Silly question I'm sure but how do you parry? Unless it's not available yet to me. I know how to parry projectiles with Osiris but that's it. Unless that's actually all you can parry.
Just time your attack to clash with their attack. Just use Pop in the direction of the enemy's attack, it's not that hard at all.Silly question I'm sure but how do you parry? Unless it's not available yet to me. I know how to parry projectiles with Osiris but that's it. Unless that's actually all you can parry.
Sessler has the worst facial hair in the world. Such a terrible look.
Brad is fucking terrible at the old DMCs. He even admitted it himself. He likes Donte may Cry because it doesn't require any skill to play. He's prectically the posterboy of the "Press A for Awesome" crowd.
old grizzled dante could actually be an interesting take on
You know, people saying stuff like Donte May Cry do a really good job of making themselves seem so childish. Really now, Donte? What is this, Gamefaqs?
So did anybody see this gem they had at GDC?
So did anybody see this gem they had at GDC?
So did anybody see this gem they had at GDC?
Edit- I just noticed, they edited his left leg to be behind the cowboys. So they literally photoshopped Dante to be straddling the guy on the left (Jake Gyllenhal?). You so edgy Ninja Theory.
I was at this panel. This slide was meant as a joke in relation to Capcom saying they should imagine DMC as a western movie.
Did anyone laugh?
I was at this panel. This slide was meant as a joke in relation to Capcom saying they should imagine DMC as a western movie. The slide after this one showed Dante with Tyler Durden from Fight Club.
So relax. You're making something out of nothing.
grow up, dude.
That's still an image that's going to get a rise out of a lot of people given the shitting Ninja Theory did to Dante in the past, and in general was pretty poor taste. I don't think Brokeback Mountain was selected just because it has cowboys in it.
If that's how you feel, then fine. Though everyone in attendance got a good laugh out of it. There clearly wasn't any negative intentions in mind for this pic.
Just let it go, seriously. Cause NT did. Antonaides and a few other NT devs were there and they seemed to be in great spirits, they even said they had a ton of fun making it despite all the backlash.Meh, whatevs. I just don't think it's coincidental that they put the Dante more people preferred into a picture featuring two gay cowboys especially after the game had already tanked, just as a simple joke. That's an awful lot of white-knighting for me to swallow at once.
Plus, in general, a Brokeback Mountain joke? Didn't those stop being cute seven years ago?
In regards to the concept art they showed I have to say that the Dante we got in the final game is the best option. Some of those concepts they showed were god awful.
Just let it go, seriously. Cause NT did. Antonaides and a few other NT devs were there and they seemed to be in great spirits and, they even said they had a ton of fun making it despite all the backlash.
Honestly, they can't even make jokes about anything with people jumping down there throats.
I don't get the joke... obviously any video game character would look odd in live action movie (especially when you just photoshop the render onto a movie scene). Like what's the point of Dante in full Gilgamesh armor right next to Tyler in Fight Club?
I still can't get over Jason Statham Dante.
I still wake up some days... dreaming that T-Rex Vergil was real...
If they made Dante out to be gay... why use him in the Fight Club pic? I mean I would've bought it if they used him in both gay movies.
I guess they wanted a Western with young good looking dudes and BB popped up in their mind. Just like they thought of a good looking actor like Brad Pitt and put Dante next to him in one of his most iconic movies.
They have had their say on the character and it wasn't compelling. They can joke about old Dante all they want but what they produced wasn't really an upgrade... just different for the sake of being different. I guess that's why I don't really care much anymore, I guess my stance would've been different if they released this image before releasing DmC's release. I can't be bothered being offended by NT's antics anymore.
Yeah, a lot of people did. They got the joke because they knew the context it was in.
Here's an article explaining what happened at the panel.
In terms of actual environments, Ninja Theory originally had different plans in mind. When researching the previous games, they noticed that environments were always lifeless and made Dante look relatively small in comparison
Their original plan was to incorporate crowds of NPC characters to populate the demonic environments, a la Assassin's Creed. While they didn't elaborate on what they proposed to do with them exactly, they did say Capcom producers quickly shot down the idea in fear of it sucking up too many resources.
BeautifulMemory: lifeless does not translate to bland. I have the same feeling about all DMC backgrounds: lifeless. Static, completely and utterly Resident Evil-like. A remnant from a previous decade.
I did not have a PROBLEM with it, as I loved the original Resident Evil games, but it certainly is a trait of them. It would surely feel weird if Capcom goes back to DMC5 and incorporates nothing from DmC's innovations in this regard.
Ah fuck...BF4 was showcased with a 7990. That visual fidelity aint happening on next gen consoles.
Just look at DmC for your answer.Better question; how much does Capcom Japan hate everyone and everything?
So did anybody see this gem they had at GDC?
Let me guess. For the Fight Club mock-up, they had their DmC Dante rendition because it looks so much "grittier" and "modern".
They showed off more of the older concepts for Dante at GDC.
Strangely, the one on the left of this image seems weirder for me, in the context of being Dante, than any of the other concepts:
Will there even be a DmC 2 though? Sales were kinda bad... I'd say DMC5 would be more likely. Or maybe the series is done. I hope not though, I want a DmC 2 personally.
I actually really liked that concept.