Glad to hear

From what I've heard, this game has GOTY potential for RPG fans.
Even for non fans. I liked Balder's Gate 2, and I enjoyed the first part of Planescape when I tried it recently (the clunky ui and visuals were too much for me though), and while the genre has always interested me, the only rpgs that have really grabbed me have been more modern titles such as Dragon Age: Origins, KotoR, Mass Effect, etc...
I did enjoy Titan Quest for a while, but the lack of interactivity bothered me and I grew bored.
Divinity: OS seems to fix all the issues I've had with the more dungeon crawler type rpgs, and the updated UI and visuals solve the issues I have with the older games.
It's the exact game I've been waiting for to make my first real step into the old-school style of rpgs.
As mentioned above, it's the mix of old-school design and modern updates that make this so great. It truly feels like a game made by gamers who love gaming. I wish more developers had this much focused passion (or maybe they do and it's just the removal of studio shackles, either way I wish it were more common).
Me and the guy who sits next to me at work are so hyped, we've been talking about it all day.