't forget to use the food secret combo! Especially for Aladdin.
I've clocked in about 75 hours sitting at 98 medals.